The last film you watched is now part of the Cloverfield franchise, what changes?

The last film you watched is now part of the Cloverfield franchise, what changes?

Not much. I watched that brawl in cell number something and it was shit already.

Well, nothing. Smokey and the bandit doesn't relate to clovershit at all.

cenobites are now HUGE

Reign Over Me.
Not much changes just replace two planes with a giant monster.

>Murder on the Orient Express
The train is hit by the monster instead of the avalanche.

>The Thin Red Line
John Goodman is now a Japanese and had good reason to be locked in a bomb shelter.

The ritual - the monster is now the Cloverfield monster

Adum please leave

The monster comes out of the old city at the end, and Lupin and the gang end up having to fight THAT.

>Jason Lives
I guess Jason is now the Cloverfield monster.
I'm baffled that jew jew turned this into a franchise.

>instead of frogs reigning down from the sky the Cloverfield monster comes in to kill everyone
>the theme of coincidence/chance is still prevalent and untainted
The film is literally so perfect that not even JJ can ruin it.

The entire Third Reich is eaten by the Cloverfield monster, now remotely controlled by the Soviets

>The Cloverfield monster is actually one of Dr. Evil's robot monster things.
Wouldn't even be mad, baby.

>Netflix Fullmetal Alchemist

1. You see a slusho cup on a desk somewhere
2. You see a silhouette of the monster during the last 5 seconds

Fuck Cloverfield Paradox

the killing of a sacred deer, so shouldnt be too hard to make that fit just make jj the character of the kid and who is the interdimensional being in charge of the universe.

>The Death of Stalin
...everything I guess?
Stalin's death now somehow causes a literal vacuum that they must race to close off but Beria is determined to use the vacuum to control Russia and the world. Krushchev eventually defeats Beria and closes the vaccum only for the end twist to be that he created the vacuum in the first place because he's a satan-worshipping friend of Alastair Crowley or something

Humanity beat the Cloverfields but it took every resource they had and destroyed the planets ecosystem in the process resulting in a dying world ruled by corporations and inhabited only by those too poor to go Off-world.

>Grave Encounters 2
It turns out even more like nuBlair Witch with aliems and still remains shit.

>what changes?
About 1 minute.

>Entire movie follows the exact same plot
>Some scenes between Will, Sean and Prof. Lambeau are added and changed. Sean tells Will about some "exotic animals" he saw in Vietnam during the war. Will solves some math problems with Lambeau that are later revealed to be wormhole equations
>Chuckie can be seen watching a Godzilla/giant monster movie
>Ending is changed: instead of going back to his girlfriend, Will accepts a job at a company. He meets with the CEO, who is revealed to be Ganu Yoshida

Drunken master ii

Cloverfield and Gojira settle things with drunken boxing

It's all just one long first act, then I jerk off to myself in a mirror and go to bed.

His nose really pisses me off


Jackass 3D: Cloverfield edition

>IT (2017)
Come the sequel it turns out IT is really a Cloverfield monster.

>In the Mouth of Madness
Same exact thing, except he just inexplicably watches the first Cloverfield movie in the theatre at the end and really enjoys himself.

>The Death of Stalin
>Committee members vie to appear visible and brave to the Soviet people/press, all the while conniving to get the fuck out of dodge as fast as possible.

Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson team up, one being indestructible and the other being a great strategist.

At the climax, Bruce, still holding resentment that Sam caused so many deaths to find him, uses him as bait by rolling him out into the open where Cloverfield sees. Then Bruce jumps up off a skyscraper onto its back with a massive pack of explosives and detonates it right by clovrefields head or throws it in the mouth in a kamikaze move.

After the body falls on the ground Bruce uncovers himself of brain matter and monster goo and walks away real cool and Sam got what was due by getting killed.

>The Last Jedi
First Order's army discovers Cloverfield monster as their new weapon in the last 2 minutes.

It's shit.

His nose must have been fucking hilariously Jewish before the nose job.

I watched 'Lifeforce', so I guess it would be called 'Cloverfield Force' or Cloverforce'? Not much changes I guess. Maybe a Slusho cup somewhere, giant monster during the final fight?

>The Martian
Just as Matt Damon is about to leave Mars, a monster comes out of the ground with a nametag that says Hello My Name is Cloverfield. He kills it and escapes.

When he gets back to Earth, he learns that Sean Bean got beheaded for defying the NASA director's orders. Yes, every film, Sean.

Kristen Wiig talks to Damon about the alien he killed. She says: "I guess you weren't the Martian, after all."

He says: "No... I was The Martian 2."

*Give me fuel, give me five starts to play*

I watched the Ritual of Netflix, it could fit in I guess


>The Other Side of the Underneath

it's an asylum for people with PTSD who're victims of the attack of clover and the drugs are suppressants that stop the tick creatures growing inside of them, the paranoid protagonist stops taking the pills and one of the tick monsters bursts out and devours everyone

> What we do in the Shadow
Everything is the same but Stu is replaced by the Cloverfield monster.

I would watch that

Can you remind me what the second one was like? I think I only saw the first one. What did you think of the first one?


Black Panther : killmonger is cloverfield monster and change in the final fight.

This is nice.

The only movies i legitimately get depressed over are coming of age films. When watch "depressing" movies i dont really feel much but with coming of age films maybe its me wanting something I would never get. Missing out in the prime of my youth. Anyone else get this feel?

Instead of a Russian satellite being shot to bits and then causing a cascade effect every 90 minutes, it's a space monster. Also, because we're seeing the destruction from Sandra Buttock's point of view, we never get a clear shot of the monster even though everything else is still crystal clear and realistic down to the last bolt.

God it's still a beautiful movie...

I completely accept Pink Flamingos being a part of the Cloverfield Franchise. It clears up so many questions from the first 3 movies. Great move on JJ's part on not making an original movie. Upon re watching it definitely cleared up plot holes and made up for the flop that was The Cloverfield Paradox

The monster eats a chicken leg out of steve o's ass while chris pontius rubs its butthole

The Grey, the Alpha Wolf was actually so large because it was harboring a Cloverfield parasite inside it that emerges at the end

The title.

heres how they would've changed it
>Vince Vaughn opens the door of the prison to a blinding light
>Instead of the sun as we expect its the lights of an Alien ship
>"I'm too old for this shit"

Oh yeah they would've changed the name to brawl in Cloverfield cell 99

back to their found footage roots, I see