This makes me sad. Why can't I have comedy without ultra-liberal faggots pushing their shitty agendas on me?

This makes me sad. Why can't I have comedy without ultra-liberal faggots pushing their shitty agendas on me?

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I don't care too much if it's slightly biased as long as it's still funny

See Jefferson vs Frederick Douglass. Second half was pretty preachy but it was fucking fire at the same time and I couldn't deny the wordplay was sharp

This one just felt lazy, wish Peter had done Trump instead of Lloyd but Le Lincoln meme had to happen

When he slapped Trump but not her I just said out loud, "eh, gay.."

Then don't watch it if it's gonna trigger you?

imagine if he slapped hillary
>muh misogyny 60% dislike leddit witch hunt

To be honest Trump won this battle.

LLyod did a great job as him

What are some good redpilled comedies to watch?

I can think of the Black Mirror, but that's mostly just sci fi thriller political satire rather than actual comedy, save for like two episodes.

The lincoln and Hillary parts were meh, but Trump's rap was spot on.

>watching epic rap battles of history

>black mirror

Why does anyone watch it?
It's just cringy garbage

2012 rap battle was objectively superior desu


It's the type of shit that preteens find cool but it's just cringy as fuck.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Redpilled af
Pic related

They should just stick to ancient history or fictional characters. Those ones are actually quite good

Soon as they use anything modern they go full liberal agenda pushing, and they turn out shit
Like the Caitlyn Jenner one

They actually used to be good (see: Mozart v. Skrillex, Einstein v. Hawking, Obama v. Romney)

It was actually funny and somewhat balanced until Lincoln showed up.

>black mirror
>in any way

>capstone of a long line of people going full retard when it comes to Trump

Yuge disappointment, consider how much I've liked their past videos. It's just fucking lazy; usually there are two sides and some kind of witty repartee, but this is just;


Because they're all made in LA. They're all Californians. What in the fuck did you expect?

I still watch it sometimes. It's quite good.

I wouldn't mind the liberal bias so much if every goddamn impression of Hillary is her in 'Yass queen slay' mode. Even if they poke fun at her every actress plays the part like a stronk womyn who doesn't even act like Hillary at all.

It's the opposite of what parody is supposed to be.

Black Mirror punches you in the dick and makes you thank it, are we watching the same show?

What pissed me off the most was how they were totally fine with Trump when he battled Ebeneezer Scrooge, but now they went full "RAYTHITH."

Abe didn't even slap Clinton, super obvious bias. Disliked, unsubbed, reported for being dogshit.

Try a different type of comedy.

The media, especially the comedy industry, is almost entirely owned by the Jewsiaks.

I know it's not a comedy for the most part, which I said in my post. That said, there are some episodes, such as the first episode of season 3, that could be considered comedy.

Don't forget that satire has its roots in comedy, and if nothing else, Black Mirror is satire.

How is Always Sunny redpilled in any way?

The very first episode is all about them being racists.

>ERB is coroporate owned, no longer small time
>suprised they're shilling

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Because to be funny you need to be a least slightly more than a half-wit, and the average "alt right" fag is better at taking black cock up their ass than they are at making a joke. Pic very related.

Because this shitty channel hasn't produced a good video in over 3 years.

Trump on this duel though

The Lincoln part was stupid

Many episodes are openly racist in a way that normies don't get, so they think it's funny. Not to mention in this modern day era of all TV shows being forced to have colored people as main characters Always Sunny does not. Check out the whole series, you'll see what I'm talking about

because jews
watch MDE World Peace instead

A great example of one recent episode is "Dennis and Mac Move To The Suburbs" when they talk about having to sleep in the same bed with a black guy as part of a bet

Gun control episode was pretty good too

Anyone who uses rap, even for comedic purposes, is using a jew inspired nigger music form and are traitors to the white race.




I liked Peters Trump better. They pulled their punches on Hillary and made Trump attack himself in normie ways. I liker trumps lines though haha but they tried to make him look evil. This is the problem with liberals they don't know which agenda to go with, is Trump stupid and incompetent or is he a cold and calculating evil tyrant. This is why the liberals have failed this election. This erb won't make Hillary more likeable either. Everyone hates her.

>in this modern day era of all TV shows being forced to have colored people as main characters Always Sunny does not
>Danny DeVito is an Italian

Do I even need to say it?

Learn this now: all non-jobs are swarming with leftists. Journalists, actors, authors, artists, comedians. The worthless people.





Go to the show and throw rotten eggs on them.
That`s in your theatrical tradition for a good reason.

I should have been more specific, brown people.

It was explicitly anti-Trump.

Every one of Trump's lines implied he was racist and sexist, and of course the ending showing that Hillary is the greater good and must defeat the "evil Trump"

The entire new season has just been SJW bullshit.

Because liberals don't like to live in reality so they use their imagination

is that a painting of a pedophile? what does it have to do with WW2? i'm confused


Did you guys notice they made his hands smaller

IASIP is one of the best comedy shows out there, but it's hardly "redpilled".
Their racism is meant to be based on ignorance to show that racism is stupid.
Not to show any unspoken racial realities.

>Black Mirror
>Red pilled

The raps are actually better than modern rap today due to the lyricism and effort put in them. My fav is the philosophers rap.

new Joe Rogan stand up on Netflix was pretty damn funny, based as well

The episode is mocking modern art. That's Frank having an epiphany and finally "understanding" it. Then he shows up in the rest of the episode like this.

It's supposed to be, but it doesn't. It just portrays unspoken racial realities.

yeah, it was a bearable video until lincoln showed up, they didnt even skewer hillary for claiming to be like lincoln, he was only there to shove their agenda down out throats

It's pretty shit, but the series was always pretty shit.

>watching (((youtube)))

...I actually enjoyed it.....well at least until lincoln showed up

It's as redpilled as you're going to get in modern times.
I would have to say the racism in Sunny is of the dog whistle variety, if you're redpilled you can see it, but normies think it's like you said, ignorant racism.

Same, Trump had the better zingers.

I don't even know why they chose to put that in there, because she mentioned Lincoln once? I mean what, in fact the only time she ever mentioned him was when she was going 110% Alzheimers mode grabbing at straws to explain her lies.

I don't get it.

The joke is how racist and retarded they are. Whenever racism is portrayed on the show it's always making fun of the characters

Because conservatives aren't drug addicts that live in studios.

trump did better in the rap so they had to make sure hillary won

>Check the vid
>"I'm a woman of the people"

this was dumb

Ziodberg stop making rapvideos this was corny as fuck

not cool

It's a reference. Lincoln has showed up in 3 separate political battles at this point.

Lincoln was in the last ERB election video between Obama and Romney so they are probably just continuing the theme.

Not sure if this is bait, but epic rap battles is one of the most unfunny, cringeworthy shit I have ever been so unfortunate as to observe.

>redpilled comedies
>Black Mirror

There's an entire speech where the catholic character BTFOs everyone for believing in evolution, because they've never read any data or looked into it themselves and take the fact that it exists entirely on faith in the same way he takes his religion on faith.


Another great example of Sunny's redpills

Treating Trump as something other than a crazy tyrant is political spin to some partisan people.

Read Mein Kampf, it will answer all your questions.

It was biased against Trump but they still gave him some pretty excellent lines. Fun video. I enjoyed it.

Epic rap battles is owned by disney. Lame af

My dude

Cause most people who are in the arts are ultra liberal who have to put their opinions in everything.


>Trumpeters can't handle the bants

>watching comedy

there's a reason germans are known as the least funny people on earth.
It's a good reason.

Libs think Lincoln was the only good republican.

How the hell is that a painting of a pedophile

Creepy, crazed man reaching out towards innocent little girl. I can see it.

>crazy tyrant
SO CRAZY that he has promised to REDUCE and LIMIT his own authority in office to only what is consistent with the powers provided by the Constitution.

They're starting to come around to liking Eisenhower.