What made Platoon the worst Vietnam movie?

What made Platoon the worst Vietnam movie?

adagio for strings

it was about some scarred guy vs some hippy guy and not about the war

The scarred guy was pretty hot

apocalypse now goat


>What made Platoon the worst Vietnam movie?
but that's not Full Metal Jacket

pleb. Hamburger Hill isdethe bets of them

You take that back
Was thinking of that but still I think its better

Director hitting all the kubrick vietnam movie checkboxes.

Best war movie about vietnam was we were soldiers.

It was pretty fucking blatant in it's depiction of right and wrong. If you supported the war then you have nobody to root for since it portrays Barnes as deprived and unreasonable as possible.
Elias is the only voice of reason or good in the entire movie, and if you don't like that you can go fuck yourself baby killer.

That was about a battle, to be fair, and not so much about the war as a whole.

jesus youre a fucking r-tard

I'm just saying it wasn't really a Vietnam movie. Didn't have anything to do with the politics or mental state of troops...stuff like that. It's an accurate depiction of a battle that could have been in any war.

wrong as fuck

you're also wrong as fuck

It's funny that Barnes came off as a total badass while Elias was a faggot twink.

We were soldiers is trash because every firefight happened at



Didn't mean to. That's just the impression I got.

You mean the camera was too close?

Deer Hunter was worse because of how boring it was.

It was pretty boring

I mean the actors were standing to close to their respective pretend enemies. The sets were to small.

I've heard it's pretty accurate.

That is largely my complaint. Ollie Stone threw in every negative stereotype surrounding the Vietnam War into one platoon, which more or less implied that all combat platoons did the same.

I have read Ollie Stone's Vietnam book, and a good majority of the shit he put into Platoon was not directly reflected by his own

It was edgy bait, which pretty much has been his MO since being rewarded for it in Platoon's success.

Go to your local VA, and you'll here as much from other vets not seeking the same level of attention as Stone.

spotted the brainlet

This. DH bored me to fucking tears due to how slow it was. I didn't even like any of the characters.

It was one of the best, only that SSG Barnes is REALITY!

If I was was trying to get out of Nam alive, I'm following Barnes.