Star Wars has girls now

get over it!

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There is more! He's on a mission guys! Watch out!

Ha ha ha. They can't win!

It's sad because no one outside of Hollywood cares.

>Star Wars is for girls

"We're making this for girls now. Fuck you if you don't like it!"
"But why cant it be for everyone like befo-"

That's the funny thing isn't. Lots of girls like Star Wars the whole 'its a guy thing' thing is just made up. Star Wars is universal.

wonder when those executives going to ditch her?

based mystery box merchant

I wonder how long Disney is going to let these jokers stab their golden goose.

After Episode IX she'll likely be moved elsewhere at Disney or pushed out altogether.

Reminder that Kathleen Karen Kennedy only got to her position by riding her husband's coattails.

>Get over it!
I already did though. 18 years ago.


It depends. Looking that the #'s their bleeding. TLJ didn't do well. Now is the time to make a sudden change in direction. It just depends on how big the balls Bob Iger has.

The question is will Bob Iger listen to the media or look the #s. If he listens to the media it might end with him being out of a job. If he listens to the #s then he's probably already fired Kennedy and taken away Johnson's trilogy. We shall see in a few months. Either way JJ is out for IX because he is creating bad publicity.


It's too late. Solo is released in 3 months and IX is scheduled to start principal photography one month after. It's done. They're gonna remove the president of Lucasfilm just before the last film? How much difference could it make at this point? After Last Jedi the damage is done to main overarching story. They need someone to come in and restructure Lucasfilm from the group up. And who is gonna want to take that job with one film to go when it's likely the house will get seriously cleaned after and if Episode IX does underperform you'll get blamed for it? It's a career killer at this point. Disney is in too deep. They need to ride it out. They backed the wrong horse.

I guess he learned nothing from his emergent mistakes with TFA



If Episode IX significantly underperforms then at the very least Iger will have a good excuse to fire Kennedy and clean house. He can cite the hard numbers of diminishing returns, which the feminists will have no answer for.

That`s good, there are almost no women in Star Wars.

>It's a problem that Star Wars is still mostly white dudes behind the camera
Funny how they changed the title.

They're not gonna remove her, they're just gonna neuter her and she'll officially be 'reassigned' after IX. Someone else could just be put in charge and all Kennedy has to do is sit in her office.

>They need someone to come in and restructure Lucasfilm from the group up.


>And who is gonna want to take that job with one film

Do a Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 replaces VIII and Part 2 is the proper fourth.

My point is that from a business perspective Kennedy has to go and Disney has to make some major changes NOW. Marvel is doing well, but audiences may be getting super fatigue. But think of it like this, TFA did okay, but it wasn't as good as it could have been, R1 and TLJ did very badly, toy sales are down and Disney has spent about 2 billion dollars on two new Star Wars focused theme parks. Actually Disney park attendance is down which is probably why they built it. They're not doing so well, or at least as they should. So changes got to be made otherwise money is lost.

>we can't get clear numbers on merchandise

Then this is all for not.

I think regardless of it significantly underperforming she's out. It will just have to be after IX so they can start fresh. Any changes done prior to IX are too little too late and unless they want to fire everyone involved in the production of IX and start from scratch a few month out from when principal photography is due to start anything they do now is unlikely to really offset the damage.

>Kiri Hart
>head of Story Group™
>has only credited for writing 2 episodes from a tv show

Kathleen and anyone she ever hired should have a giant sweaty orgy in a pool of cash, fuck men and the fuck the goy VAGINAS

>actively working on hiring women writers and directors
>gave three more movies to Rian Johnson
>gave an X amount of movies to Weiss and Benioff
>gave episode IX to JJ
seems like she's not really trying that hard

>a (((white))) man is women and minorities's hero

Fuck, did you guys know that Jumanji is almost to a billion!!!

imagine the fallout when kathleen kennedy fires the first female director.

>the Marvel team hires Coogler to direct Black Panther
>it's a success
>mouse is happy
>meanwhile Kathleen can't find a single female director for a Star Wars film
>mouse isn't happy
how soon before she gets fired?



Star Wars is fucking shit now. Get over it.


you can wank to lucas quotes about mythology all you want but girls do not like star wars, the demographics are not even close to balanced

Meanwhile, on dinosaur land...

>tfw we could've had a good Star Wars movie but Queen Kennedy decided to replace him with her ally, Rian Johnson

These people are delusional

There are two things glaringly wrong with this analysis. It does not take into (very hard to quantify) the ill will that this film generated, as seen by the week one historic drop.

Number two it does not take into account the fact the 4billion paid to Lucas had a lot of stock in it, which is on Disney's side.

Serious question, KK obviously has a long career and has been involved in overseeing the production of plenty of successful and well-liked movies. Why is it all crashing down now?

IX can be saved its split in half into parts. My idea is that part one of IX is a critique of VIII. Just go through the film scene by scene and point out all the philosophical errors in it and then end it with the characters having grown as people and preparing for the final battle with the First Order. For example:

1. Rose and Finn return to Canto Bight and see how their actions have caused more harm. That kid who was using the force earlier gets killed and they witness it. They start a REBELLION group to free the human slaves.

2. Poe takes on more responsibilities as a leader. He goes and tries to get the Mandalorians to side the remnants of the New Republic. Poe learns leadership and gets his balls back while training with them. We meet Boba Fett who has become Mandalor.

Haha wow, imagine if star wars made a female character with a leading role as an important part of the story?

3. Luke is alive. Depressed he returns to Tatooine to die and while he lying in the sand the ghost of Qui-gon Jinn comes to him. Luke and Qui-gon converse about Luke's sudden change in personality since RoTJ. A young farm boy finds Luke in the desert and Luke sees himself in the farm boy. While hiding in Ben Kenobi's old hut, they discover two lightsabers and a note from Ben to Luke urging him to go on revealing that Ben had a premonition about the events in TLJ. While traveling across the Dune Sea Luke rediscovers himself and eventually becomes a great Jedi than he was before.

4. Kylo Ren has been marooned on Crait with Hux having betrayed him just after TLJ. Kylo Ren has visions that Luke is still alive and he travels across the galaxy to at last get his revenge. Along the way Kylo is forced to face the horrors of his actions and he reflects upon his actions. Upon finding Luke on Tatooine, the two duel and the fight is more about their coming to terms with what happened between them.

5. IX opens with Rey finding it difficult to use the force and her skills have deteriorated quickly. The a force ghost, pretending to be Luke and Yoda, appear to her and urge her to find a lost planet of the Jedi. On that planet they tell her to find 'Ren' the Jedi who founds the Knights of Ren. On the planet Ren and Chewie are ambushed by the KoR and Rey is injured. A force ghost saves her.

>I think the ghost could be Kreia. Sarah Kestelmen who voiced her is still alive and looks like Kreia. I think it'd be a nice shoutout to the Kotor games.

Rey learns her force bond created by Snoke was why she had so much skill and all of it came from Kylo Ren. Rey learns that the ghosts she saw before were Snoke in disguise. The force ghosts offers to train Rey in the force for the first time truly. Rey learns about Snoke's past as she trains. Snoke was a former apprentice of Palpatine, but he fled when an attempt to kill Darth Sidious failed. After Palpatine died Snoke rebuilt the empire into the First Order and now that he is dead he seeks to possess her body so that he might rule the galaxy. At the end Rey faces Snoke with the force ghost.

6. The twist is that Ren was Rey's identical sister. Ren was likewise sold by both of their parents, but Luke discovered her and trained her as a Jedi. During a mission Ren became possessed by the dark side and Luke was forced to kill her. Ben never forgave Luke and Snoke took advantage of this to turn Ben to the Dark side into Kylo Ren. The Knights of Ren take the name of Ren in remembrance of Rey's sister.

That's Part 1.

>Safety Not Guaranteed
>Jurassic World
>Book of Henry
Trevorrow is a terrible filmmaker tho. Hasn't made a single good movie.

>Why is it all crashing down now?
Because this time she's the only person at the helm of a studio.

>Caring this much about nu-Wars.
Get a hobby.

I think it's good. You're right it doesn't show every cost or what not, but if you're looking strictly at ticket sales and how much money is actually brought home. Disney is still a far ways from making a profit.

There is an interview of her somewhere how she got her first big job because a woman's rights group filed a lawsuit on her and and other women's behalf. So I think that she is the diversity hire and they put her name in the credits to say that they were giving were hiring women.

Star Wars is my hobby.


With all the money, talent and draw of THE largest Hollywood franchise and these two halfassed movies is the best they could do? (three if we count Rogue One).

Honestly it's fucking embarrassing.

If you're being serious then just kys.

It's interesting. We think of Disney as this unstoppable juggernaut, but if you really drill down into things there are a few warning signs on the horizon for them. ESPN is still hemorrhaging subscribers, theme park attendance is down, their returns on Star Wars seem to be diminishing. It could all fall apart pretty quickly if just a few things went wrong.

the new dinosaur uses a gun in this one. lol

Here you go.


She probably is a victim of the extreme cultural libtard hive mind cesspit that San Francisco has become imo. She's a producer, not a visionary creative. She hides her complete absence of creativity and originality through the feminist agenda.

And what's this about Apple wanting to buy them out?

Iger will move Kennedy from LucasFilms to Fox after the Solo movie.

Give her a job where she doesn't actually do anything. Smart.

Watching Star Wars burn has been Living deliciously. Can't wait til Marvel finally trips up.

I'm sure that'll make it better!

Well there's a lot of IPs to destroy at Fox. I'm sure she'll do an excellent job.


>Kennedy gets put in charge of the Alien franchise

Why do you start these bait threads in expecting people who aren't Alt-SJW to get mad? I don't give a shit who writes it. I don't give a shit who directs it. I barely give a shit who plays the actors. What I give a shit about is if the film is good or not. I've not seen any of the new Star Wars films and I don't give a fuck about 'darkies' or 'women' being in films or tv, especially fucking fiction. Alt-SJW won't actually complain or ask why 'darkies' are playing X or Y but are cool with white guys playing X or Y, even if they're the wrong nationality.

I don't give a fuck. I just want good films and all these threads do is give Alt-SJW a hugbox echochamber to make themselves feel like they're right to give a fuck about who does what in a film.

Marvel ain't gonna trip up, when they're making hand over fist. Has any film made under $700m?

A bunch of people have been wanting to see the Alien franchise taken away from Ridley Scott, so you can expect it to be completely ruined if she ever gets promoted to Fox.

All for nought is the phrase. Don't use phrases you don't know how to spell.

When the fuck did identity politics take over literally everything?

All things come to an end. Eventually the old men playing the leads like RDJ will leave and the shit they replace them with will bomb.

Was never with it user, I have never seen a Star Wars film in my life and I am 38 years old.

but shes not black so it doesnt count

When it got both sides frothing at the mouth and clicking links.

There is a new female author who said on her twitter she wish the prequels never existed. NOT JOKING.

Forgot her name but a friend sent me a photo of her saying this comment.

IF these are the people Kathleen is hiring who don't care about the lore, this franchise is dead

The problem is that it's shit.

So? It´s not like nu-SW is not shit already anyways.

The prequels are shit but you can't pretend they don't exist.

hardware needs software. Same reason Sony bought Columbia pictures years ago.

Is she thinking of rebooting the prequels? Wow, wait until Lucas is dead first.

Marvel Studios and live-action remakes of their animated movies are the things keeping them alive. (Also Pirates but that’s more of a foreign thing).

Gosh I hope Trump breaks up some of these monopolies. It isn't good for the consumer.

If that is the case then the problem is directly due to Bob Iger. He had to take a pay cut last year. Either he's an SJW or (and I think this be more likely) he's in the bubble and genuinely can't see it doesn't sell. I'm interested to know if stockholders are complaining.

why does it matter what gender they are?

How do they justify this claim? Yes TLJ was terrible, but how does Rain Johnson's skin color factor into that?

>hardware needs software.
so apple is the hardware company and disney is a software company now?

This. I've always loved Star Wars and never deemed it sexist. Hell, what a more feminist character than Leia?

top kek

you're good.

>why does it matter what gender they are?
Because the woman they are hiring are more than likely do not understand the lore.

fell free to list the IP's owned by apple user

>That's the funny thing isn't. Lots of girls like Star Wars the whole 'its a guy thing' thing is just made up. Star Wars is universal.
This. I remember on the news they interviews a woman in like 2006 who had posters of all the SW movies in her house and didn't complain about it needing more female leads.

I fucking hate Hollywood so much. It's the only industry I know of where you fail upward.

Why dont they just get Marry Harron? She wrote (screenplay) and directed Dubspsycho.

Maybe she could do a better job than these roasties.

The prequels do suck though. They didn't somehow become retroactively good just because the new material is shit too.

was watching this video on the Solo movie. I think it answers a lot of questions about what happened TLJ. Kathleen Kennedy is the real write/director TLJ. She's the reason why there is two hours of extra

Mark hates her.

oh never mind that's apart of the script.

You answered your own question. She probably wouldnt want to lower her name by directing capeshit.