What films released in the 2000s and 2010s will be regarded in decades in the future the way people alive today regard Citizen Kane and Casablanca?
What films released in the 2000s and 2010s will be regarded in decades in the future the way people alive today regard...
inb4 black panther
interstellar, nothing else
Mulholland Drive
No Country For Old Men
LOTR Trilogy
There Will Be Bloode
The Dark Knight (unironically)
Spirited Away
Children of Men
Mulholland Drive
Most Pixar movies
Children of Men
In Bruges
The Will Be Blood
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Maybe Sicario will be seen how The Godfather or Scarface are, otherwise I can't think of anything from the 10s
>Maybe Sicario will be seen how The Godfather or Scarface are
No, Sicario is the Apocalypse Now of the Trump generation
Cinema is dead.
Half the of the movies I mentioned are better than Citizen Kane and Casablanca in everyway. Don't mistake innovation with quality.
The Chronicles of Riddick will one day be regarded as a classic, screencap this
Have you seen The Great Beauty? The Embrace of the Serpent? Holy Motors? Memories of Murder? Leviathan? Jagten? Werckmeister Harmonies?
Why do you think Hollywood is all that cinema is?
My Little pony the movie
Iron Man because it "started" the wave of superhero movies that goes on for centuries
Iron man
Get out
Black Panther
Wonder women
Holy middlebrow!
Blade Runner 2049
Mean Girls
if we are talking about innovation, did A Scanner Darkly leave any lasting impact or was it too particular in its application to have relevance to the wider world of movies? also does anyone else even remember it came out?
The Departed
i mean it wasn't ground breaking but it was entertaining and well made.
May not be citizen kane tier, but it powerfully illustrates something we should take very seriously.
Third power rangers movie
Lol, no. What a waste of trips.
Star Wars 7
Captain America Civil War
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
No Country for Old Men
The Dark Knight Rises
this is what will be remembered. it doesn't really have anything to do with how good or bad you think the movie is:
there will be blood
no country for old men
inglorious basterds
avatar (0/10 you're just butthurt)
dark knight series
requiem for a dream
the departed and wolf of wall street
harry potter series
so yea, a bunch of shit mostly