Movies that are better than the book
Other urls found in this thread:
>Movies that are less time consuming and less challenging than the book
delet this right tf now
>fight club
>barely 200 pages
>really easy prose
Fags won't hear of it, but the film's plot was infinitely superior to the graphic novel's moronic bullshit about simulated alien invasions.
Also, how much of a pleb do you have to be to think that watchmen contained any sort of profound or original philosophy?
Children of Men. Conversely, Under The Skin is a much better book.
Agreed, I feel the dangers of fascism are conveyed better on screen than in a book.
The novel that this is based on is so appallingly bad and stupid it still amazes me that anyone considered optioning it, let alone thought of a way to write it into a decent story.
I think the shift in perspective works well.
>Write a book about how nobody reads books anymore and society is in danger of devolving.
>Someone rewrites your book into a movie.
>And its 100x better.
>Children of Men
Spent 2 years in Iraq. Most realistic bombing and close quarters depictions I've ever seen. Gave me chills.
This was a book?
Wrong. Way to ruin an otherwise good thread.
t. Brainlet who read the synopsis on Wikipedia only
all of them reading is for fags
You can say that about almost any half decent move based on Stephen King's work.
>all of them reading is for fags
>wrong grammer
The Man Who Would Be King
>All of them. Reading is for fags.
fuck off nerds
Barry Lyndon is also better than the book and I like the film ending more in A CO
so underrated. if you loved There Will Be Blood, here is your prequel
Reminder that this actually exists