Autistic shit you do while watching a movie

>look around the room whenever an actress gets naked

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>watching horrokino
>look behind me after a jumpscare just to make sure

>any sort of romantic scene
I have to pause the movie and pace around my room for a bit before I can continue watching the movie


Name three movies that made you do this.

>watch movie
>My level of enjoyment can be seen with how many articles of clothing I've taken off.
The shirt is always the first to go

When the Last Sword is Drawn
Life is Beautiful
I am Legend
Those are just the ones I've fucking bawled to, though.
It's easier to think of anime I've cried to, I admit. Especially since I cry to endings after getting invested. But I still cry frequently to movies.

I don't ever get up but I sometimes pause the movie and fuck around on another monitor for 15 minutes. Especially so when the MC is asking out his crush or something similar.

it's been a tradition for about 9 years straight now to watch a movie on sundays with my cousin at our local theaters around town. ever since i started watching the office when it came out i developed this weird reaction to do "the jim face" whenever something cliche or dumb happens on screen. i still do it to this day even whenever watching anything no matter what medium it is i'm watching. i like doing it. i'd kill myself if anyone found out i do it.

I make (terrible) jokes and riff on the movies throughout the entire time. My family and friends all hate watching films with me.

Get help to stop your autistic habit. Then, proceed to neck yourself.

>do the power stance at the climax of the movie

that was 4, retard
animeniggers btfo once again


wall e
the iron giant
i forgot the 3rd one

>bite my knuckle whenever i see an actor mutilated on screen, especially when it's their eyes

desu i always crack a smile when a sex scene comes on, though it can catch you off guard especially in asian films where they literally come out of nowhere

>audience knows something important that a character doesn't
>pause the movie and pace around the room for several minutes to calm myself

Movies make me cry very easily, I have resisted it every time but I could really easily cry if I wanted to.
Sometimes I feel like I am a certain character after watching movies. I felt like the driver after watching Drive and I felt like Dr Michael Burry after watching The Big Short.

Get almost black out drunk and sometimes let out a WOOO in theaters. The scene in Logan when he fought x23 is a good example.

but no matter how much you cry you will never escape your reality

i get it

I don't do the knuckle biting thing, but yeah any mutilation involving eyes, teeth, and finger/toenails always makes me cringe. I can handle most other gory scenes though.

Used to be deeply religious as a kid. Any time a character blasphemes onscreen or says “oh my god,” I would silently say a quick prayer and personally apologize to God for it. As a kid, I was taught that using his name in vain like that was a big fucking deal. I never did it, and I was pretty appalled that characters on tv were allowed to keep saying it. I honestly thought it should be illegal. I wish I were joking.



Unironically this. It's the only movie I've ever cried over and I have no fucking clue why.

>sex scene
>cross my legs subconsciously to hide a boner

>any passionate kissing or sex
>start panicking, uneven breathing, can't look at the screen

I get very uncomfortable when a character commits atrocities and never gets punished for it. After the movie, I make up my own headcanon that the evil character somehow got punished offscreen after the events of the movie and it was never shown.

Tong Po from the Kickboxer series murdered the protagonist of the first movie (because Jean Claude didn’t want to come back for the sequel), crippled and murdered the protagonist’s brother, raped and murdered the protagonists girlfriend, travelled to the US and murdered a student of the second movie’s protagonist (other brother to Jean Claude’s character from the first movie), framed this next protagonist for murder and while he was in jail kidnapped and raped his wife for years, becomes a drug lord in Mexico and personally kills maybe a dozen people in the fourth movie.

His “punishment” is that in each movie he gets defeated in combat by the protagonist at the conclusion of the movie. That’s it, he gets “defeated”, and is then allowed to walk away with no punishment whatsoever for the countless rapes and murders he’s committed.

In the shitty fifth movie, Sasha Whisname didn’t want to return to the role, so he was killed offscreen without ever having avenged his murdered brothers or raped wife. I can tell you how frustrating this was for me. Then the series got rebooted.

Normally I can make up my own plausible canon for how the villian was punished offscreen, but for the Kickboxer series there just isn’t room for it. I can’t tell you how frustrating this is for me.

Flap my fingers/ scrunch my toes during a chase.

>pause the movie
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>resume the movie
>repeat every 15 minutes

Talk to someone mate

I cried at arrival during the reveal scene in the theater. the score was really beautiful. No other movies are coming to mind

I just did this with Dr. Poison from Wonder Woman, I imagined the Wonder Men captured her in a DLC mission.

during action scenes I hold my ps4 controller and pretend it's a game I'm playing (e.g. when the character jumps I hit X, when the character shoots a gun I click R1 each time they pull the trigger, when they punch someone I hit square, when they change direction they run in I move the thumb stick, ect)

I do this whenever I catch OTT action movies like Wanted or Shoot Em Up on TV

>watch movie
>get confused about minor plot point which would've been explained within 10 mins
>look up movie on wikipedia to clarify
>accidentally see huge spoiler
>feel like an idiot piece of shit for the rest of the movie

>Life is beautiful
>It's a wonderful life
>Toy Story 3
>Return of the king
>The good the bad and the ugly
>In time
>Terminator 2
>When Harry met Sally
I'm a big pussy, recommend me some more cry kinos. Things that set me off the most are bad things happing to good people, nostalgia for old friends and loved ones and the song Auld Lang Syne.

>scene that ends with a lot of awkward tension
>pause movie and kinda walk around my room
shit is too real

I have to watch the end credits the entire way through.

Blade Runner
Umberto D.

That's my list

original btw

You need to watch Umberto D.

Try Cinema paradiso, My Girl and stand by me

I can't have stuff playing while fucking, and it annoys my gf which in turn pisses me off because she always wants to "Netflix and chill" because she's a fucking moron but I simply can't have shit playing while fucking. It's way too fucking distracting and either characters in it are ugly and put me off, or hot and throw me off because I start thinking about them.
It's just a pain in the arse.

Talk to someone about what?

Is Click kino?

I teared up at the christmas special of The Office UK. idk why, probably because it was such a relentlessly depressing show and it was nice seeing a bit of happiness in the characters.

>any scenes that are cringy or have bad acting in them
>pace around my room for a few minutes thinking about how bad the delivery of a certain line was or how cringy it was
>keep doing it until i have mentally prepared myself to unpause and continue watching

I do this several times on average while watching most movies

That's adorable, I hope you still do it.

>fight scene
>get so pumped I must start shadow boxing around the room and imagine myself kicking all kinds of ass

As autistic as headcanon is, should he really be worried about having a strong sense of justice?

>something severely socially awkward happens (some kind of confrontation, or embarrassment on the characters part)
>pause film and pace around room, muttering incoherent nonsense under my breath
It's similar to when I have random recollections of something embarrassing that happened ten years ago and suddenly have to shout out load a random word or phrase

>tfw constantly make the same facial expressions as the people on the screen

why isn't your post green?

>he doesn't know how to not greentext

Sometimes when there's a scene where I'm particularly engaged I smile or grin like some sort of drooling retard, I just nobody ever sees me doing that.

don't know why but the end of the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou makes me tear up every time

I do this all the time and I can't stop even though I know there's a 90% chance of spoilers.
The curse of being a brainlet.

> Fucking kek

Yes. It goes from being run of the mill comedy to a kino that makes you actually reflect on how fast time goes by and how much treating your loved ones matters. The last 30 or so minutes isn't even a fucking comedy, it's legitimately depressing.

Haha no. As I got older I realized that a being who created the entire universe -if he even exists at all, wouldn’t be such a little bitch that he’d get upset over a character on tv saying “oh my god.”

I guess as kid though, if you’re taught that something is a big deal and you take it to heart, -if you’re told never to do something, ever, or the most powerful being in existence will be pissed at you for it, then it was kind of shocking to see characters on TV doing it so casually.

I remember the old Superman show from the 90s, “Lois and Clark” was especially bad for this. Seemed like Lois would say it at least once an episode.

I guess it was kinda cute that I thought a silent, generic prayer could somehow placate God over it though.

>watched movie before
>recommend it to family member
>They watch it and ask me to watch it with them
>Forget that there is a sex scene but remember right before it's about to happen
>get up and go to the kitchen/look at phone and act like I missed it

I have his exactly.
The embarrassing memory thing at random times is especially bullshit.
Is this literally autism?

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>suddenly remember something embarassing I did
>shudder a bit, close eyes a bit, maybe make a slight grunt
I feel like as I started to socialize more regularly as a result of going back to school that this might have subsided a bit.

My gf is a psychology major and I showed her these posts hoping for an explanation. She said this is abnormal, dangerous behavior that normal people don't experience. You need to turn yourselves in, please.

>character does something embarrassing
>i always put my hand in my face and can't watch the rest of the scene

i've been doing this since childhood and i wish i could fucking stop it

don't cry little anime girl

What does she think about the other posts

I used to do this to a lesser extent when embarrassing memories came up.

I don’t know, I think maybe it’s the brain’s way of spasming and making you do/say something random in order to momentarily escape the embarrassment?

As cliche as it sounds, I think the key is moving forward and learning to forgive yourself. Something embarrassing from ten years ago shouldn’t affect you now. It shouldn’t even cross your mind.

I don't remember but it's been a lot

I do t know, seems like some sort of response intended to discourage a repeat of the action(s) that resulted in the feeling of embarrassment, similar to how if you have a bad bout of vomiting shortly after eating a certain food, even thinking about that food will make you feel sick.

it doesn't even have to be typically cringy or awkward things that make me have to look away, while watching the last jedi, I literally kept closing my eyes like 30 times for a few seconds every time Rey was talking or most others. Is there something wrong with me? I just find it so hard to watch, the way they say lines, like I never feel immersed into it. I just think how bad their acting is and how awkward it must be to do this on a set.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said... was wrong.

>something disgusting happens to a character
>I feel grossed out, especially if the character was a protagonist and didn’t deserve it
>I wish the gross scene wasn’t included in the show/movie all
>if the scene was meant to be a comedy I don’t enjoy it at all.

Nickelodeon cartoons were pretty problematic for me as a kid.

It took me the longest time to be able to laugh at Austin Powers drinking Fat Bastard’s shit. I hated how Felicity Shagwell had to have sex with Fat Bastard.

>Something embarrassing from ten years ago shouldn’t affect you now. It shouldn’t even cross your mind.
It only gets more vivid with age. It's like 'Nam, but I've never been. I think pic related is to blame; if they can't get kids to conscript, they find other means to deal with the young populace. There's something severely wrong when you can't even describe your problems to a doctor without being recommended to a shrink, who of course prescribes so-called "medication" on just the second appointment.

Tell your girlfriend she's a stupid idiot head

>guy takes his shirt off/does something sexual
>immediately dart eyes away
Am I a closet homosexual?

>character is forced to kiss someone they hate/find repulsive
>have to look away, seems like the worst shit in the world

Riff on a movie, out loud, while completely alone

>Look at her shoes
>Look at her feet
>Why aren't her feet in this shot
>Why is she wearing shoes indoors?
>Why isn't she barefoot?
>Why isn't there a 4K camera mounted atop her foot to look down upon her toes

Holy shit I do that exact same thing all the time

>taking seriously the advice of a college undergraduate

Well there have been several anons in this thread who do weird shit when something embarrassing crosses their mind. I think it’s normal -to an extent, and the user who claims to have a psychologist girlfriend is lying.

That said, it sounds like you have something more severe going on...

Maybe you could share one of your embarrassing stories with us? We are all anonymous here, nobody in your real life will know. Who knows, typing out one of your stories might actually help you deal with it and worst case scenario the rest of us might get a few chuckles.

I always seem to say "i wanna go home" or "i 'm gonna kill myself" even though i'm not at all suicidal

>watching horror movie on my laptop
>Whenever I think there's gonna be a jumpscare I slide the computer down my legs to give enough distance between me and the screen

>I always seem to say "i wanna go home" or "i 'm gonna kill myself" even though i'm not at all suicidal
What if one day you say it, but realize you mean it?

I usually perform an optical pat-down on everyone. For the women, I imagine them being gently prodded and penetrated by to their soyboyfriends, while he meekly affirms their Independence. While for the males, I envision a unique rapist demon to overpower and penetrate each of them in a distinct way (one has a fire cock, the other a cock made of ice etc)


Not movie related, but whenever I fart, I wave my hand upward so that I can inhale my own fart. I love doing this.

I met a literal jewish psych major at a party on the weekend. Her smugness and passive aggressiveness ruined my night.

Anytime someone quips in a movie I get up and start pacing back and forth while whispering "This is reddit, this is memes. This is reddit, this is memes..." over and over

I was on the verge of tears but didn't cry. still a great scene

what if there was something behind you? better not to look user

whats the power stance

when I rewatch a movie that has a "liar revealed story line I always skip that part

>autistic shit you do while watching a movie
browse Sup Forums


>Girlfriend leaves
>Put on the Jurassic Park score and my dinosaur slippers
>Jump on the furniture acting like I'm a raptor and hunt our dogs and swipe at them with the "claws" on my slippers

So(n)yboys growing desperate because ps4 is a bloodborne machine, so they have to resort to this methods to create the ilusion of gameplay. Truly dark times...

>not knowing what the power stance is

Same here