Y’all know it
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is Killmonger, what did he want, what did he do, what happened to him?
Killmonger Was Wrong, and That's A Good Thing*
I'm amazed they're actually against the guy who wanted to kill whitey. What's going on?
>Sup Forums of all places is defending a literal black supremacist
>Who is Killmonger,
Son of a Prince of Wakanda. Father was killed by his own brother, King of Wakanda(Before the events of Black Panther)
>what did he want,
To stop the cycle of oppression he felt that Africans are going through worldwide.
>what did he do,
He overthrew the King of Wakanda, became King and started to carried out his plan to make Wakanda in to a superpower so he could conquer the world and liberate Africans everywhere
>what happened to him?
He has filled with hate and rage given he was raised with no parents in Oakland where he saw dead every day. He failed in his mission and was killed at the hands of his cousin who he overthrew.
>why should you care?
You shouldn’t
>Killmonger wants to kill white people and arm blacks around the world with high-tech weaponry
>here's why that's a good thing
is Sup Forums going full retard?
Pol has always been full retard.
>Oh we hate Jews
>Well except all the Jews in Trump adminstration
>And his daughter
Welcome to the best timeline.
>black panther solved black racism against whites instead of inflaming it
Disney Jews BTFO
t. reddit
Why does Sup Forums hate Jews when Jews have higher IQs than whites and thus a right to be in charge according to Sup Forumsthink?
You misspelled Sup Forums BTFO
>spend half a billion dollars making propaganda to destabilize the united states
>it has the opposite effect
Biggest blunder in disney history
When did the king kill his dad? Did I miss that part? How did his dad betray them?
>born in Oakland
>Actually wuz a kang (prince)
Imagine his plan worked and he had a bunch of braindead, violent, thieving niggers with high tech weaponry shooting each other in the streets until Thanos shows up a little while later and slaughters them all.
>>Well except all the Jews in Trump adminstration
>>And his daughter
Wrong again libshitter, and lrn2spell
>the KANGZ guy is the villain
>propaganda to destabilize the united states
>Liking big titty jew girls is bad now
Sup Forums confirmed reddit
How to fracture Sup Forums
>be black
>get hype as fuck for Liberia: The movie
>go watch movie
>its fucking more pepsi marxism bullshit trying to herd you into the same inescapable ZOG trap as everyone else
why do niggers say "Y'all" and other retarded shit like "lit" or "af", and ommit using the verb to be and conjugating verbs when forming sentences?
Coon memes go something like: "When she fuck but you dope af"
I know niggers have always spoken retardedly, but I feel like it's gotten worse for the pst couple of years, seeing this manner of speak in mainstream media more often
Why does that jew on the right get a big boi hat while the others only get little cuck ones?
Jews have smarts by they don't have souls. Blacks have souls but they don't have smarts.
>ommit using the verb to be
Example? And it's because they're dumb niggers, it's that simple.
If you don't agree with Killmonger, then you agree with Trump.
I fully expect another campaign for Ebonics soon.
can't jew the coog
t. reddit
posting this photo on pol makes fatboys seethe
Because when the race wars start we can finally rid the world of the shitskins. Who cares who starts it, whites or blacks? What matters is how it ends. And besides i can have more sympathy for a nigger who wants to kill whitie than a jew secretly subverting white society. At least the nigger is honest about his beliefs, like me only on the other side.
Either they ommit it completely or refuse to use it correctly. For example, they might say "When she suckin but you watchin the game", or "So you be sayin' that...", or "They is racis!!"
No one on Sup Forums likes the jews in the Trump administration or his jew daughter.
>Hating on based Jews
Shouldn't YOU be on Sup Forums?
Ah, I see what you're saying. I don't know why they drop it desu
He's a lvl. 32 Jewjitsu expert
The others have been slacking in their jewdo training.
>the virgin reform
>The Chad Orthodox
The freakiest thing ever is seeing whites and other non-blacks outside of the south saying "y'all" all the time now. It's like they don't realize that hip black people have tricked them into sounding like the rednecks that they probably despise.
>Sup Forums is one person
The irony of classifying a collective identity based solely on stereotypes you've associated with said collective when it's Sup Forums we are talking about is hilarious every time I see it
I miss the cpd scanner threads
>He thinks Sup Forums isn't aware of Trump being extremely pro Israel
A lot of Sup Forums is pro Israel. Their are Israeli posters on Sup Forums. Because Sup Forums isnt one person you morons lel
>Southern accent is for white trash only
Fuck of yankee
Blacks have already been jew'd. They will do exactly what we say just like the rest of you. Can't Jew the Jew.
This. Jews in general are pretty based, Sup Forums has never really had any history of hating them outside of some ironic edgy people
Get a load of this redditor lmao
No, it's just this faux-cutesy way of talking that these types use to make themselves appear non-threatening, innocuous and perfectly reasonable instead of the bitter, shrieking, entitled ideologues that they actually are.
>Sup Forums generally likes Jews
No, it's just that Sup Forums is no longer as edgy as it used to be back when it was first made and is kind of a blend of Sup Forums and old Sup Forums with a ton of leddit newfags.
Trump appeals to rightists in general and some people support him, but the really hardcore rightists only care about so much that he deports illegal immigrants and pisses liberals off.
Trump isn't racist, Trump isn't a fascist, Trump isn't anti-Semitic, he's like a liberal nationalist
Who was in the wrong here?
>when in Rome
You dumb motherfucker. Go back to Somalia or whatever shithole you came from, where you can behave like the jungle nigger you are.
Neither. There were black Confederates and the civil war represents more to Southerners than just slavery and anti-racial egalitarianism, especially in the border states. I know it's a meme to say that the civil war was fought over states rights, but y was. The most prominent of those rights just happened to be slavery.
Is the white guy wrong for saying that black people are being abused? No. Is the black guy and Uncle Tom? No.
you mean he's just faking it and really hates the jews in private?
Is that why he's repeatedly called himself the best friend the Jews have had in office, has repeatedly said he strongly supports the jews and Israel, and has multiple top trusted advisers who are jewish?
clearly, a very deep false flag operation he's running. I'm sure his daughter's marriage was just a necessary sacrifice, and the cushy business deals he's cut for jewish property owners worldwide are also just part of his master plan.
fucking moron.
>Falling for such easy shit posting
You should be ashamed of yourself desu
>i was merely pretending to be retarded!
ok, retard.
>Is the white guy wrong for saying that black people are being abused?
>He thinks I was the shit poster
Okay retard
Such retards
>we're conservative, highly religious, don't accept homosexuality, hate Jews, want women to dress modestly and stay at home
>Islam is however a totally alien and incompatible culture
In a flashback, T'Chaka kills him because he helped Klaw steal the vibranium in the first place. Forest Whitaker was undercover in the brother's organisation *cough*the black panthers*cough* and betrayed him, which is why Killmonger makes a point of killing him specifically.
What other rights were fought for other than slaves?
trump uses jews as human shields.
It's a good tactic. "i'm not a nazi, i have jewish friends". see how easy that is?
Nation wrecking globalism is woke AF.
Why was he seeing dead people every day in fucking Oakland?
>According to Sup Forumsthink?
Eh? What the fuck are you talking about. Sup Forums doesn't think anyone should be in charge of anyone. Just that every culture and nation have it's own space free from other cultures and nations.
blacks love nothing more than shooting each other for ghetto "territory".
Stormfags have had a long history of hating Jews on Sup Forums
Lol all of Trump's kike family members should die.
Yeah, but why would he see dead people every day in fucking Oakland? Does he hang out at funeral homes or something?
He whom controls the gibs, controls the Negroid.
>thus a right to be in charge
What fucking right? Your talmudic madness? No human wishs to be controlled by you cowards who cant do shit without us white people.
If you live in a black neighborhood you will likely see dead people every day. They're vicious animals.
this movie ironically brought blacks and whites closer by having the bad guy be the personification of blm.
Who /hecute/ here?
Not in Oakland you won't. Unless you're specifically going out of your way to find dead people, like lurking at a nursing home.
blacks killing blacks, cops killing blacks, drugs killing blacks, money killing blacks.
>b-but pol
Kill yourselves.
Delightfully devilish.
...Right, but unless you're specifically trying really hard, you're not seeing a dead person in Oakland every day.
Why would someone make that a hobby?
The character is being embraced by hotep nogs, which is ironic af. Look at #killmongerwasright they are chimping out about it
Because they're just insecure hypocrites. For example, if you post a white man with a non white woman, you'll get overwhelmingly positive responses, even though they're supposedly against race mixing.
>I can't wait to go to race wars and purge the world of these filthy niggers and kikes. Deus vult!
>oh, my anime has finished downloading! Moooooom whats the tendies situation?
>To stop the cycle of oppression he felt that Africans are going through worldwide.
The oppressively long lines at the social security office.
He's the Uber Jew.
blacks need to feel like victims?
This film's writing is very interesting and enough to make me read BP comics to see how much was added in vs what was originally included in T'Challa's backstory.
Odd, I literally know a black supremacist that looked like Killmonger IRL back when Sup Forums got me so paranoid for TDOTR that I went out and joined a group. We butt heads constantly on the issue of black supremacy being somewhere more valid that white supremacy and not just as bad. Got goosebumps throughout the film really trying to grasp his character.
I do know that there is tension between African American Civil Rights activists and African born civil rights activists, pertaining to slave trade, tribal warfare like we see through the various attempts to overthrow the throne.
Furthermore, I think this movie is going to go underrated for all the good reasons and overrated for all the wrong ones. The majority of conflicts were allegories for the black on black aggressions throughout the world, but its all going to be lost because of the "WE" meme
get gassed you parasitic kikes
>bastard heir stories are only cool if they happen to anglo peasants!
>black people cannot have tragic stories of bloodright
What would garner a harsh resistance "I'M GONNA PUNCH YOU AND TAKE YOUR SHIT!" or "Hey, can I borrow that?"and never return it.
>instead of ruling Wakanda together as reunited cousins T'Challa is too proud to admit that his daddy fucked up and he will grant his cousin special diplomatic immunities as a "Wakandan American" as well as a seat on his war cabinet as a foreign intelligence general with his own fleet of troops designated to help train and police inner cites in America wracked with poverty
>Confused, frustrated character who's gone to great lengths to discover the truth about his father's murder and his lineage isn't stopped from committing suicide, having understood how imprisonment for war crimes and failed coups, by his selfish cousin, "the king"
>T'challa proceeds to take all credit for "liberating" the Africans all over the world
I was extremely interested to see them grow together and come to depend on each other in the same way they're father's couldn't, and equally disappointed to see KillMonger's character shamelessly killed off under "he just couldn't let go of that lust for vengeance" meme especially considering how badly T'challa wanted that Boer dead for killing his own father. Just seemed fucked to have this guy doing major things like stopping the dude who made off with Vibranium, bringing him back all while creating the opportunity for T'challa to become king by being involved with the splinter cell group that was behind the explosion under the white guys command...
>named literally KILLMONGER
>takes a black philosopher to figure out he's supposed to be the bad guy
In KY's article of secession it was literally over states rights.
Not that either of you snowniggers care but broken english is commonly used by colonized peoples as a form of rebellion. Part of colonizing a civilization involves complete and total conquest. One of many ways you can do this is to make it illegal for natives to speak their native language, or ban speakers of said native language from doing business with you, instead of getting a translator. In the same psychological warfare sense, taking a language you've been forced to learn in place of your own is a non-violent way to preserve one's cultural identity.
t. a black man who's been studying white culture long enough to know how to exploit its weakest point, the insecurity of the white patriarch
>there is no such thing as psychotic breaks within the black community, blacks really are that violent
>every school shooter ever was really just a patsy in the wrong place at the wrong time. libs are so crazy they will stage mass shootings and then make some poor kid the fall guy.
Strange that the statistics don't reflect all the blacks who had drugs planted on them after the beating they receive from the cops determined to make them the fall guy for the "this is why we gotta keep niggers in check" agenda.
Poor poor white kids.
>t. Trayshawndricus Jr