Is this the only cartoon without a single bad episode? How did they do it?
Gravity Falls
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Low effort bait.
Not bait.
The second half of season 2 was garbage. You're also forgetting about the multiple MABLE HAS A CRUSH ON THIS WEIRD GUY filler episodes that flooded the entire series.
Roadside Attraction and the whole finale killed the series. It is impossible to watch eps preceding it with the knowledge that Mabel is a psychopath that shits on her brother in every instance. And the mentioned finale was shit on many levels.
>You're also forgetting about the multiple MABLE HAS A CRUSH ON THIS WEIRD GUY filler episodes that flooded the entire series.
But those were almost invariably the best eps...
>It is impossible to watch eps preceding it with the knowledge that Mabel is a psychopath that shits on her brother in every instance.
u w0t m8
>not bait
Even if everyone disagrees on the what the worst episode is, everyone agrees that there was at least one subpar episode.
We've had this discussions so many times I won't even bother.
Tl;dr Mabel is an abusive manipulator with zero moral or empathy. She was the true villain of the show.
user i love Gravity Falls more than any other cartoon but you can't really say that when Roadside Attraction exists.
One big disapointment holding over an entire series.
>Wow that episode was lame
>But I like the atmosphere and the concept
>Therefore next episode will be better
>Next episode will be better
>Next episode will be better
>Next episode will be better
>Next episode will be better
>Next episode will be better