Face it. Classic films are boring and pretentious that you have to force yourself to watch. These films are only famous because movie buffs and film studies PhDs need to trick themselves into think their useless hobby means something.
Face it. Classic films are boring and pretentious that you have to force yourself to watch...
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Just admit it. You'd rather watch pic related than some shit about the color of pomegranates or Swedish subtitles where some cheesy caricature of death plays chess.
you must be at least 18 to post here
quads of truth
Imagine being so Chinese that you prefer capeshit to actual works of art.
quads of brutal truth
Enjoying capeshit just means you have sub 120 IQ. There's nothing wrong with that, but some of us like something more in our film than flashing lights, bright colors, and loud noises.
Very thankful that I'm not you.
watching orson welles interviews i get the feeling he was just about the least pretentious person in hollywood.
How dare a piece of art make you think for yourself!
I enjoy both!!
t. spends two hours watching TWO PEOPLE TALKING
Don't even try to pretend you don't want to see some lightsabers deflecting force lightning instead of this rip-off of a film.
You do not understand the medium the way most of us do. You're in it for entertainment and that's okay but keep your retarded opinion to yourself next time.
bu thats wrong though
>t. spends all day harassing people with higher IQs than him about things he cannot understand
this is like telling an artist that they would rather look at playboy spreads all day than monet and van gogh
Youre not fully wrong actually. But when youre older and more interested in dialogue and ideas than action scenes, you'll find a lot to like in Citizen Kane and other classics
Best vintage film coming through
I'd be interested in your top 10. I know you're too much a pussy to post it though.
fucking A
his interviews are fascinating, unique charisma and great intellect
capeshitter not even once
It's bait, nobody is that stupid.
It's actually true. A few classics like 12 Angry Men and Rear Window are properly great, but most of it like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Bicycle Thieves, The Seventh Seal, Rashomon etc. are just boring, and that is a legit complaint.
>Disproves your shit opinion
In 3 and a half minutes you are introduced to the location and its chaos and seediness, the main character and his importance to the plot, as well as his motivation in a single shot. Did I mention the stress of death facing everything in those three and a half minutes?
Or do uou just not give a shit about cinematography and like everything spoon fed on a cgi green screen to keep your shit attention span with a shitty one liner joke about "language"?
Consider pic related, considered one of the greatest films of all times by the "critics." The film is described as
> Renoir's portrayal of the wise, mournful Octave anchors the fatalistic mood of this pensive comedy of manners. The film depicts members of upper-class French society and their servants just before the beginning of World War II, showing their moral callousness on the eve of impending destruction.
What relevance could this possibly have to your life? What joy does it bring to spend your time on this? The fact that critics in CURRENT YEAR continue to praise this niche film is proof of their self-masturbatory nature.
The purpose of film is to entertain. Why don't you slit your wrists while you're watching your silent German expressionist films about titty robots while you're at it?
Iron Man (made history with the MCU)
Inception (Intellectualism is fine if it's entertaining)
Moonrise Kingdom (drama is fine if it's entertaining. Anderson achieves this with cuteness), Spirited Away (I don't shun foreign film)
Baby Driver (creatively utilized music)
Star Wars VI (send off to a historic trilogy)
Happy Gilmore (classic comedy)
Rocky (my favorite probably)
The Godfather (shows that a film can still be slow and great)
The Godfather II (unique use of nonlinear story telling)
Lol you are pathetic.
This one is pretty funny, but then I watched A Night at the Opera or something and it was nowhere near as good.
>this is the kind of people who post in this board
0/10 bait
>that list
lmfao hows your 9 to 5 at Burger King?
10/10 bait by the way, well done
Why, because I don't like your precious classics?
You realize a lot of comic nerds have the highest IQs?
>the purpose of film is to entertain
These sort of people exactly demonstrate the problem with film that I'm pointing out. They have no actual defense of the film. They just act pretentious and "lol" at outsiders, praying that their facade isn't discovered. They can't respond to my arguments, because they have none of their own.
Just give up. If they were to face the reality that their hobby has been a waste of time, they would break down. Perhaps it is best to leave them in their delusions...
>Renoir's portrayal of the wise, mournful Octave anchors the fatalistic mood of this pensive comedy of manners. The film depicts members of upper-class French society and their servants just before the beginning of World War II, showing their moral callousness on the eve of impending destruction.
This sounds like the most un-interesting movie ever made. I'd rather watch Satantango at half speed.
>Happy Gilmore
>They have no actual defense of the film.
This right here. They always just throw some epic buzzwords at you in a desperate effort to put you down.
>Inception (Intellectualism)
this is true baitkino
You have the taste of a freshman in high school.
70s > 10s > 50s
Nazis about to invade? Who cares? I have a dinner and cocktail party to attend, this really puts a crimp on my style!
It probably has more meaning now as a decadent society wages war after war.
>These sort of people exactly demonstrate the problem with film that I'm pointing out. They have no actual defense of the film. They just act pretentious and "lol" at outsiders, praying that their facade isn't discovered. They can't respond to my arguments, because they have none of their own.
your post is too retarded to even reply with something, I can't even
>They can't respond to my arguments, because they have none of their own.
All of your points are generic, surface level criticisms. There's nothing to refute.
He's pretty much just an average bloke who happens to have a lot of intelligence and fine taste in art.
Because you're a drooling idiot who has to bash people who are more intelligent. You probably prefer Chief Keef to Bach and Shadman comics to Picassos art. Just face it, you actually have no interest in film, just spoonfeeding and cgi.
It was pretty good. Which movie was it where groucho made a holocaust joke? It had something to do with juice.
How's high school?
The day I realized I'm different from other people was the day when we watched a film on the unpredictable consequences of city planning in the city of Brasilia in an art class. After class, talking to a chad and a 'normal' asian girl, I said that that was maybe one of the most interesting things I've seen. I was shocked to hear them say they could barely stay awake through it. I still don't understand what makes some people find things like that fascinating, while others stick to middle of the road entertainment. But I'm pretty sure that difference is very real.
>You're dumb
>You must like [thing I consider dumb]
Every single time.
>Inception (Intellectualism is fine if it's entertaining)
this is not even bait at this point
the action isn't even good. cavalry charges in John Ford movies, Peckinpah shootouts, actually good action scenes make capeshit look like paint drying. it's just a bait thread man. or this guy's a legit turbopleb we've been given a rare chance to observe in the wild
Wow such social commentary! I bet it's full of deep metaphors and symbolism too!
based quads
Alright maybe intellectualism wasn’t the right word. I can admit mistakes.
What I meant was you have to think about it for a second before you “get” it.
>Say anything negative about classic movies
>Point out how modern movies are better
>Bonus points if it's Star Wars or "capeshit"
Is there an easier way to get (You)s on this board?
heres a (you)
Milkers and asses
Sit down. Be Humble.
It's strange innit? Some genius engineer types I know seem to enjoy some pretty childish things. Makes me think their smarts are 'selective'
40s = 50s = early 60s > 70s > 30s = late 60s > 80s > 90s > 00s >>>>>> 2010s
I haven't seen enough of the pre-30s stuff to rank those decades. There's definitely some silent kino though, Buster Keaton's 20s stuff for example
Comics attract the dumbest mother fuckers, kinda like porn.
>he had to think about inception
lol brainlet
if Nolan movies makes you think that's great
next stage: m night shyamalan probably
For the record, I’ve watched The Seventh Seal and Tokyo Story. Both confirmed my conceptions.
Could it be that your problem with these films is that the culture you live is radically different to the one these films were made in? You naturally have a hard time connecting to a film using a language that was normal back in its day but is quaint by your standards. If you took the time to get yourself accustomed to a specific era by reading a couple of books or watching a couple of films maybe you could get over that cultural barrier and start to see these films for what they really are. You have to be able to contextualize these works before you label them as pretentious. Think about the fact that Shakespeare's works were made as crowd pleasers or that Mozart's works were radical for their time.
>I still don't understand what makes some people find things like that fascinating, while others stick to middle of the road entertainment
IQ and creativity probably user. Creative people are spurred by interesting ideas and images to think interesting, creative thoughts. More intelligent ones think yet more interesting thoughts. It's not that complicated. Plebs are either deficient in intelligence or creativity (sometimes both) and therefore don't really get much out of art in general besides the diversion afforded by a lowbrow movie or TV show or videogame. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't know why they care to discuss stuff here. Just go do normie things guys
Interesting. Why should we bother with these films of the past if they are so far removed from us? Why not just watch the films of today that are more accessibly entertaining?
Because these films might have a message that could still be relevant for us today even if it takes some work on our part to cross the cultural barrier in order to understand it.
Sorry you're parents fucked up on you. They must be so proud.
his parents are irredeemable plebs too. they're born, not made.
Keep digging, aspie.
Clearly you can't handle anything made before 2008 if you had to think about Inception. Top kek.
That was fantastic. Does the rule that "the longer the average time between camera cuts, the worse the movie is" generally hold true?
Jesus Christ this thread is the most autistic thing I've ever seen
Just watch your fucking movies
it's called history. In this case cinema history. How can you pretend to objectively evaluate the present if you choose to ignore the past? Movies can be more than just an entertainment product, they can expand your cultural horizon, like any good piece of art for that matter.
A random Buster Keaton movie has probably more action and stunts than the last Rock movie. It doesn't mean one is better than the other, anyone has his own opinion after all, but to wonder why you should bother watching any classic from decades ago screams of a very narrow outlook on the medium and also an indisputable lack of curiosity towards a fairly recent art form.
>But when youre older and more interested in dialogue and ideas
It's not about age with him, OP's just a dumbass.
No. Long shot single takes are incredibly difficult to pull off. What makes this one one of the best is the sheer amount of Choreography required to time it so perfectly to have the couple on foot cross the border at the exact same time as the couple in the car.
This is Orson in rare form.
>The Godfather (shows that a film can still be slow and great)
Fuck off jew.
no. the rule is "good directors generally make good films whatever their personal style"
some people like to cut a lot to wring greater impact out of events or show details to the audience. some people like to get real precise with their camera movements and composition and play scenes out with hardly any cuts at all. some cut a lot in action scenes but prefer for dialogue scenes to compose immaculate shots and let the actors' performances breathe, hardly moving the camera at all. and there's tons of variation even between superficially similar styles. I just watched The Informer (John Ford movie from 1935) and it had some really stylish shots, great use of low light and atmosphere, and some dialogue scenes that played for like 5 minutes uncut without the camera moving an inch. there is no "rule" about use/overuse of montage.
shiity action scenes with 50 cuts in two seconds are pretty funny though, yeah. make for great webms
>it's a pol thinks everyone is a Jew episode
You people have a mindless impulse to subvert anything that brings national pride. Oh yes lets be proud of your Hollywood filth but not our own production fucking racist kike.
Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr over Tarkovsky, Olivier, Rossellini, Welles, Day-Lewis... This may impress the girls in beginning drawing user.
Is that why they eschew bathing and deodorant?
>trying to have any form of intelligent discussion on the internet
its like being the tallest midget
have you even seen the average films that were coming out when Citizen Cane was released? There was nothing like it.
Face it. Modern flicks are shallow and contrived products that you have to force yourself to find merit in. These pseudo-films are only popular because lowbrow plebs and manchildren need to find means of escapism from themselves and their useless existence.
Way to make your point invalid faggot, you need to at least have some standards.
Just admit it. You'd rather watch pic related and better yourself artistically and intellectually than some shit about the power of superheros or product placement where some contrived caricature of humanity's resilience defeats the bad guys for the upteenth time.
>Baby Driver
Not Le Samourai? Not The Driver? Not even Drive? Way to out yourself as the biggest shit-eating gen-z twerp there is. This would surely be bait if it weren't so obvious you were underage.
What do you mean by you people? Are you an idiot? I'm not even Jewish. Also most old films were written, directed and cast by Jewish people.
The MGM movies aren't as good as the classic early Paramount ones. This is pretty much agreed by most fans. The lack of Zeppo as the straight man hurt the act.
desu i'd rather spend two hours shitposting here than watching any movie which is what i do. i watched most of the classics in my twenties anyways
>inb4 g2bed gramps
protip: you're here forever
Anyone got an edit with bane replacing the kane?