What is Next?

Okay Anons, serious question here. We've had the push for more superhero women, and more women in movies in general. That has lasted about 2 years before it became unspecial, perhaps Wonder Woman caused that. We just had Black Panther, and the push for more black superheros. That already seems on its way out of being 'special'.

What is the next victim to be thrust into the limelight? The next necessary superhero so that victims of fate will finally have someone that they can look up to as a shining example of personal inspiration?

Is it the next mentally disabled superhero? The next superhero that is blind or missing a leg? The next superhero that is Native American, or perhaps a superhero that is albino or suffering from something debilitating (like being superfat)?

What do you think is the next victim that Hollywood will push in order to be progressive? My bet right now is on a gay/trans/? superherx...but something tells me that they'd have to adapt one that is already popular (maybe they could use Nighthawk). So, what's your bet for the next wave of representation?

bump. Jesus...no one thinks this is an important topic?

>mentally disabled





Captain Marvel


you're talking about cape flicks, stop being so dramatic bitch

So you guys think that it's over, in a sense...that we've gone through the victimhood olympics for superheros, and in a year or two we'll get back to the old way where identity politics had no meaning for superhero movies?


...the picture is funny, or the topic? Or is it funny that I'm even hoping for a serious discussion of cultural driven decisions in Hollywood?

This is a very interesting topic OP, and one that I haven't actually considered, the answer is probably gay, although I could also see Hollywood as glossing over that minority as those pesky chinks might not take to kindly to homosexuality.



this, you need to watch more capekino OP

i don't think you'll see a gay or trans or whatever the fuck anything in capeshit anytime soon. Marvel tried it a few times and it always led to poor sales, Northstar is gay in Alpha Flight for instance. Can't see why it would fair any better on a large screen.

>Are ya winnin', son?

Yeah, but with Captain Marvel there hasn't been a nationwide coordinated effort to represent 'other'. With Wonder Woman (and Ghostbusters 2016) it was everywhere, and of course Star Wars has compounded that. With Black Panther, once again it's been a coordinated effort that is hard to miss.

What I'm essentially asking is, what do you think will be the next 'cause'? And while I think it's fun to laugh at my own expense at perhaps expecting some kind of discourse on this, I can't believe that you don't also observe and recognize this pattern coming out of hollywood. If normal movies don't succeed anymore, let's guilt people into seeing them by selling them as filmed virtue signals.

Thanks. See pic.

Don't you die on me thread...you have so much potential...

Soo what seems to be the problem here ??

Fine...let it die.

Captain marvel is a tranny?

>The next superhero that is Native American,

I would unironically enjoy this if one exists.

The rest of that shit is when diversity is going to jump the shark for normies.

I think it would be cool to have a Native American superhero who kicks ass...the problem I see though is that it would probably be as stereotypical and racist as any other superhero that is based on a culture rather than something that is applicable to any culture. Like, it couldn't be 'Tomahawk Man' or some shit like that...