Natalie Portman interview

"I mean, I think you do have a lot of sexuality as a kid"

How quickly would a male get lynched for saying this?

It's well known humans don't develop sexually until whatever the age of consent in the united states is.

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Hershlags gon' Hershlag

reminder she asked one of her bfs if hes masturbated to her scenes in leon, shame whats happened to hershlag as she aged tho


>united states
it's funny how the world's capital of porn is also one of the few to restrict adulthood until 21.

i was jerking off my cock when i was 3 years old
i also had a big rubber ball that i uses to press my dick against and fuck it
nothing came out obviously but it was still good


Having to lie that you didn't jerk it to gorgeous Leon-age natalie so you can get into v. Good tier adult-natalie's pants.

you're an amateur
i started rubbing my clit when my mom was changing my diapers during my first year. She always put a nice perfumed cream all over my vagina and rectum it was orgasmic.

You sound gay, faggot

Boys don't have clits, faggot

checked nonetheless

Consent in US is 16 to 18. Drinking and gambling is 21+

Lmao i also used to fuck a beachball i had when i was like 3 or 4

dont sexually terrorize me, hershlag

Well what context does she say it in, she's obviously not saying kids are sexy, she's saying kids have sexuality which is a pretty normie opinion considering the left thinks that some men just come shooting out of the vagina wanting to suck a penis

>Natalie Portman Is The Woke Actor We Need Right Now

What would be your answer to being asked this question by Hershlag, Sup Forums?


>It's well known humans don't develop sexually until whatever the age of consent in the united states is.

you went too hard.

I miss the good old days

Why are Americans scared of sex but not violence?

Only incels with 4 inch anteater penises are threatened by a woman in control of her own sexuality.

so does she

Nice try Hershey but I know you work for the FBI

dk are you a Fed?

Concerned citizen.

How fucking new are you? I exited the womb by sliding down the cock of the doctor delivering me like it was a fireman's pole and I was rushing out of the station house. I jizzed 9 months of pent up cum as I was crowing, giving me the momentum to propel myself to freedom.

Why are Eurocucks so scared of both?

Niggers and Arabs own both your women and your balls.

she fucked and sucked her way to the top. and liked every minute of it

Portman's Fuck and Suck
Formerly Hershlag's

>Doesn't know you can show tits on daytime TV in Europe

Source? I'm very curious about this.

confirmed retard

Some made up blog post
People like to think it's real

>NP: I very much regret it. I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. Someone I respected gave it to me, and said, "I signed this. Will you too?" And I was like, sure. It was a mistake. The thing I feel like I gained from it is empathy towards people who have made mistakes. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. My eyes were not open.
Oh shit, are some "serious allegations" going to be released soon about our Hershlag?

This is the most innocent burn i've ever seen.

>I-I haven't seen it. Haha. Leon the what?


>jew talking about child sexuality
What else is new?

ur mum's black boyfriend

White complaining about jews whats new wincest is awesome isnt it billy bob

>How quickly would a male get lynched for saying this?

Can you stop with this shit?
Stop saying things that make you weak.

This world is for the taking.

Men are the real victims.


>"I mean, I think you do have a lot of sexuality as a kid"

She knows men wanted her

>In the interview, you said this really funny thing about turning down Adrian Lyne's Lolita remake: "Let me tell you, that movie's going to be sleaze. He did 9½ Weeks."

>NP: Really? That's hilarious. Oh my god, my big mouth. Everything I was being offered was, like, sexy little girls.

Natalie just wants to be 'safe' while she was her sexy 13 year old self.

She knows Leon was subtly sexual film with overtones - she admits this in interviews later on.

You are not a man if you are playing the victim.