Now that the dust has settled... was it kino?
Now that the dust has settled... was it kino?
based was it poster
it was the best DCEU movie and just a smidgen better than the WWoman one
no, Snyder ruined Superman for an entire generation and killed the DCU's chances of ever being good
I liked that part in JL where affleck just blurts out what BvS was supposed to be about, that nothing in BvS even so much as hinted at.
Yes, the romantic undertones between batman and superman really helped to break down hetero-normative and ciscentric stereotypes in media without being so overt that it wouldn't turned off less intelligent and bigoted viewers and really is a cinematic masterpiece for nonbinary multisexual and the general LGBTQI community, These truly are progressive heroes and a film of progkino that is pushing society forward
stop playing memecraft you fuckwad
When was that
yes, but this gay world does not deserve such art.
It was a movie.
it could've been.
Everything besides the great visuals, sounds/score is dogshit.
And honestly this film should've came way after getting the masses to rally behind these two.
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
The Doomsday fight was one of the top 5 superhero fights of all time especially for not involving quip crazy villains (Winter Soldier being another one) and is also the DBZ power ups live anime fight we will never get from western studios. Alita will remind us soon enough this year.
Fucking no. There were parts I liked but it's way too messy and characters do shit for no reason other than Snyder thinking "man it'd be cool if bamham and supe so man fought!!".
That's putting aside the fact that he made Superman an angry gloryhound. I don't even care about Batman killing people, at least there was a reason for that, but Clark is all over the goddamn place in those three movies and in this one Snyder wanted him to be mad all the time for no reason.
if kino mean shit, then yes
DC still has potential
pure, unrelenting kino. on par with dunkirk.
Oh hai, Clark.
> Pure K I N O
For normies exposed to old bats/supes = no
for older comic fans exposed to elseworlds tales = yes
traditionalists = no
IMO best DCEU film.
That fucking 'angels from hell' speach was the most pretentious minute of any film I have ever seen and I have some some real artsy french shit. They just fucking take the metaphor and drive it into the ground, zooming in on the painting multiple times like holy fuck you can actually hear Snider jerking off to his own brilliance in the background. The dialogue in the entire movie is like that, "baby's first creative writing class"
It was not kino, but if you have a room temperature IQ you may walk away with the impression it was.
It was trash that ruined both batman and superman forever.
>it has been 2 years and I still don't know what the critics' beef with the film is
>One of movies themes is the toxic relationship between media and audiences
>media turns against the movie
really makes you think
yeah it's kino
The Director's Cut is THE capekino