Now that the dust has settled, what does the future hold for CloMo...

Now that the dust has settled, what does the future hold for CloMo? Hollywood producers are missing out on her acting talent.




She's not a loli anymore so they couldn't care.


There's some talk here and there about Suspiria remake being good from the recent test screening, but that's mostly Tilda. Maybe Chloe's head will be chopped off for all we know

i want to say how much im appreciating this new maymay


Wow 8 posts and not a single brap

we're beyond braps

>tfw I still like her though not as much anymore since KickAss1

hairy chin?

thats not even peach fuzz, have you ever seen a woman up close?

Most of these loli hoes aint shit once their stuck up stupid looking asses stop being 13 and mens dicks start being a bit more discerning. Bet they dont hate men so much later when they sucking dick for bit parts on the casting couch.

not really

hair is pretty common among mammals user

She should always stay in this position


Wanna smell that butt



Hog worthy

>getting her to sign a picture of her foot
Champion. Better take care that ogre doesn't kill everyone though.

>When she holds a pen like a mongo