Perhaps it might be time we put the to rest lads
These "white" men can't handle the banter
Perhaps it might be time we put the to rest lads
These "white" men can't handle the banter
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u dummies 56% of the population is white NOT that Americans have 56% white blood
Jesus he's aging real badly.
>You're a fucking psycho, Trombley
>balding teen
holy shit he should've just shot himself desu
It's called a widow's peak, jamal.
>receding hairline, thin facial hair indicate low T
>scrawny and short
>brownish skin
Yep, it's definitely a liberal.
nah he did something stupid he's not white anymore also race isn't a social construct even though im defining race based on merit and not biology
>these mental gymnastics
t. balding infant
Why is it so hard for alt-righties to accept their own?
keep telling yourself that lmao
Why do people do this? It's so embarassing.
for them
The meme has transcended whatever the original definition was.
You're called a hairlet, user.
And what Islamic country do you hail from, op?
I don't know. It gets pretty shaky when the government lies and calls spics white. I just hope the midwest doesn't get any worse.
Ayo hol up
It's literally tacofuckers hiding behind memeflags
I thought numales all had beards
you brain dead neets need to make up your mind about who your imaginary enemies are
I get really sick of this 56% meme.
It's not even funny or original. It's just butthurt 3rd worlders building this imaginary narrative that Americans robbed them of their inheritance.
Literally no different than niggers claiming to be the Pharoahs of Egypt before whitie put them on slave ships.
Grow up and deal with your shit. Your countries are shit because you allowed them to be shit, not because of la creatura.
You've only barely got more than a 50% chance of being white. You're probably a nigger.
Why are so many people here obsessed with hairlines? Seems kinda queer to me
This is what happens when you call a guy "manlet" one too many times.
It's just devolved into "none of you are white!" Easy to tell which American posters are actually shitskins who reguritate it
... how is this related to television or movies?
This board is pol lite.
Just look at all the snowflakes being buttblasted about black panther
we're easy bait
who cares if the mods don't?
pent-up manlet rage is a very dangerous force when released
damn what did he do to make him become in that fetal position?
The weak must fear the strong
the thing about manlets is that they have tiny hands so getting hit by them is like getting shot
Sweet Chin Music
>That ninja dodge at :09
Dearborn, Michigan.
maybe don't make threats? isn't that what the law is for?
looks like he's having a seizure
>kicked so hard God rips your soul out of your body from the asshole upwards
>That hairline
>brain go BbbzzZzzZZzTt
you should see the mugshots for white people these days. I swear 50% are blacker than coal.
I'd hang out with the metal head bottom left and the queer far right.
did he climax
that "metal head" is macaulay culkin
Imagine being yellow shirt's parents and seeing this footage.
Imagine being Red shirt's.
lol. then id fuck his ass
manlet wins again
if only they targetted people worth targetting... certain... politicians...
>manlet fucking wins
okay ghost of MJ settle down
Spics are only white when the govt is talking crime or welfare statistics.
Holy fuck dude in red is a beast.
>at 10 seconds his body starts to dodge without thinking
This fight was like tekken played out in real life or something