Armond White is mentioned
The Zack Snyder era of superhero movies is over. You should be sorry to see it go
>This aesthetic vision may have triggered sniggers — aggressively unique artistry often does — but it’s far superior to the MCU’s house anti-style, that cautiously competent CGI mishmash that defines the adventures of the Avengers and their friends
Goodbye Zack. You flew too close to the sun
>cautiously competent CGI
It's downright incompetent.
>zack snyder “era”
Does that even exist? Snyder never reaches the same revelancy compared to people like nolan nor raimi when it comes to capeshit.
Actually he is. Only blind fucks cant see his contribution to cinema.
>that comment section full of seething MCUcks
Look how much the truth disgusts them. They can't stand when someone criticizes their precious cookie-cutter TV-show film Universe. After all they've been fed a decade of corporate propaganda on why they should unconditionally love the MCU. Snyder brought forth the relevant questions to capeshit and these people can't stand coming to terms with these questions. They are stunted manchildren in truth shielded from the realities of heroism by their multi-billion corporations.
Pic related; the new face of the nerd. Hipster lefttists.
compared to mcu, yes.
Hope he makes a comeback with a kick ass film that makes normies beg for his return to cape shit
This looks like a typical Sup Forums thread.
I guess it proves what we all knew, Sup Forums is infested by the Marvel defense force
Going back to 300, Snyder is probably the single most influential director to tackle comic books on films in this century.
>Man of Steel
The Holy Trinity
Read first comment
>where is the FUN
when this idea took roots that a movie needs to be fun? You dont look at a painting, or read a novel or listen to an album expecting to have FUN
>its in the top 5 articles read on the website
do people underestimate the popularity of Snyder?
Journalists like to. But he's always had an disproportionate amount of fans when compared to other directors. How many other directors would get a campaign for restoring his version of the film? Certainly not any director in the MCU inspires that kind of fan following.
>Snyder detractor: I don't have shit taste you fucking pretentious asshole!
>also Snyder detractor: I love Captain America Civil War and Spider-Man Homecoming! XD
Punished zack a man denied his cut
>How many other directors would get a campaign for restoring his version of the film?
problem there is it requires alot of reshoots for the directors version. I wouldn't say Black Panther is a Coogler film and its the same for most of the other directors.
This is what Fede Alvarez said who was offered Dr Strange:
>At some point we were in conversations and… they already figured it out. They’ve figured out the style. They’ve figured out the way they shoot them. They’ve figured out the colors, the humor. What would I do? I enjoy a lot more freedom than that.
He influenced the ways to avoid making a movie.
He is a houseold name.
His movies "flops" exclusively because in modern Hollywood budgets are so hoddam inflated. How is raking in 600 millions every time a failure?
>How is raking in 600 millions every time a failure?
Because you can't succeed when you fail to make back your production, marketing, and distribution costs.
>those comments
Exactly. Which is why I found it humorous when Marvel hired prolific director Coogler to direct Black Panther. Anyone with the slightest insight in the makings of MCU movies will tell you that was just a PR move to have a black directing. The actual film was being done by Feige & suits. Coogler was there as a PR device so Marvel could tell audiences how progressive they are while at the same time repeating the exact same shit as previous films.
You simply don't hire 10 different directors and have all their films look identical. It's not plausible.
I'd say it's more Coogler than the other films are of their directors except for maybe Shane Black's Iron Man 3 and the first Thor by Branagh. It's the most director-based film in a massively producer-based franchise.
reduce budgets then. its all getting ridiculous
Guarantee you the article was posted on /r/MarvelStudios and other reddit boards. These people hold an irrational grudge against Snyder ever since he mocked their childish sensibilities in his films.
How will Snyder pay for the excessive CGI to paint his gloriously overpriced biblical iconography without an equally excessive budget? You're hindering his artistic vision.
300 was made with a low budget.
jesus christ, calm down.
Does he care at all that his daughter is getting raped in hell forever?
He works with what they throw at him, but I'm sure if they threw less money in these capes hit he would still make great movies. It's very similar to what happened with BR 2049 really.
The movie did fine for a art housing blockbuster, but if you spend 250 millions dollar, of course your margin is very slim
No I'm not sorry.
I'm fucking glad.
You can't take the aesthetic of Watchmen, a work that deconstructs superheroes, and blindly apply it to the very superheroes it was deconstructing.
It's fucking retarded and misguided.
The man is a hack.
How horrible, now we'll have to put up with superhero movies with substance instead of all style.
>Justice League was an absolute mess and had all the wrong press for months until its release
>still did better Bladerunner 2049
christ, did people really not want another bladerunner?
>this is the intelligence of the m*rvel audience
Tell that to Frank Miller.
Deconstruction often times imply working with the material you're tearing apart. Watchmen initially had to cast the very heroes Alan Moore decided to parodize.
Actually, you can see it exactly this in his other masterpiece, Miracleman
superhero movies dont have substance user
it is why they are called superhero movies
I know this might be unbelievable for you, but I have to break it to you anyway. I hope you're sitting down: DC comics and Superheroes in general are more popular than niche Sci-Fi films from the early 80s.
Name one
Black Panther did have substance, just because you don't like the message doesn't mean it didn't have one.
A single frame of BvS has more substance than 20 MCU turds put together.
Sage all Snyder threads.
Hide all Snyder threads.
There has been several attempts to bring the cartoon, the comic or the anime to the life. Such as the way of Zack Snyder & Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller which they tried to emulate the physicality on the pages to the world of a live action. The other one is very realistic approach like Nolan’s efforts. Who to say which one is the righteous take on the material. Ppl definitely seem to shy away from the 1st one. I really like both cuz 1st goes after the artistry of drawing the comic, knowingly challenging the physicality of “To Show Medium” as much as 2nd one embodies the art of the adaptation. Sooo let’s hope somebody nails “IT” darn right near future user !!!
I would be really happy to see it fucking go in general. When the fuck will this faux nerd culture end. I hate that capitalism is dragging it out in the name of profit.
Why are people still defending Snyder, he ruined the most iconic superhero team of all time. You'll never get a proper justice league adaption thanks to him.
Looks like
is back on the menu boys.
It's the only thing on the menu.
I love that in these threads you always have DCucks making arguments, dissecting the production process, referencing source materials, and then you have Marley just shouting this
I guess so, but you know only one was highly anticipated. I remember this place was extremely reluctant on justice league (with some obvious in massive denial)
How many times are you going to shout and whine now?
>relevant questions about capeshit
just kek.
watchmen already asked, and answered those questions 30 years ago
snyder is a hack and his awful movies deserved to bomb
it's always hilarious when DCucks think dark = deep, and fun = shallow
Snyder thinks every single character in DC is Watchmen. That's the only book he's actually read. Justice League and Superman aren't supposed to be edgy and grimdark like he wants it to be.
Justice League probably would have made a small profit if they hadn't bloated the budget with reshoots.
The Snyder cut would've been fine. You can blame stupid executives for no proper Justice League.
“Proper !?” like how ??? Ppl like you really needs to understand how the physicality of cinema works. A page screenplay, most definitely consistent with the words, probably runs a minute to a minute & half as moving images on the screen. Most films out there end up to the running times of the short ones, around 90 minuets up to long run, 180. On the other hand, a page of comics are filled with the drawing that packed with helluvu informations. Sooo knowing those, they even should’ve had the trilogy that introduces us the universe of “Justice League”. 180 some minutes just ain’t enough.
This is true. Every single superheroes are jaded moody fuckers with power while carrying a traumatic past. It kills the dynamic between superman and batman in movies. Since man of steel already fuck up Clark’s character, Snyder has to crank the batman’s dark and edginess 10x to make the character stand out from Clark’s. Superman supposed to have a normal childhood in a farm but get thrust into responsibility due to his power. Therefore, he has a boy scout personality and view on life. The only reason wonder woman was successful because her character stray away from the Snyder superhero formula
Ok. Now tell me, how is a simplistic boyscout world view interesting?
lol snyder flexing his tricep. what a tool.
>cookie-cutter TV-show film Universe
Guardian of the Galaxy is space opera.
Ant-Man is heist film.
Deadpool is low-budget & filthy jokes.
>Guardian of the Galaxy is space opera
How. Where is the galactic empire, the planets, the battles?
t. has never read a comic book in his life
>Wow this is a bad take.
>The 'vision' of the Snyderverse, such as it is, is of a monochrome, hyperstylized, dystopia where uninteresting characters punch each other as hard as they can until one of them dies. Did you actually watch Man of Steel? The last 45 minutes are incomprehensible. It's bad, bad moviemaking. The Marvel movies, while not always amazing (see: Age of Ultron) allow for interesting directors to unique, FUN, movies while still adhering to a broader underlying story (see: Guardians 1, Ant-Man, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther). These solid, hugely popular movies are all with characters no one in the broader public had ever heard of until they were on the big screen. You have Batman and Superman! And no one wanted to see those movies!
>Isn't it telling that the only good recent DC movie (Wonder Woman) was directed by someone not named Zack Snyder? No one should mourn this era. Good riddance.
Fucking hell I can smell the soy coming out of my computer screen
Why are his movies always so close to being good? He always fucks up on SOME aspects. It's sad, because if he were to actually have a competent story and flowing dialogue he would be considered on the same league as Nolan. Great vision, but always bad execution. It's depressing because BvS had some of the greatest scenes in comic book movies but when it's all put together it's just not satisfying.
It’s interesting when an all-powerful being is trying to enforce his simple world view on a world that not only rejects it, but begins to actively fight against it.
>Where is the galactic empire, the planets, the battles?
Kree Empire, and now we are getting an expanded view with the Skrulls (And possible Kree/Skrull war) in Captain Marvel.
The Earth, Xandar, Ego, Knowhere, Morag, The Sovereign, etc...
We had couple battles in both movies.
What? I can't remember any of that
Like some kind of God or tyrant? Oh man, imagine the shitstorm
Coz ist mcugarbage.
You didn't watch the movie at all
It is a failure when all his movies have a bloated budget.
>one being is enough to show an entire empire
>talking about stuff that is in an upcoming film
I watched both in theatres. I remember some Elf being evil, a prison escape, some gold people hunting the gang, a Pac-Man god, them stealing some kind of sphere from a shop, a bad CGI planet and like Crisp Rat being on a couch for basically an entire movie
what Snyder lacked was a good writing partner. a shame he has to shoulder all the blame.
That's what the BvS movie should have been about.
> 2-3 direct rip offs of Baroque Artwork.
> """Vision"""
More likely than not, it's studio meddling and writers can't do shit about it.
Mos writing was fine. It went to shit in BvS because they had to cram so much shit in it
Yes, that is the whole interesting part about superman’s story. He’s an extremely powerful being with a simple good boy view on the world. He has so much power that he typically get away with doing job without having to compromise on his ideal most of the time. That drives his simplistic ideal even more until he has to face a situation that contradicts it. However, snyder’s man of steel doesn’t quite fit that character. People make fun of Zod’s snap neck scene not because superman should never kill, but he was never portrayed as a person who would be genuinely hesistant and upset when it comes to killin Zod in the situation. Superman’s simplistic mindset is also supposed to contrast with batman’s pragmatic mindset and that is what make their dynamic good. Superman can never quite get into the heads of bad guys like batman can because he can’t see things in their point of view. He simply looks at it as bad guys do bad things and deserve to be in jail when it comes to crime fighting
The story of superman turning more authorian with justice league is due to the simplistic view that since his motive and his goal are benevolent, they are justified.
>but he was never portrayed as a person who would be genuinely hesistant and upset when it comes to killin Zod in the situation
FIRST: you know full well that's maybe your criticism, but not THE CRITICISM. Hence why the movie is notoriously derided as Man of Murder.
People simply didn't want for Superman to kill. They wanted for him to punch Zod into space and wipe his hands off with a smirk because they are manchildren.
TWO: Superman is shown as a normal human being psychologically wise. It's implied that as a normal human person, killing isn't in his nature and it's an incredible taxating act morally. You really don't need him going "And remember kids, murder is bad" to establish that he is against killing.
>be Zack
>have two most iconic capeheroes of all time to work with
>have 90% of all iconic capeshit stories of all time
>choose one which supposed to END franchise
>turning it into fanfic from 12yo-tier clash of retards
>movie actually beings the ending of franchise
>shitting on Thor for being literally who
>literally who praised more and makes more money than any of his movie
Im pretty sure he is called man of murder because he just leveled the whole city and killed thousands of people fighting zod. Then he get really upset with the whole killing Zod thing. A normal man wouldn’t be that upset of killing Zod in that situation if they witness Zod taking countless life, trying to kill you and about to kill more infront of you. It takes a man with a heighten sense of morality to be that genuinely upset.
>cant refute a single comment
>cry about it on Sup Forums
the absolute state of DCucks
>thanks to him
Actually thanks to Whedon.
>visit home where my parents are trump supporting republicans who love and see every MCU film, but don't enjoy most DC films
>they enjoy Justice League, because it was more fun like MCU
Goyer is not that bad.
I guess it's not Whedon's fault that both Batman and Superman were already ruined in BvS and Snyder's JL cut was considered "unwatchable" EVEN by WB standarts.
Most "Marvel-fans" couldn't name any of the directors of the films.
>The Marvel movies allow for interesting directors to unique, FUN, movies while still adhering to a broader underlying story
Also, I somewhat agree that Superman shouldn’t have been placed in the situation to kill in the very first movie as it wasn’t enough time to develop how superman is as a character to make his first kill seems significant and life changing for him.
Everyone know Waititi and Russos now, mate. And everyone will forever remember Russos for making Infinity War, now matter how shitty it will be. It's just marvel has so much films that you simply can't remember all of them.
>russo brothers
didnt even look it up
WB execs don't know shit. They're responsible for making Suicide Squad what it was. Wonder Woman guaranteed would have been panned if they didn't hand over control to Patty Jenkins. And besides, we were never originally going to get BvS. Snyder was going to make MoS 2, but WB was shitting their pants that MoS didn't make a billion, so did the exact same thing that Iron Man 2 was victim of. Setting up a whole bunch of shit without much context. And miraculously, BvS still turned out to be great.
so close
>Snyder was going to make MoS 2
Well, problem is that Hack is spinless cuck who simply can't say NO to retards from WB. His yesman behavior killed DCEU in the first place. You can blame WB for being greedy idiots but also blame everyone who were involved for not being able to say "fuck this shit"
Can you tell anything else they've done
HAHAHAHAHAHAH are you serious, oh my god lol
the real, biggest problem with snyder's dc movies where fucking pieces of shit retards like you airing their uninformed opinions.
MoS and BvS are masterpieces in their genre
>Did you actually watch Man of Steel? The last 45 minutes are incomprehensible
beside all the idiocy in that comment, how the fuck can you find the last 45 minutes of man of steel incomprehensible????
I was just think about a relevant question: Is it possible to make a good superhero film as long as the MCU exists? It has such an oppressive presence that nothing can succeed, let alone get made because investors and audiences have turned against good filmmaking.