Based actors who make anything they’re in automatically better

Based actors who make anything they’re in automatically better

Other urls found in this thread:

Gosling and Stone

Tom Hanks, Kevin Spacey, and John Goodman.

>This fag


I started an "I hate Cox" chat room. Hasn't really worked out the way i's me, two interns, and fourteen thousand lesbians.

I hope James Gunn signs him up to the MCU in guardians 3

Wild Hogs

Based Dad kino

Because his performance in wild hogs was so masterful? Stan against evil is pretty awesome tho.

This guy used to make alot of stuff better



op said better

was he the reason on deadly fucking grounds was such a based eskimo kino?



More like gimmicky shits that always play the same hamfisted role.

RIP Albert

>"We nee-"
>"Already in the can, sir"

how does one cultivate such terrible taste, I must know!