Pedophile rapes three sisters aged 12 and 14 and gets all 3 pregnant

>be white female
>see a homeless black man
>think Sandra Bullock's The Blind Side
>gib daughters

>He attacked his young victims after their mom allowed them to move into the family home in Youngstown, Ohio, while he was homeless.
>They were impregnated in 2015 and 2016.
>Prosecutor Jennifer McLaughlin told Mahoning County Common Pleas Court ‘These girls will suffer the rest of their lives because of this.’ One of the twins aborted her baby, but the other two sisters’ pregnancies were discovered too late for them to be terminated.

Cast him in the oscarbait biopic

They would unironically make this but have the races switched

chris tucker

Does it say they were white?
It really does seem something only a black woman would be stupid enough to do.

This, white people outside of movies are terrified of black men.

So is the mom going to lose custody for not only being a retard letting a homeless person move in, but to not notice her daughters being fucked on a regular basis? If it all happened at once, sure, but pregnated in two different years is entirely different. Also the daughters are also stupid for not saying anything

Nah, she'll have been a virtue signalling tumblrtard, a black woman would have told that nigger to get a damn job

>white guy raping black female
>oscarbait biopic
sci-fi fantasy films usually don't get oscar nominations

Did he rape them all at once? If so that’s impressive

They loved the BBC, it only went wrong because they were too stupid to use birth control

Hardly, that's like bragging that you beat up twenty fourth graders

>white female
keep lying Sup Forumscuck

Women bow to authority, the homeless man was likely the most prominent male figure all four of them had.

Only a stupid ass white person would do this shit.

Certainly no white man would ever...


The article in the OP omits several facts that recontextalize the story a bit.
>Perry was a friend of the family.
>The girls' mother allowed him to live at their Youngstown home when he needed somewhere to stay, Assistant Mahoning County Prosecutor Jennifer McLaughlin said in court.

They’re 12-14, user. Arms like sticks and probably a good 1 foot, 50 lbs lighter than you.

We only have 12 grades

When are people going to learn that letting acquaintances live around your daughters or sons is a recipe for disaster. That’s how you get 90% of rape.


Yeah but you’d think he’d get tired after cumming in the first one. I usually need a nap before my second round

Fuck you, I laughed.

>impregnated his victims

>didn't even change the OP from the Sup Forums thread

lets be honest, 12-14 is not pedophilia

Niggers rape eachother all the time and never report it. A lot of black kids are incest babies from rape in the hood

Michael Clarke Duncan using CGI

12-14 are regarded as children in modern Western society, even if they can be impregnated.

Gays aren’t white


You can get pretty fucking aroused when you’ve got a veritable rape buffet.

Hes right you know, Pedo is like 8 or less, this guys a "Hebe" - Hebephilia

>what was the atlantic slave trade
25% euro admixture (or whatever it is) came from somewhere user

not that those little whores didn't crave the bwc and the special treatment that came with it, I'm sure. ol' Tommy Jefferson probably had to beat them back with his cane

He is a hero desu

Something you wanna share with us, user?

>Cast him in the oscarbait biopic
any white actor

True, but you’re niggling details at that point because your average Joe doesn’t know about Heebs.

pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent features. A girl who can give birth has gone through puberty, or is going through it. In truth it's probably only half pedo, while the 14 year old is not pedophilia at all

This, unironically.

>what was the atlantic slave trade
>25% euro admixture (or whatever it is) came from somewhere user
It's called a business investment.

>thinking Sup Forums would be mad at this
Wrong board newfag

It takes a special level of divorce from reality to unironically believe that white men don't rape black women. As the other user stated, it went on for hundreds of years during slavery.

White people love rape, you retard. On all discord servers that I am part, all trannies, traps and bottoms make it very clear. You people want to be raped, feel ruined and owned.

>Meanwhile in this threads hometown....

Not really? I’m going off my gut on this one.

typical nig behavior. I'd shoot him in the face

I once checked the sources and the "0 black women were raped by white men" figure came from a sample size of 10 kek
Can't say I expected any better from Sup Forumstards.

why do liberals supports child molesting ?

i don't approve of diluting the meaning of the term pedophile. fucking children is an absolute abomination and the only moral thing to do if you are one is commit yourself to an institution for life. fucking naive but sexually mature teens is creepy but not the same kind of evil and they shouldn't be conflated. he's a rapist, statutory rapist if it was consensual, that's enough


What's the deal with black people? They aren't black, and they aren't people.

>they aren't black
you're wrong though

read this in seinfeld's voice thanks user

>On all discord servers that I am part, all trannies, traps and bottoms make it very clear
yeah, because if the mentally ill degenerates like it, everyone else does too


subtle kek

I'm angry
Fuck you OP

Well done.

And the mother will never have a single second of introspection as to how much she fucked up.


Gays are white

>be on Sup Forums
>didn't watch movie

why doesn't the media address black genocide due to race mixing with whites?

I don't care if he's black or white or how altruistic you are. Letting a homeless man live with you and your teenage daughters is just a stupid fucking idea.

I doubt this was a white person. Youngstown is half black and extremely segregated.

why block out the name? he seems like an alright dude

blocking out names is how reddit does it, every time you see someone doing that you know the origin of the image came from reddit

*altright dude

It really sounds like one of those made up applications of the word "rape". So they fucked this guy, probably more than once, and became pregnant. Being all pregnant together and teens girls in a society where my toilet had an i ternet connection and they are peppered with #metoo shit not a single one said anything that caused alarm within their family or peer group?

Age is not the grounds for rape. Make a movie about that.

>Age is not the grounds for rape.
Tell that to the judge.

>comes to a site filled with inappropriate likely illegal images
>love me some rules and regulations

Knowing the rapist beforehand doesn't mean they're acquaintances, it means you've most likely encountered them previously in the evening.

Mom was sucking that homeless cock too

absolutely based desu

>that's like bragging that you beat up twenty fourth graders
But that’s impressive

Why point out he's a pedo (even though he's not)? That's like saying "straight man rapes woman".

Well in America the learning process takes a bit of time

>to find an example we have to go back 200 fucking years

you can't rape something you own user

>wow liberals have the intellectual capacity of a 16 year old.

Who woulda guessed user

>but the other two sisters’ pregnancies were discovered too late for them to be terminated.


Absolutely based

>Cast him in the oscarbait biopic
Nah. Doesn't fit the narrative.


>this obsession

>get slaves
>get raped

serves whitey damn right

What does this have to do with television


>Cast him in the oscarbait biopic
Can you not read? We're talking about the followup to the hit sports melodrama The Blind Side.

Get Out 2
>A young black male is lured into a deadly game
>Tortured by a Woman and her three daughter's
>He must fight back the only way he can so he can Get Out

anyone know if they were cute?


t. niggers
black women are dumb as shit most of the time lmao, one of the most poorly educated sections of society

Dude can die a fulfilled man. He's reached the pinnacle.

Nothing you can do to him at this point. He's living outside of his body pretty much, like a salmon after it finishes it's journey. It even goes through a metaphysical change where it shows it's completed life.

I bet he feels the same way.

This is such a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread its pathetic

She could have been white, black or hispanic, honestly. None of those would be farfetched.

surprise! charges were dropped

wow thats what america looks like?


dumb Sup Forums b8. Race isn't mentioned anywhere and he was a friend of the family ie not white