Why won't men these days man up and participate in society? So many great women are out there waiting to become wives and mothers. Why is it that men in their 20s and 30s are avoiding their responsibilities to become husbands and fathers?
Why won't men these days man up and participate in society...
Other urls found in this thread:
a lot of women dont want children either there mr bait guy
>tell people to get a job
>tell them that jobs for teenagers and retards and they don't deserve to live and shouldn't get paid for it
>be surprised if they don't work or commit crime for money
>women become whores
>men don't find them attractive
>men are the problem
Because women want to fuck Chad and not me
There needs to be a film or tv show that shows this shit with a clear lense. All the "autism" productions that've been churned out the last 2 years reek of dishonesty.
The fuck does this have to do with tv. Fuck outta here.
>thread hidden
it's like they butthurt because they can't control men yet the keep screaming.
>tfw im a freelance artist
>tfw im 31
>tfw im spending all my money on toys yet i can pay my rent eat well and live alone
Feels good man.
Movies these days are basically video game cut scenes or video games you don't need a controller to play. Basically like a lets play.
>take my grandma to Walgreens to pick up her medication because she hasn't driven since Eisenhower was president
>she spends an extra 15 minutes holding up the line behind her talking with the pharmacist about "how things used to be"
>we get home and she tells me "the pharmacist told me he was working there before he was your age!" (I'm 25; he looked at least 50)
>"Why don't you just apply and go do that?"
>tried to tell grandma that you need a couple years of school for that and you can't just walk in and become a pharmacist by shaking someone's hand confidently
>Mommy and Daddy act like they are always in sync in front of their kids
>Kid married
>Kidcis frustrated that his wife has not the exact same understanding as he has.
>"Muh parents never argued, your just a shitty wife I'll slap your shit"
Happy end
So it's got nothing at all to do with the general increase of women joining the various workplaces over the last 5 decades and them choosing to have kids later in life after they've established their careers?
Once upon a time journalists used to do research before publishing an article, so they can then justify any claims made within, instead of just writing out what's popped into their heads after attending the latest 'Today's Agenda' meetings.
You should tell your grandma that you love her.
You know, I do feel guilty for having all this money and free time to play videogames and enjoy life on my own terms, and not have any parasitic drama eating away at my psyche. It's about time I strapped a yoke onto my shoulders and pulled someone in a cart behind me for the rest of my days, so I can finally be called a man.
I do, every night when I'm leaving her house.
It's been established women look for men better than them, and career women are extremely harder to marry or highly undesirable especially because of their achieved status. You can barely control a normal woman, you will not control a stronk womyn.
But the woman should ALWAYS obey the man. There would be no problems if this were the rule
My mom’s kind of like that, only instead of pharmacy it’s her insistence that “a degree, ANY degree, will make companies trip over each other as they try to hire you.”
Melanie wrote this after a nasty breakup, and I bet she is 31.
That's nice. My grandma is dead.
Even If the man says to not obey him?
>replying to bait thread which has nothing to do with television or film
fuck you Sup Forums
No logical man would tell his wife not to obey him. This scenario is nonsense and so are you
I hate to start blogposting but with my grandma it's different. My grandpa is a paraplegic with dementia so he lives in a hospital bed and I'm around a lot to help her change his diaper and stuff. She's ALWAYS complaining about how "nobody helps me, im all alone, im all by myself" and how taking care of my grandpa is eating into her savings from secret business deals our family did back in the 20's but then on a converse note she always says "OH YOU SHOULD GO DO THAT ILL PAY FOR YOUR TUITION IF YOU GO DO THAT" whenever she sees an advert on TV for one of those "career schools" where "you can become a truck driver/nurse/network technician/forklift operator/physical therapist/diesel mechanic in just 6 weeks"
like how the fuck am I going to go to school and make her pay for it when she's always complaining about how she's all alone and doesn't have any help and how she's flat-broke
My grandma is...abrasive
s n e e d
The "I'm from Sup Forums" starter pack:
>It's been established
I’ve seen first-hand what happens to an otherwise intelligent and vibrant man when they get caught in the “you need a wife” culture. It sucks and I lost my brother to it.
>All this money and free time
How'd you do it?
I was actually going to say "it's statistically accurate to claim" but whichever you like more. Women in career want someone with more money than them, and if you "fail" them in anything they will just leave, because they're rich. There is absolutely no pros to marry a career woman.
Truth is, I don't interact with women on daily basis anymore. Like I'm living in pussy vacuum. So there are no gfs here.
Men are just now becoming wise to the game women have been playing for centuries
only women over 30 think this is an issue once their past their prime. they then quickly point at the numale faggots taht its their fault that they rode the cock carouselfor almost two decades before settling down with a beta provider.
its so transparent its not even funny
I've dated a lot of women who were/are around the age of 30. You would not believe the number of them that didn't want to have a baby solely because they were worried about what it would do to their vagina. Like their number one concern was not the effect on their relationships or their career, the life change it represented, the financial responsibility, etc. I'm not joking.
Pretty sure that was not a primary concern of generations past. Neither sex these days wants a baby until you're just bored enough to give up.
Women are worthless trash.
Fuck you and your army of betas.
I will do everything in my power to make sure you whores are as miserable as possible.
Including turning your orbiter manservants against you.
He's not wrong, you know...A highly successful female attorney isn't going to marry a grease monkey who makes his money by doing oil changes and swaps out water pumps for a living, even if he owns his own shop.
Your drawing sucks cuck
just go back faggot
Hug your grandma and say whatever you need to say to make her think you’re doing something with your life - not to imply you’re not, but her mine’s going and you need to at least make it comfortable.
Does this count the women that hit 18, find a trash cunt at some club, pop his kid out 9 months later after he's already fucked off and go on about "i need a real man who loves me and my kid"?
I mean as soon as a see a chick with a kid its like they become invisible or pussyless.
She's not the one with dementia, grandpa is. She's just an ornery old coot.
yeah, even if the shop and him, make more money than she does. its not a high enough status "occupation" for her to climb the career and social ladders.
If men can't have video games then women can't have make up and smart phones. Only fair.
You know you guys should actually support gender equality if you think stuff like that’s bullshit. A true gender equal future is one where a man can eat Doritos all day while the wife works just as a woman can stay at home popping out babies while the man works.
These whiny career women are the trailblazers of the brave new gender equal world, don’t feel threatened by the Femcels that fail and cry about their loneliness on the news.
I hate women but I hate these threads even more
it was true when she was young
im a broken human being. im not so selfish to inflict myself on others
boomers are retarded
It’s ironic because their vaginas are going to get wrecked by childbirth because they didn’t have their kids when their vagina was primed and ready for maximum childbearing (late teens early 20s)
All the "gender equalist" women who are my age (25) talk a big talk but they don't practice what they preach.
There's girls my age who are making $50-70k/yr (not bad for my area code) and they treat any man who doesn't make that much (or more) like he's a completely nonexistent phantom.
just go back then
No such thing.
you're retarded faggot, they just come from a different time.
Oh, sorry about that. I saw you mention grandma and grandpa in the same breath and thought it was a misspelling rather than intent.
>single guy in his late 20's
>fell for the STEM meme, got a decently payed job
>generally work from 9 to 7
>come home exhausted,just want to sit and play video games because that's all my brain can take after a day at the office
>still not making enough to buy a decent house without going 20+ years into debt
>too tired and depressed to go on dates
>life is an endless cycle of tiredness and boredom
let me put a baby in ya and ill grow up.
Why don't you juts shut the fuck up and stop trying to give out advice?
And you know what? Most people will say she’s a piece of shit if the guy’s a good catch.
Although I would take someone as damaged as me traps
I don't support gender equality because I think it's an arbitrary goal. If women happen to work more then fine, I don't see any reason to stop that, but I'm not going to take on an ideological mantle
Because people have gotten smart enough to see that a perfect marriage doesn't exist. I'm sure 100 years ago it was necessary sure but theres a reason divorce rates get higher every decade. So if you're shown a broken cycle why continue it?
t. boomer
Women usually date older men anyways. They are just trying to do mental gymnastics for why they are roasties and not marriage material.
>Starting a family hasn't made me happy and fulfilled
Who pissed in your wheaties?
>And you know what? Most people will say she’s a piece of shit if the guy’s a good catch.
No they won't. They'll applaud her decision for being a stronk indypyndynt career womyn who doesn't settle for an entitled loser manchild that works with "big boy toys", and tell her that she should hold out until she gets the Christian Gray that she's entitled to.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, EVER insinuates that a woman is in the wrong in almost ANYTHING nowadays, but especially when it comes to relationships (especially long term ones).
What else am I supposed to call a woman that behaves like an Incel?
>Oh why am I so alone! I don’t try to improve myself, but I’m a good catch for someone that’s surely out there! I mean, not THAT someone... They’re not what I want... Oh, I’m so alone!
you fuckin retarded or something?
watch everyone in the thread ignore this
Hypocrites going to be in for one hell of a wake-up call, what else is new.
nobody else calls them that because nobody complains about these women's attitude IRL. That's what I was getting at. That, and even those picky "im so alone but I refuse to improve myself" type women still invariably end up roping either one poor beta or a series of them into their lives. That's why they keep complaining they're so alone.
>ugh im so alone men are such dogs
>the last 5 guys I went out with were such dogs
> A true gender equal future is one where a man can eat Doritos all day while the wife works just as a woman can stay at home popping out babies while the man works.
Too bad this doesn't change biology and women are not biologically attracted to layabouts.
That image is some Metal Gear Solid-tier shit
...get off the internet and interact with people once in a while
My brother was like that, he got a woman who messaged him on Match.com.
What's funny is that if you were introduced to some nice, supportive young lady by your extended family/friends/coworkers/whoever that always had a kind word for you at the end of a rough day, you'd roll right over and marry that woman.
But nobody suggests to women that if you want to have a relationship, you have to be offering something. What they're told instead is to procrastinate relentlessly, party and not form attachments.
The odds of divorce for first-time marriage is actually around 20%, not 50%. Education makes women less likely to divorce too, not more.
>Hypocrites going to be in for one hell of a wake-up call, what else is new.
You must either be a really naive male or a female, because that "wake up call" is never going to happen. And I'm not white-knighting for roasties when I say that, either. There's not going to be some magical deus-ex-machina moment where a sudden sea change in sentiment happens regarding gender roles, and people start taking unemployed/underemployed mens' situations into context. People are going to keep on shitting on men who aren't as successful as their female counterparts, simply because that's the path of least resistance.
nibba I literally do. Almost every woman my age (25) is like that. Every time I go to the fucking hospital with my grandparents or some healthcare/social worker comes to their house, that's exactly what they're like
>oh im 25 and I have a doctorate in quantum particle elder care with a master's in theoretical geriatric prosthetics
>yeah my ex husband was a Lt.Maj in the US army but it didnt work out, we're divorced now
Interesting but I'm a 23 year jobless neet who lives at home and make the boom booms in my moms basement all the time
i'm 33 kiddo
i always found funny in movies and tv and in real life, if a guy cheats he is a bastard and his wife is a victim and didnt do any thing to make her husband stick his dick in the secretary!
if a woman cheats is cause her husband didn't fulfill her romantically or sexually cause he was working to much
>Pajeets are sick of arranged marriages and want to whore it up like westerners
>Westerners wish their parents could save them the hassle and set them up with a nice girl
Life is indeed strange.
Roping a poor beta orbiter doesn’t sound like an improvement from Incel, user. If anything, it sounds worse because now you’ve got some dweeb you glumly accepted as a part of your life. In the real world, many women talk real shit about the sluts and stacies that pull the “oh why can’t I get a real man?” Card. I’ve been privy to many of those talks, and the reason you never see those trash talks online is precisely because they’re done in private. Civilized society and all that.
My overall/original point is nobody shits on the women who pull the "im so alone/i refuse to improve" card, while everyone gleefully shits on the low-status male who's struggling to improve himself because nobody likes a loser if he doesn't have bobs & vegene
>Roping a poor beta orbiter doesn’t sound like an improvement from Incel, user. If anything, it sounds worse because now you’ve got some dweeb you glumly accepted as a part of your life
Then they should shut the fuck about not being married. Beggars can't be choosers.
>tfw my brother’s wife is doing this with her cute best friend
Also not to mention that it's a lot more socially acceptable to (publicly) shit on the low-status male who's struggling to improve himself because he doesn't have the social/institutional hand-out programs & scholarship/grant opportunities that women do.
this picture isn't wrong
basically everything besides axiomatic maths are socially constructed and conveyed
>make the boom booms
please kill yourself
My mom tells me the same fucking thing that my useless fucking degree I will have soon will get my hired simply because I will have a degree
And now we have made the circuit and returned to my original statement where I called these women Femcels, because they have no right to be this picky when they’re acting this desperate.
Telling girls who refuse to date me "haha im not a loser, that's just a social construct!" still won't help me any.
>live comfortably on your own on your own schedule
>have nothing in your way in your personal life when it comes to career advancement
>a wife will grate on you, try to shame you for everything
What's the point?
I'm just waiting to die and trying to be as comfortable as I can until I do.
I have no investment in modern society, and I think it's cruel to have children if you can't provide them with a good life.
>they have no right to be this picky when they’re acting this desperate.
And yet nobody tells those women this; meanwhile everyone from Salon to CNN to Breitbart shits on the low-status male because they assume he's a picky shallow porn-addicted loser who wants to date/marry Eva Green. Funny, that.
Listening to women talk amongst themselves is hardest, fastest redpill a man can take and every guy needs to do it.
>freelance artist
holy shit please don't tell me you drew that or is that just your gimmick to make it seem like a 5th grader drew that?
Being single is the ultimate freedom.
Just tell them you identify as a black lesbian and that by refusing to have sex with you, they're both racist and transphobic.