Name some movies that involve existential horror.
Name some movies that involve existential horror
The lobster made me feel bad.
I just realized something horrifying
I was born a beta and no girl will ever fuck me, let alone talk to me or be my wife.
The Matrix
The thing
The fly
I just realized something horrifying
The reason people are depressed in modern society is because we as a people place more emphasis on meaningless things such as consumerism and hedonism rather than the things that bring true fulfillment to life: family, community and country.
>that font
>that retarded tumblr logic
>that "tfw to smart to be happy"
So why do you think that old woman in Martyrs killed herself in the end?
>because we as a people place more emphasis on meaningless things such as consumerism and hedonism rather than the things that bring true fulfillment to life: family, community and country.
It's not "we as a people" deluded fool. You're a cog in a machine by design. Your betters have the option not to, you can wage slave away for someone else, never building a life or a legacy for yourself.
What the hell is a test of realism?
LET the russ posting begin! Time is a flat circle
t. hitler
>but that's bullshit
see if you know this.... you can act on it and be happy.
how fucking retarded was that poster?
Rather than continue fucking around with martyrs, she chose to see for herself. I don't know. Is pretty ambiguous. I haven't seen it in a while. Maybe I'll give it another watch now that I'm wondering.
This is actually an excellent movie if you watch it for the right reasons, people like to LARP that it isn't actually good.
>duh I'm depressed because life has no meaning and I'm smarter than you!
That's not how depression works
The martyr had just told her what she saw, before dying, the woman shows signs of disbelief and when she's asked if she learned anything she decides to shoot herself. Tell me what to make of this Sup Forums
they have to do something to feel better about themselves and remain in their victim bubble.
i mean not all but a good few of those tumblr depressed people are just enjoying it.
its easier to blame something outside of you than yourself.
OP = a Faggot
People watch too many movies. It makes them think that because they are depressed, they must be smart, or that if they're not as attractive as their peers, they must have a better personality. Sad truth is some people are just trash.
So uh, is the only difference between an apathetic person and a depressed person is that one thinks about sudoku'ing themselves and the other doesn't?
That's not depression though, that's just attention seeking. Real states of depression exist but the people who suffer them don't talk about it and just deal with it until they kill themselves.
Ignorance is bliss.
i love your honesty.
>it made me chuckle
you can un-beta yourself, social hierarchy is social
yeah thats true
i didnt mean to fuck over people with actual depression.
i just meant the tumblrinas calling themselves depressed
>tumblr """""intellectuals"""""
the most beta faggots in my high school.
hit the gym and kept studying and sorta look like Chad's now.
and the biggest bully faggot jocks are 90% junkies and bums
Literally this unironically.
also called a reality check
But that’d take effort :(
this is true there's exceptions but more or less perfect
family, community and country is very bad for business. they are free, if its free its bad.
the result of effort is reward.
the reward for doing a difficult task, is a difficult task was completed by you.
reward might literally be intrinsically related to difficulty of task. You don't feel good when things are handed to you, because you didn't earn them. humans like manageable chaos rather than perfection so, congrats
Makes me feel angry when people feel shitty because they haven't done anything with themselves for a day and call it depression. Try living with fucking bipolar and having to be medicated to not want to fucking kill yourself and then tell me what you're are now is depressed. Awareness of mental health has been a double edged sword in that it's good that there is more support than ever for people suffering, but there are so many more sheep who cried wolf situations fucking it up.
Amongst White Clouds
rip doge
pleb tier trash
Telstar the joe meek story
Has a scene where he's questioning whether his music is good and it isn't, too real
The parts in Better call Saul where he's forced to work at Cinnabun, those were extremely depressing
Eventually when you get so smart you start advocating life again.
Maybe the afterlife sounded so cool and she couldn’t wait any longer?
Not everyone who is depressed is silent about it. It depends on the person and also largely if they have other mental health issues or personality disorders. It's usually really obvious to tell between the people who are just attentionseeking and the ones who actually are mentally unhealthy though.
Pretty sure I want to neck myself because I'm a borderline tard, and thus failed at life.
Nah. It's because we work too much for too little in return. This is because there are too many fucking people.
>tfw I thought I was Good Will Hunting tier
>A diamond in the rough
>Went on a date with a biologist
>Realized I'm of completely mediocre intelligence, but have spent my entire life around really stupid people
That was harsh.
Robots talk about depression all the time. People get sick of it and often secretly welcome their suicides.
It was opposite for me. Filling me with optimism and desire to pursue my career (for about hour and a half after i'd watched the episode)
I'd love to see the guy who wrote that nonsense.
which is pretty funny because biologists scrape the bottom of the intelligence barrel in the science community
There are worse things
Can confirm. I was a beta at highschool and now I'm a pretty big guy.
The faggot who used to bully me literally fucked his life up by doing all kinds of drugs while I'm at the last year of uni.
could be that you just dont use it, a good part of intelligence is time spent thinking about things
>tfw i was beta in high school
>tfw im 90% junkies and bums
>tfw all the bullies are successful and richer than me
If scientists are so smart why do they fall for the mass media narratives? Surely odd patterns should be easier to spot? Most of them would shit all over Trump because the news calls him Hitler, while Hillary, Bill and Obama have done much worse. Trump didn’t order kids burned alive or a pregnant mother shot to death
So why is it they get mad like the rest of the simpletons about the law being enforced?
Looks like someone forgot his meds today.
yeah, but I get rewarded in dopamine for being good at video games.
That's way more gratifying in the short term.
Addicting, in fact.
walking sims are basically movies anyway
You're better off reading a book. I'm cautious to elevate him too high given that his fan base is a bunch of faggy retards, but David Foster Wallace's 'Infinite Jest' is 1,000 pages of obsession over the ideas mentioned in your pic, OP.
Movie wise... 'It's Such a Beautiful Day' looks oblivion in the face and manages to wrest an inspirational ending from it. But most of Sup Forums will call it soy.
Implying Hitler was ever wrong
This is a woman attempting to be humorous, isn't it?
Ending doesnt make any fucking sense. If the girl saw nothing or terrible things the old women would never want to die. If she amazing things she would want to die...but why kill herself? Is the after life so fucking bawesome she had to die right away
a scientist is just someone that went through a full track at a respected graduate school. Plus you can be smarter than the average in a university where people are smarter than the average in your state which is smarter than the average of the country and still be pretty dumb compared to the top 1% of people.
You being a beta is something you can control, faggot. If your weak faggot mind thinks there is nothing you can't do about it, the best you can do is make peace with yourself, do something good for yourself and stop whining.
Shit I'm projecting real hard here.
spicoli is such a interesting character that this acutally does apply
It really depends on the person. Bio is definitely the softest stem but there are some genius bio scientists that just focus on modeling.
On a side note, its crazy to think how little the average pereon kniws regarding anything in general.
what's interesting about that to me is that because of the internet, you would think the average person would know a decent amount about everything. But from what i can see, the average person knows less now then 30 years ago before the internet was common.
They're all damaged anyway.
lol wtf are "tests of realism"?
>dude we place too much value on real things lmao
>dude imaginary things are more fulfilling lmao
False dichotomy constructed to ignore the differences between material pursuits of actual value to the self/species and mindless materialism while waxing poetic about muh 50s Murcia
Things often sound better in our heads, that is why maybe?
you are the enemy of humanity
how did you find your way here to my board
>saving lives
>easing suffering
>improving quality of life
>enemy of humanity
It went to shit in the second half. Should have ended when he left the resort
Being a grad student and dating other grad students, I think there is some validity in this
>Making people depressed, sad and making their lives boring
>Taking away any purpose
>Making things too easy but with forced grind "Jobs"
>Making social beings lonely and virgin
>Ally of humanity
blanket your exterior with as much vague and shallow positivity as you can, beast
you will never vanquish us with your lies
t. miserable permaneet
>family, community and country
t. literal nazis who must be disarmed and imprisoned
As-salāmu ʿalaykum brother!
>trannies were geniuses this whole time
i-is that the danger of being redpilled? is that why I feel like i'm dying all the time?
>is that why I feel like i'm dying all the time?
No, that's because you're on Sup Forums all the time
This, realizing this early on made me study really hard and make sure to look into education options that don't require loan debt. The military paid for my DMD in full as well as rhe births of my first 2 kids. Currently looking at purchasing a private practice after I get out.
If you feel depressed about the fact that you arent special in the grand scheme in the universe and that humanity is insignificant in the grand scheme in the universe you had to have had the preconceived notion that you and humanity were super special in the first place. You do what you can when you can for the people you meet along the way and you hope that the combined efforts of we as a species achieve the highest level of civilization and existence we can. Fuck off with your bullshit existential horror, and you know what? Maybe I'm just stupid, maybe I'm just deceiving myself into thinking that. But you know what I think? You're just a pretentious asshole who is full of them self.
lmao so you actually are jewish holy shit
Once you realize that you only become important by making yourself important to other people your perspective on a lot of things tends to shift.
lmao so you actually are muslim holy shit
Nice attempt at being deep, but at no point are you ever important.