James Woods is an okay actor

James Woods is an okay actor.

>senile racist bigoted old man

"I guess."

James Woods rules.

>70 years old
>still does movies and shows
I think he'll be fine

>first post gayest post


canadians can't be racist

It needs to be said: YOU rule.

What was the last thing he was even in that anyone cared about?


Regardless, he's based as fuck irl.

he's le epic dude from family guy who writes edgy things on twitter for his magapede followers

Pat Sajak is an actually funny conservative. James Woods is just a whiny bitch.

Dude just stop. I don't want to have to filter James Woods on here.

Oh no, not the random anonymous filter! Whatever will I do!

Oh no!

Have really enjoyed his performances throughout the the years.
Also there were always persistent rumors that his IQ is way up there and had a huge dick
never really notices his right wing shit up until recently

>Also there were always persistent rumors that his IQ is way up there and had a huge dick
Started by him, most likely. Dicklets love overcompensating.

A coke addict with anger issues, specifically relating to women? I'd be willing to bet he's killed at least one hooker.

He has very credible sexual abuse allegations against him.
