Well, this was disappointing

Well, this was disappointing

The uncut version, 50 shades of water, will be much better.

Get fished bitch

Watch Cold Skin instead.


I mean, I already watched TSoW

This so much.
After all the nominations and shit I came in expecting the greatest kino of the year, and all I get is a softcore fish porn that’s worst than incest hentai in my collection, very disappointing .

is it kino, though? can I basically ignore the story and everything else?

The Shape of Water? Moar liek The Shape of Datass. amirite?

It's competent. Del Toro has a nice anesthetic, but never that stands out

I do think it was mismarketed.
If you watch it has a kid's tale it becomes pretty good. You can even leave the sexual it in and say it pushes the boundaries of sexual repression in movies aimed at young people

Meh, it wasn't terrible, but I dunno what all the hype's about, save the usual social justice crap offhandedly brought up in the backdrop.

It kinda almost seems like they took a kid's movie script, and tossed in a bunch of masterbation scenes to up the MPAA.

The bad guy had some moments, but they nearly always do. *Maybe* enough for an Oscar nomination in a slow year - but not fucking thirteen of them. 6.5/10 at best, maybe 7/10 if yer a grill.

On the other hand, I do suppose it's unique in that they took a Stephen Spielberg "rescue the alien" kid fantasy plot theme, and aimed it at teenage girls. I suppose they rarely have that sorta flick marketed towards them.

So women’s fantasy is basically children’s fantasy but with more sex

And men's fantasy is basically children's fantasy with more blood and tits, so... Yeah.

There are no adults, just horney children.

But shape of water has both tits and blood. Why does it feel more like a children’s fantasy to men

Aren't all of del torso's movies like this? Pans labyrinth was a story for a retarded child as well, but thrown in graphic scenes of faces getting smashed in. Del Toro is the prime example of the fat overgrown child that has only grown up in getting desensitized to Sex and violence, but hasn't matured in intellectual sophistication above a 10 year old.

There's little action and not a lot of blood, but at it's core it harkens to various childhood fantasies like ET and Surface. And because, unlike women, we aren't distracted as much by the forbidden romance fantasy... Much in the same way women aren't dazzled as much by violence and explosions and recognize our "adult" movies for the remakes of G.I. Joe vs. Cobra cartoons that they so often are.

Fair point - but hey, Labyrinth was actually good. It actually did it's job at capturing that universal childhood sense of fear and adventure, in adults - and that, in addition to being a tall order, is all you can really ask for from such a movie.

This movie was considerably less universal, relying considerably more on the teenage girl's forbidden love fantasy, but with a rescue the alien sorta approach. Usually the latter sort of flicks center around a young boy and a group of friends, so for many women, this may have been their first relatable version of that formula (even if the previous selling point has been done to death).

t. never read a book

This is Sup Forums not /lit/, but sadly, the same holds true in a lot of popular books - just with more time spent inside the characters' heads for more depth.

The ~2hr video format does limit what you can do, to a degree. Not that you can't do a lot, and certainly could do more than this, but rarely, if ever, are you going to get what you can from a novel, nor should one really expect it. Plus books, by their nature, are largely tailored to your own imagination as you read them, with movies, you're railroaded by someone else's... Though that's also what makes or breaks them - not just the story, but the presentation.

Did the sex felt like bestialità only to me?
Like she was "raping" him?

Didn't really get that impression... Fucker looked like he could break her neck in an instant and was constantly signing, "You - me - smash now!"

Granted, the fact that her friend doesn't even flinch at the idea that she's fucking Swamp Thing did take me out of it quite a bit. Can't imagine a sassy black broad reacting like that.

I mean "raping", like taking advantage. Like he wasn't fully sentient, like a dog or a chimp

Its a poor mans beauty and the beast

Its a fairy tale for adults user.
I have only seen pan's labyrinth before this so I can't say much for del toro's other work but I like how he tries to take people back to their childhoods.
In general childhood is the most exciting period of any person.

>""""intellectual sophistication""""
>Pans labyrinth was a story for a retarded child

I watched it yesterday at my Curzon.

The setting and aesthetic was beautiful as always by del toro by it just felt like a pretty generic movie, one long TV episode.

Yh same all the awards made me think it would be amazing.

And the Octavia Spencer nomination seems so undeserved now, ELIIIIZAAAAAAA ELIZZAAAAAAA *insert old christian ebonics*
Hasn't she played this exact role before

Anyone else love that Pie shop it looked so fucking good reminded me of the chocolate in that tim burton movie so fucking aesthetic

Yes, this was very meh. Like every other nominee. Sad year.

Yes. In The Help. Octavia Spencer is really one note

At this point I'm putting all my money on Phantom Thread which I have yet to see

>In The Help
I haven't seen it but I did hear her say at one point in the movie something like "we're just The Help™" wtf

Weakest PTA. Frankly Dunkirk impressed me more. Yet to see The Post and Ladybird, but I'm not expecting any revelations there.

I would say it's better than Shape of Water but similar to 3 billboards, compared to something like The Master neither of them are amazing will be forgotten in a few years.

I agree Dunkirk was better, i might see Lady Bird today, saw Shape of water yesterday
The Florida Project and BR2049 were better than a lot of these noms so far that I've seen and got fucking snubbed

The Oscar nomination I've seen so far

>Get Out 4/10
>3 Billboards 3/10
>The Shape of Water 6/10
>Dunkirk 7/10

For reference I thought Manchester by the Sea was a 9/10, La La Land a 5/10 and Hell or High Water a strong 7

Nah, BR was nominated where in things it really deserves. The writing there is so bad, it certainly didn't hold up to mediocrities like Billboards and Get Out.

I liked Get Out in the way I tend to like most "so bad it's good" horror flicks... But Oscar nominations!? This ain't The Exorcist. Jeeeze, figures... Anything to stoke the fires, I guess.

It's been a slow year, but ain't no year that slow.

I laughed when the gay old man got rejected by his crush.

It's a well made film, I'll It that. 20 years ago this would be considered a fun summer movie and not some art house classic up for best picture

>get out

They managed to cram the racism/homophobia in one scene and it was laughable

this is a family restaurant mister

>Like he wasn't fully sentient

He is a fictional humanoid i understand your point but i assume the film doesn't go into psychological studies on the creatures intelligence.

Agreed, almost walked out of the theater for the first time after thinking i'd like it. Disappointing af.

I don't like poems. But it have a great villain.

And that was one of the problem. If you are gonna have the romance beetween these two characters being the emotional core of the movie, you have to explore both of them.

The creature was depicted like it hold no interest in Eliza. I think I would've been fine if the creature was the one to initiate sex and she went along with it, but as things stand, it seemed to me like she was a horny lady that got her dog to fuck her

>Well, this was disappointing
Told ya

Well, I suppose chimps can be taught to sign, but it generally takes a lot longer. Hell, it usually takes a lot longer to teach humans how to sign. Didn't get the impression that he was any less sentient than some human savage, save for the lack of any adornments - which may have been removed, if the stories about his interactions with the natives in South America are to be any indication.

On the other hand, she's fucking a fish, and somehow her friend is a-okay with this. I mean, if this was Star Trek that'd be one thing, but seriously... She shoulda freaked the fuck out. I mean, hell, it was the 60's, black on white sex was iffy - and even in this era of 34 genders or whatever it is - that's just fucking freaky (nevermind the bizarre STD's).

Yeah, given how bad this year was, that guy earned an Oscar nom when set against all this other crap... So yeah, maybe one Oscar potential... But thirteen!?

This bothered me too. I know Hollywood needs ""muh diversity""" but the ol' "look its the bad guy because he degrades blackies" is so lame and lazy.

It was cool to want to fuck fishmen since the mid-50s (Creature of the Black Lagoon).

just beat Phantom Thread for best costumes


It was visually pretty cool but not good past that. The bad guy was comically bad, and his motives seemed all over the place. The heavy handed agenda was too on the nose too which broke the immersion for me . Like when they threw in that "the natives that worshipped this thing tried to fight our oil drill with bows and sticks, but that won't work hehehe". Wow great insight del taco.

Also how the big black lady and her friend didn't care that she was fucking that thing was retarded.

It's a great film but it was obviously engineered for Oscar nominations. And no, it isn't about race mixing.

It's a fairy tale so we get the happier version of events but left it vague enough that audience doesn't know 100% what happened.
We really don't know if Fishman was sentient
We really don't know if she died at the end

>Shape of Water
>more like "fishy shades of grey"

>no, it isn't about race mixing.
if the relationship is not about that, then it is about nothing.
in which case it's not a great film

lol go back to sleep user

It is also about racemixing. Not that there is nothing wrong with that
It's about love overcoming boundaries.

>love overcoming boundaries.
the story could NOT be more blatant that it has nothing to do with love, but lust and only lust
she just fucking masturbates and then gets horny for a barely sentient, literal monster
its about sex and sex only

it's lilo&stich with sex.

>there are people in this thread who watched The Shape of Water on a 17 inch laptop and think they're allowed to have an opinion on it


>There are no adults, just horney children

You're learning

I watched it in the cinema with senior citizens who gasped at the explicit sex.

is it more about zoophilia then? not that guy, just curious.

>the weeb pleb thinks "he's" allowed to have an opinion on it

Rest assured if Sup Forums says it's good, it's shit.

Fish = Id
Elisa = Ego
Bad man = Super-ego

It is psychological baroque fairy tale about love and sex.

>>A porn version of Free Willy was made
I guess I'm ok with this.

that was a terrible joke

Am that guy.
That's why it didnt click with me. I'm thinking the intention was to make it about love beetween two rejects, but Guillermo told it badly

could you go more in depth? im curious