Hey so, this show is actually amazing. It's not consistently funny, but jesus when it is I'm wheezing...

Hey so, this show is actually amazing. It's not consistently funny, but jesus when it is I'm wheezing. I don't see it talked about that much so I'm just saying, if you haven't watched it give it a go.

don't tell me what to do

I like every character.

Yeah they've all got their on flavor. I mean, there's only four of them but yeah, I enjoy them.

Fuck you man watch it.

Sometimes we forget because we're his friends, but that's Mike fucking Tyson. He could kill us all if he wanted to.

This fucking killed me.

It's got its moments, that's for sure. I probably wouldn't have watched it if Norm weren't in the cast, though.

Yeah, it's funny all the time, I agree. But it's highs, man, it's highs kill me. I like the way characters talk in the background, too. I know a lot of shows do that, but I still like it.

>Let me ask you something. You jacking off yet?... Because if you are it's weird. No one does it, you're the only one.

I mean, it's NOT funny all the time.