/rlg/-Reylo™ General

When one door shuts, another door opens Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th Trailer:youtu.be/Ecd4eA067P0 [Open])
>TLJ Novelization (March/SOON)
>More Reylo merchandising
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation ~ 659

Based content from Footnotes user :

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. : imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian ultimately confirms Reylo to a fan: instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


The prime jedi mural thing is the biggest hint on how the Jedi will work going forward, both Dark and Light balanced in oneself, like in the force as a whole.

Rey's outfit color is another hint.

I love that song.

That's not how it work fool

You mean this ? : youtu.be/mpD0dS-0t5Q

Yeah the old Jedi order was pretty stable in terms of not shitting up the whole galaxis, after the rule of 2 the inbalance came into the whole thing between sith and jedis. On the other side we had 2 efficient monsters, on the other side we has hundreds of inefficient monks. The time has come to bring finally balance, two sides are pretty weak that would be enough of a reason to delete the Jedi and Sith/Dark order for an new path.


"Ti amo" from asterix&obelix


>Rey s-stop d-dont be so thirsty

user, this is one of the most fantastic things I've see this week


Daisy's acting a shit, thank god she got better as the scenes went on


why does this thread and the last one have a bunch of the same posts? disney bots?

Slow motion, being freezed by seeing his love while Rey making faces at him :D

No, this one.


why does this thread and the last one have a bunch of the same posts? disney bots?

why does this thread and the last one have a bunch of the same posts? disney bots?

I am you from the future

Ah didn't now about that fits pretty well to Ben's feelings

why do reylos get away with shit posting and trolling? why doesn't the reylo jannie do something about the sneed spam or the blacked threads instead of defending /reylo/?

Andy would be so sexy as Snoke i mean if he would have played him completely not just giving his emotions to the cgi snoke

See his eyes? Sexual tension lvl 1000

Snoke x Rey 4ever

He's rapist and reap abuser. Bust sjwhsles don't wont to notice it and keep shitting on Ben kek.

When you shitposts here, the chances are high that you are also a sneed and blacked and what ever poster.

Yeah, it's a beautiful song. Always one of my faves.

It does kind of fit with his loss of innocence so to speak. Or alternatively, the purity and light still inside him.


so why doesn't that useless fuck do something about it?

It's annoying in the first connection Daisy makes it so hard for me to fully enjoy it. By the second she gets better. Thank god for Adam.

But if Rey doesnt have a goal to become a jedi, why be one?
And on top of that, start a new jedi order.
Is there even a need for one?

Wait, has Rey even said she WANTS to be a jedi?
I cant remember.

The more i the think about Rey, the more her journey doesnt make sense to me.

I know she cares about people but that being the reason for becoming a jedi and fighting in a war is not that interesting or believable to watch.

Right now Rey is coming across to me like, hey i care about people and have the force, might as well become a jedi and save the galaxy bcoz i am the hero.

Her personal motivations and personal relationships are just not there.

She has personal connection to ONLY Kylo and Finn.

I bought Han and Kylo's strained relationship bcoz they built it up throughout the whole TFA.
They told us in like every scene that Han and Leia wanted to save their son and Kylo wanted to "kill" his weakness.

Same with Luke and Kylo's hostile relationship in TLJ, they built it up till the end.

Thats why both those confrontations felt earned.

Now with Rey, they have shown her need for family for 2 movies, then she finds out they were *******s and in the next scene she is happily shooting at people and saying, yay i like this.

Nothing about Rey feels earned, except her relationship with Kylo and her hug with Finn in the end.

Especially her jedi title and her unwavering loyalty to the resistance.

She is just doing things bcoz she is a good person and the hero.

Thats not a compelling character.

I can see why SO MANY people are rooting for Kylo now.

>By the second she gets better.
Bullshit, her career is over with episode 9

It makes it more obvious when you put them side by side. In a way, it's almost a good thing they aren't in the same scene. Adam standing there offscreen was probably better acting than her still kek

more of the same posts? are you bots?

Finn wanted to run from the FO in TFA and said it several times.
Then he wanted to run again with finding Rey in TLJ but changed his mind and wanted to fight for the resistance.
That was his arc in TLJ.
His motivations were clear since day
Kylo is a complicated character bcoz his story is not starting in ST.
ST is built around Kylo's fall to the darkside, which happened in the past.
Even then his relationship with his family and Snoke both are explored in the present with the help of flashbacks(Luke) and other characters talking about him( Han, Leia, Luke, Snoke, Rey).
Kylo actually has a connection and scenes with every character.
Han, Leia, Luke( family); Snoke(master); Finn, Poe( enemies) ; Hux, Phasma(allies); Rey(love interest).

His motivations were finding and killing Luke( TFA, TLJ) ; ending his pull to the light(TFA, TLJ); getting Rey on his side(TFA, TLJ) ; ruling the galaxy.
They were clear.
Also Finn made relationships with both Rey and Poe in TFA. Then with Rose and the resistance in TLJ.
He has connection to the FO and Hux and Phasma was his nemesis.
At this point Finn's connection with the resistance is more believable than Rey.
Compared to Kylo and Finn, Rey's motivations and personal connections are just not there.
She is just moving from one point to another without any actual personal investment and suffering any consequences.
Han and Luke are dead. Leia will die.
And they all failed in what they were fighting for saving Kylo, the jedi order and the resistance.
Kylo is the supreme leader and killed his master, his family is gone, Rey left him, he has no one on his side, everyone wants him dead now(except Rey).
Finn was left in a coma in TFA, then when he chose to fight for a cause, the resistance got reduced to 20 people and his sort of girlfriend ended up in a coma.
While Rey found out that her parents were losers and gained new powers.
What exactly are the consequences for Rey in failing? And what did she fail in? Turning Kylo? Anything else?

Beep bop bop

seriously wtf is going on here?

funny how Snoke and Finn touched Rey in the same spot...and ended up rekt.

Rey has no personal investment in this war.
She is just caught up in other people's story mainly Kylo.
She doesnt make decisions, Kylo does; she just reacts like the perfect hero.
The only important decision she made was going to Kylo.
Which takes me to -

Kylo killing Snoke bcoz of Rey doesnt make her a legend, it makes her his love interest, which she is.

And she really didnt earn her jedi title.

Luke became a true jedi when he refused to kill his father ie when he threw away his weapon. He made the decision.

Rey became a "jedi" when she got Kylo to kill Snoke. Kylo made the decision.
Honestly Kylo felt like the hero and jedi here.

That is my point Rey hasnt actually achieved anything yet.
Isnt it weird?
She is our "hero".
Can someone explain?

Maybe its just me.

Yes. Also we're disney bots. And russians.

>Andy would be so sexy as Snoke i mean if he would have played him completely not just giving his emotions to the cgi snoke
>See his eyes? Sexual tension lvl 1000
>Snoke x Rey 4ever
who are you people?

He tries to be funny copying massages and posting them an new style of shitposting


The idea of them having vision from the other is beautiful, but where comes the ideia from Rey to want touch the fingers with him?

Don't touch Rey in front of Ben. Don't have any relationships with her. Han, Finn, Luke, Snoke.

Thats just natural user

Where do you come from user? Every day I struggle to comprehend your posts.

So i saw Black Panther last night....and i think TLJ spoiled me with good and natural acting cuz i couldn't sit thru it.

So fucking bad, the dialogue and the deliveries. Hesus Christ.

Another Episode of /samefag/ tries to "identity" /rlg/ user

>reeeeeee stop it I don't like it!!!!!!
She's like some schoolgirl

People kind of gloss over that, but it really makes you think. She had no way of knowing they would see visions. Neither of them did actually. Yet she still wanted to touch him and he took off his glove too. What did they think they were doing? No wonder Luke got angry, they were trying to do lewd things on his Christian Minecraft server.

That's exactly why I think if she accepted and they were left alone together, it wouldn't have taken long for them to lose their clothes.

They have a thing to jut out their lower teeth when angry

I hope user was only joking..
Besides it, andy's facial expression is very intense for sure
It would have made snoke look like not only a sick abuser but a sexual predator as well desu..quite disturbing

>she still acts with her mouth

I'm thankful every day for Adamu.

Rey get the title of Jedi when she become the last one and now she is the hero that she been looking for help the Resistance.

It's so dumb user, she learned the force was real a week ago and now she's a jedi. conveniently in this era of girl power she didn't have to earn any of it.


I think this is the only kind of loving gesture she knows, touching hands. When she made a brother-sister-like friendship ( a connection ) with Finn..maybe this is where it comes from or it was just a natural comforting thing, showing him she knows what he feels ( being alone..ect), to endure him she feels compassion and doesnt see him as her enemy anymore.

I also think she wanted to hold hands but kylo was too shy and was afraid ( when was the last time he touched sb with his bare hand?? He was separated from every kind of loving affection..:(

>that trollface on driver
>kasdan, jj and kennedy all look uncomfortable
I'd love to know what joke was told before that picture

The setting was pretty comfy too with the
blazing campfire.

I get the feeling a lot of the women posting in here have been sexually abused or at least shamed greatly for being fat/ugly.

Adam saved her.
She must begging for more scenes with him in IX not whining about her Bodega

She's not a Jedi.
Force sensitive, but not a Jedi...

Btw Ben Solo is the last Jedi alongside Rey

>Hesus Christ.
what did xe mean by this?

Or having fun with trolling

Yeah it's dumb but she really is the last jedi but she'll learn more about the force in the time skip.

LoL atleast they aknowledge Rey and Kylo as the romance in TLJ.

Why does everyone ignore Finn/Rose is beyond me...it was the "tasteful" romansu in TLJ.

Regardless her insane level of power after a week is just dumb

You're not allowed to troll in /rlg/ user.

The force literally made her for him like

>Dood, heres a nice waifu, stop this shit

Daisy will just cry for JJ make more scenes of her and the Resistance. Jj will tell her to fuck off and make her have scenes alone and with the force Ghost Luke

Why is daisy standing so far from him?
No, srsly have you guys noticed adam keeps avoiding eye contact with her in public? Like during TLJ press conference when she was in that white dress and was talking to him, looking at him, Adam turned away or staring the floor while she was trying to contact with him??
He didnt do this to lena, or that iran actress whom he had intimate scenes in Paterson. Or in the case of Mia Wasikowska...:S

I hope at least they do not hate each other..

Or when daisy came in he gave his place to John ( linked gif )

What about Ben..?

>That p-power perhapa I s-should join the light side

Kylo was the only alive person who was trained to be a jedi ( old pragmatic way)
Rey has the ancient Jedi knowledge book ( the way to the grey jedi )


I don't think so.
She's pretty comforted him when he was feeling uncomfortable on that show.

It's flat out fucking incompetent planning really
>we want Rey to be the ultimate jedi at the end of this trilogy
>now lets just wing it like the OT
>JJ makes ANH 2.0 take place over like a week
>Rian comes in and HURRRR TLJ takes place over 4 fucking days immediately after
Good luck finishing off this shit satisfactorily, for all intents and purposes I hope Kylo cuts her arm off in 9. Shit-tier writing.

She's good at crying I'll give her that, it's pretty lucky for these scenes

He might have a crush on her, dude is a delicate situation especially with Disney companies and their morality clauses.

An affair while married can ruin his career and Disney owns Hollywood.

I doubt they hate eachother, from how she speaks of him they are on good terms.

But there are times when she acts weird around him and he around her ...

He doesnt want to kiss her ( Dunham,the Iran actress are not so thirsty like Daisy she would jump on him at the first sight of weakness)

He fucking grabbed the armchair when daisy talked to him


>s-stop looking at me you freak, JJ please don't make me kiss her

Yeah because Lena humping on him naked or the gorgeous iranian actress dry humping on him in the bed are not bad for his marriage

>hate eachother

I don't think so, that sexual tension must come from somewhere, and it can create awkward moments, thats why its called tension.
I think they are both aware of it but she isn't married like him and can gush on him in interviews and shit.
She might be frustrated if she made a move or gave him signals though, probably scared him off while filming TLJ.

That's why she wants Bodega, he's so shit. Adam carries her and it's obvious and she doesn't want her spotlight stolen. Too late kek

Maybe he did same thing with her butt

because she's thirsty as fuck and he's married so he doesn't want to be overly friendly.

this is the answer

>Keep eyecontact keep eyecontact AHHHHHHHHHH

But it's stupid. Every critic praised HER acting in scenes with Driver, not just Adam's.

She probably creeps him out with her big teeth. Like she wants to eat him.

Mostly Adam, but you're right. If she wants any praise, she needs to be in more Reylo scenes. Maybe now that it's been received well, she'll want more.

wrong gif kek

>The last jedi

I think, technically, Kylo is also the last jedi, since he was Luke's student and studied at his academy for a few years. While Rey is no Jedi, she's just a random force user who downloaded Kylo's brain via the interrogation scene and stayed with Luke for like a few days.

I don't remember the critics from TFA, critics liked her chemistry with John?

>Daisy's smile and optimism: gone

He's doing another movie with Dern right now too kek

Adam is more like when will she stop looking at me so thirsty, I cant longer resist.

Creepy as fuck

That's what she claims, but I honestly never heard much about it. Finn and FinnRey are not popular and don't sell either. Reylo is what people have always been passionate about, now more than ever.

Yeah but Driver leads the scenes and he is the one who ultimately gets the mindshare.

In her scenes with Boyega she is the one whos leading since they are both weak actors, but he is he not as charismatic and pretty.

From what ive seen of Driver very few actors can steal the scene from him, like Serkis in TLJ...and thats it.

He smiled at her desu

>96 replies
>10 posters