Watched this pos today. Holy hell it aged like shit. How the fuck is it the best picture of 2008?

Watched this pos today. Holy hell it aged like shit. How the fuck is it the best picture of 2008?

That Ministry soundtrack tho

something something muh female director

The US military industrial complex had to sanitise their genocide

It wasnt best picture quality, but i did find it a comfy war flick.

you are pleb mr op. This is second best war kino ever. First one is of course Idi i smotri

Justification of war

>aged like shit
It was shit to begin with

Mark Boal is Jewish

What are some good war films from the last 10 years? Pic related is the only one I can think of. Hacksaw ridge and fury were both worth a watch but I didn't think much more than that, though the latter has a fantastic soundtrack.

skipped watching it in 08 cause it looked like shit then, is it still shit? is it worth a watch?


The editing was a little sloppy, but holy shit the performances were on point. Probably the best acting I've seen in a foreign movie.

2008 was a shit year

I watched it in highschool and didn't get the hype. It was the 100th Iraq war movie.
Oh that explains the hype. Pure politics.

Don't. It really is not an enjoyable flick. There are better warkinos

why were they punching each other in the stomach?

>a group of US infantry grunts survive an ambush the fucking SAS couldn't
Would that be classed as soft propaganda?

Watched it the other day, it was alright

there's a Finnish one that came out last year on the Continuation War that apparently is excellent, but it's not out on DVD yet

The HBO mini series "Generation Kill" (2008) was good.

Better than Avatar

It was always bad. A very civilian understanding of the military.

This film is brilliant. Fuck off

Does she have the best CIA contacts in Hollywood?
Or is that Clint?

>it aged like shit

The movie is only ten years old. That amount of time can't really "age" a movie. The problem is that it was never that good to begin with.

>How the fuck is it the best picture of 2008?
Because that was around the time the US was getting blown up by insurgents before they pulled out and started supporting the same fuckos.

Too bad that for anyone who's watching it out Finland will be seeing the cut version which is 2 hours instead of the original 3 hours.

Because American propaganda is real user.
