>You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are.
N-no...there's j-just something in m-my eye...
>You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are.
N-no...there's j-just something in m-my eye...
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The man was too good for this world. The puppets were creepy though.
I legit believe Fred Rogers is at least partially divine. There's no way anyone is as kind as he is without seeming phony. Just reading quotes from him is moving.
>ywn love your fellow man as much as Mr. Rogers did.
Mr. Rogers died in 2003. The world really started to go to shit not long after and shows no signs of recovering. I think he may have been God's last attempt at giving a shit about us.
No one's perfect.
He was a great man, for sure. There's not many like him anymore.
A veteran, a minister, an educator, and a wonderful television personality. I didn't watch Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
Even as a kid I knew there was something wrong with him. adults don't act like that
>I like you just the way you are.
You don't even know me, nigger.
No the fappening was just a couple years ago
Mr. Rogers lies to you just like everyone else lied to you and like you like to others. Telling a bigger lie doesn't make you a saint or a great man, it just makes you a bigger liar. You know this, not even that deep down.
I hope Bob Ross is kicking Rogers ass in heck. I don't even like Ross
Yes, let's tell children there is an inherent value to remaining their same selves.
Gee, I wonder why nobody wants to work out on themselves or admit when they're wrong anymore.
Would've been 1000x better if it was spoken by my crush
His schtick of "I wish the world were a better place, so I'm going to act like it is" is transparent and unsustainable outside of being a make-believe tv host who talks to puppets. I wish more people were like fred rogers, but I understand in the real world there are no rewards for being a good, charitable, kind person. Just additional struggle.
But I'm a racist psychopath
>you've made this day special by being a dopamine and arousal addicted porn junkie. There are many people in the world as pathetic as you, but few quite as debased. It would be truly impossible to like you knowing what you are.
Even if he'd said it like it is, it's not like a speech has ever been a catalyst for change.
The current generation of children is screwed simply because we lack good male role models for them during their upbringing. Male models back then showed learning could be fun and why it's important to care about your fellow man.
Nowadays, Bill Nye is a sold out hack, Steve moved on, Ross and Rogers passed away and who do we have nurturing the minds of our children?
nurturing is for women. That's why courts give custody to mothers in divorce. They already proved they could nurture for 9 months
The fact that you find shame in these shows there is someone inside who mr rogers is talking to
shame, regret, bitterness and resentment towards the world.
I truly don't know what my peers were thinking when they though letting children have access to a completely unregulated wild-west that the internet used to be.
My guess is nothing.
I'm sorry about your father issues, user, but not all men think the same and not all women are as nurturing either.
That's like saying my ability to shit makes me a gardener.
you're not a swivel chair psychologist, quit trying to diagnose people. you faggots make me sick
no, she took care of herself and a growing human for months before she had to start boobfeeding it and that crap, men don't nurture, men provide money
As someone not from the USA he always struck me as a complete nonce. Wouldnt be surprised if his legacy gets Savilled shortly.
>no, she took care of herself and a growing human
Is that why you have fetal alcohol syndrome?
>cis white male talking about values
Your time has passed.
but user he was probably the 2nd coming
Talk about a narrow viewpoint of life. I'd say I feel sorry for you, but I'm not going to waste pity on someone as lost as you. You're already too far gone and jaded.
Good luck. Hopefully, you don't shoot yourself in the next five years.
Kek, who hurt you? Are you married? Do you have kids, or do you plan to? If your line ends with you, you're just proving that the way you were raised leads to failures like yourself. Another angsty fuck, standing in the cold looking through the window at things he can never have.
This is your Mister Rodgers now.
And I struck a nerve. Sorry user, yelling at me isn't going to make the pain go away. And, before I do end up sounding like an asshole, I want to say that I've been there and communication is literally the best thing you can do.
This goes out to all anons facing the same problem. Story time: I moved away from my family simply because I couldn't tolerate my parents anymore. Got a job in a country on another continent. Made bank. Stopped talking to them for years. Finally, got the balls to open communication up again and eventually visit home. I was expecting a punch in my face considering the history, but instead we had a heartfelt talk and, as a man who had issues with his father, my grandfather, he knew it was best to bury the hatchet and we started anew as father and son. I still have some issues with him, but things between us are better now than they've ever been.
Okay, this oldfag is done with his blogging. You can disregard it if you want, or you can be a man about it and tackle your problems head on instead of being pissy about it like a toddler.
I figure if I stay pissy and resentful, then everything will work out by itself, assuming of course that we suffer a nuclear holocaust and enter the third world war.
that would be easier to deal with I think.
it's true though that anyone in their 20s these days is a total piece of shit
perhaps it's because of mr rogers not helping them out a bit
it's the millenials that ruined Sup Forums
never forget that
>Mr. Rogers died in 2003. The world really started to go to shit not long after and shows no signs of recovering.
This. The world has been shit since the late 2000s.
Well I will say that giving an issue time is also a strategy. Again, it took 2 years of absolute silence between me and my father before we did anything. I don't know your full situation so I'm not going to force anything that could make it worse.
Just try to think positive.
but so are you
When is he coming back?
Shit, he's right!
And here I thought I was a Gen Xer. Those Pepsi ads lied to me!
uh no you need something to anchor yourself to the world or you'll lose yourself and/or kys. The best way to deal with a harsh world is to be optimistic.
can't wait for rogers to be outed as a pedophile
you just know jews are waiting for a right time to release "the memo"
I'm a millenial but I hate every last one of these pisces of shite
>americans getting raised by their TV instead of their parents
>pisces of shite
functionally illiterate, confirmed for millenial
You're supposed to laugh, retard
hard to be optimistic when everything you believe is right you're told is wrong, every social situation you're in has a 66% chance of turning in to a cringefest, and you've never, ever been shown or taught the virtues of self-discipline.
How would one go about teaching oneself the concept of self discipline, seeing as you need at least the basic concepts for you to be able to actually teach it to yourself?
>tfw people think the internet is serious business
I'm old enough to be yer daddie
>MFW watching him go to the senate to fight them on removing the funding from PBS and kill all its shows
>MFW he showed up with legit kindness and faced off against the head of the committee, the man who pushed hard for PBS's funding removal, and answered every single question and destroyed every argument they had, but with the same tenderness as he had done with children on his show
>MFW I watched him sit the senator down, watched an episode of his show for him, listened to him read off some of the outlines for future episodes, then watched him explain some of the core values his, and other PBS shows bring children (and cited numerious study's and doctors who backed it up)
>MFW not only did he save PBS funding, the man who wanted to kill all the funding was so moved by him that he gave them a 200% increase over 10 years and became a lifelong friend of mr rogers and mrs rogers was reported saying that they still talked almost monthly
...you could join the army, though I feel you'd hate that. I knew a guy who had similar issues and joined up. He kinda still had those issues when he returned, but by then he was so jacked that girls didn't care and guys were too beta to call him out.
even if I had the drive it wouldn't be possible without moving back to my native country, which is a complete shithole nowadays.
I'm thinking I'll live a short, but moderately content life on gibs, and end it should the fountain of gibs run dry.
The man, above all, was a decent human being. That's all it takes to make a little change sometimes.
how can politicians even compete?
Mr Rogers just too overpowered
When he asks if the senator will read his statement later and says "It means a lot to me". Just ruins everyone in the room
you can't be taught self discipline. Everyone needs to find it within themselves at some point. So other people didn't have it easier than you in that department faggot.
Right lists everyday of whatever you can think of. Have a daily routine. Walk of lift weights for an hour every day. Fucking READ man. Join a church or social group (doesn't matter if your an edge lord atheist fucking do it pussy). Do what you are passionate about that is actually constructive. Eat a high protein low carb diet of meat and veggies.
Literally do all of this and you'll feel better. If you don't then your not doing it correctly.
Ah I see. Well, hopefully you can find a job or even a relationship in the country you are in to give you a nice foothold. I have a Venezuelan friend who's kinda doing the same thing, but she's clinging on to a teaching job for dear life here as an anchor.
>just do it xd
No, I've long since accepted that I'm a lost cause, so I'll just sit quietly and try to make myself as content as possible while I wait for either the world or myself to break.
I use anger as a motivator along with pettiness.
I try to succeed just to spite assholes who thought I couldn't. And now I'm legit the most successful person in my circle, just out of spite.
Think of someone you hate. That asshole with the shit eating grin, that intolerable bitch, whoever. Make them eat their word. Living happily is the best revenge. If you have access to an Internet, you have access to information. You obviously have time if you are here.
You can be a lot better than you think you are. I was sleeping in cars 10 years ago. Now I've got an apartment in Seoul my company pays for. And I got this far just to piss off some assholes who are now probably in jail or living in some trailer park.
great man
If people can't become good on their own then they weren't worth anything in the first place.
How about your parents, you dumb burgerclap?
I did.
I ended up joining the army, and now i'm about to end up in a PMC, making a living out of killing.
Life is pretty weird.
I'll become a good person at heart just to rub it into your face
100% this. The man is a saint.
>mfw the senator looks like he's about to cry
>but I'm already bawling
By all accounts, and I do mean all of them, Fred was this same person we saw in his show, that same kind, soft-spoken saint of a human being sunup to sundown, every single day of his life.
He’s the best and only argument I’ll ever need for the existence of God. Fred Rogers believed in us because God does, and if his belief ever faltered, he never let it show.
>creepy old faggot enables entitled snowflake generation of Americans who lack motivation to genuinely work on themselves because they believe they have some sort of inherent special ability
Fuck this idiot and the reddit cult-worship around him
Holy shit. I miss you, Fred.
>The Chad Saint vs. the Virgin Politician.
How did this meme take hold? He was never in the military.
It’s the appealing dichotomy of it.
Whose ready to cry
libshit participation trophy bullshit
>Disney pays shills to hate on Mr. Rogers because he ruins their agenda
Makes ya think.
yeah, you know how much liberals love family values and the sanctity of children, retard
and blockbuster soon sacrificed its franchise as tribute to the man. in spite of my cynicism he's the only man who can make a faggot out of me
>I love you even if you are a fucking tranny xD
He still championed growth and self-improvement, just entirely on your own terms and not to please the expectations of others. He knows it'll only feed your sense of inadequacy. Just look at the faggoty way you display your passive-aggressiveness, you sound like a woman
if his rhetoric were allowed to truly take hold, there would have been no trannies, you nigger
>not watching the superior, pantsless tiger
Not the same user and I don't actually have any problems with trannies, but what do you mean by this?
personal responsibility, the ability to stop and review your actions, also social responsibility and setting examples. I think it's hard to grow deviants in such fertile soil
Reminds me when America was white.
>Hopefully, you don't shoot yourself
don't fall for the sunk costs fallacy. let him kill himself now and spare further resources to be drained on his survival, it'd be noble and brave of him
Who would be the anti Mr Rodgers?
Levar Burton
i'm pretty sure that's a guy user
Kids need more than nurturing to survive
yeah he should've capitalized Pisces to clear up what he meant
I thought it was the fact that if you accept yourself for who you are you wouldn't think "dude if I were a girl everything would be so much better XD"
I think it has more to with not hating that you have a weird inclination, but understanding that you share the planet with people who are largely made uncomfortable, so maybe there are better outlets than marching down the street with a dildo in your ass, I dunno. I think Fred was teaching us to be slow and deliberate.
>implying if any of these shows began this year Sup Forums wouldn't be calling them cucks, libtards or reddit.
In fact the Blues Clues guy gets shit on all the time.
I am genuinely surprised that the first posts weren't calling him a (((((liberal pedophile))))
T. millenial that never watched the show.
He had black people and every kind of minority on his show. If he was alive today and saw the way people like you are he would probably lose all faith in humanity and never leave his house.
The space is on yo tube I've watched it a couple times
It real is truly awesome