IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Literally who

This guy is a total rube

(((Disney))) bots on suicide watch. Sad!

cool beans should I watch TLJ first though?

The guy who triggered niggers so much with his Get Out review that they flagged his video to death.

legitimately whom

wow can't wait to hear this guys hot take on an already discussed to death movie

the whole cut away gags and meme editing thing is so played out

literally /ourguy/

This is /ourguy/

Sweet Jesus you'd think Sup Forums is full of catty women with the responses here and every MDE thread.

>that mutt pic next to the 56% user score

now do black manther


Oh boy, I can't wait to hear how many people involved in this movie are jewish. I'm sorry. "Gem-ish"

oh, it's this guy.

I always have mixed feelings about his videos. He often makes valid points, but tries way too hard with the humor and edge. I get that he's playing a role for the most part, but it doesn't work that well and he comes off too often as an edgy fedoralord type.

still, pretty ok for a reasonably informed perspective on things.

Congrats on having 6k views op

what edge? what does he say that's "edgy fedoralord"?
are these just buzzwords that you know and you're throwing at the wall to see what sticks?


It unironically is, normalfags love Sup Forums

*blocks your path*

lol why does that Sheldon reviewer keep comparing himself to the others


Stopped watching when this brainlet said that Brick and Looper sucked.


more like /polsguy/

but his vids are kino. even my normie friends enjoy them

It's just soyboys and leftypol.

no, I mean his whole "haha im unironically (ironically) a white supremacist, women deserve rape" schtick hes done in at least a few of his previous videos wear on me

I think he;s trying to emulate Plinkett, except that Plinkett is played up to be a fat, pathetic old man, while the joke doesn't work as well when you're following up your shock humor with "but seriously folks, race war now, gas the kikes, 1488".

It just falls flat for me. It's definitely edgy fedora-style humor, and while I think it could work with some refinement, as it stands, it just comes off a bit pathetic.

Best comparison I can think of is Sam Hyde's stuff with MDE. Some of it is legit hilarious, but then he thinks that hilarity equals people wanting to hear you preach about shit he believes in, and I start to tune out.

this is pure gold



>reviewing a movie that isn't even in theaters anymore

>manchild who talks exclusively about capeshit and star wars
>our guy

t. butthurt E;R unable to take criticism

he reviewed sicario ;)

>he reviewed [imdb core]
Damn! He's a cinephile just like me! Nolan, Tarantino, the list goes on...

>It's another reddit under age thread

e;r doesn’t browse cuck/tv/
And mad max

>Popular youtuber doesn't browse where he's popular
At least pretend to not be 14

you losers are really going to watch an hour long video of some other loser crying about how a shit movie is shit, this board is shit, this culture is shit, movies are mostly shit. fuck you faggots

>E;R doesn't browse these threads
are you dumb? He may not create the threads, like the autist who spams his """reviews""" on here constantly, but he absolutely does come here.

My god can you be any more of a faggot
he was popular elsewhere before this shithole

lay off the soy for a week

He did?

>"haha im unironically (ironically) a white supremacist, women deserve rape"
I wonder how you came to that conclusion.

your mother dies soon, redditor

>he was popular elsewhere before this shithole
Yes? Doesn't change the fact he's popular here. Or that he would browse these threads. I think 14 was an overestimate

>I have no argument so ill call him soyboy!
it's mildly better than the faggot screaming reddit, I'll admit. Not much, though
we're talking about the same guy, right? It's not like I'm trying to look for deep, hidden messages in his work that aren't there. He's pretty up-front about it.

>Or that he would browse these threads
Why would he give a shit about what anyone on this board has to say?

Brick did suck tho family.

>I have no argument so ill call him soyboy!
Not that guy, but he's calling you a soyboy because you're a thin skinned bitch and need to grow up.

>Why would a youtuber care what his audience thinks?
Less than 12? 10 then.

Looper was refreshing at least.

>star wars cuck calling other people redditors
I'm surprised you gave up this quickly user

>this content is ok but not great, the humor gets old pretty fast
>you're a faggot, shut up
And I'm the thin-skinned one here?

Allow me to repeat: you're a faggot, shut up. Daddy E;R is a big boy, he can handle someone saying they don't particularly like his sense of humor.

He makes the videos for fun not for cuckchan

>he's resorted to hurling insults because you need to grow up
I hope the irony isn't lost on you user

Damn, he went all in on this one.

Yeah, grow up and start watching the 9,000,000th star wars: the last jedi review from the latest based youtube capeshit opinion-shouter!

Only thin-skinned faggots like you don't like his sense of humour. You have to go back.

yes "grow up" by...watching a manchild rant about Star Wars for an hour. No criticisms allowed btw, it hurts his feefees.

You sure showed him user


I hate things that are popular! I love watching them so that I can sarcastically epic troll all the people who love watching them!

How much more delusion can you feed yourself, user?

>Tearing it up about his humor (reeee muh white supremacy muh rape culture).
>"this content is ok but not great, the humor gets old pretty fast"

Fuck off fag.

What's this about a sicario review?
I dont see it on his channel.

The world must seem like a really nice place when you tell yourself you're fine and everyone else is the problem

OK, so again...

I don't particularly like the guy's style of humor. I think it relies too much on edge and shock humor, and is derivative of another, better youtuber's work, while being directly worse than it by missing the central joke of that other youtuber's schtick.

You, meanwhile, can't handle the idea that someone might have differing tastes in comedy, and/or can't handle the idea of someone criticizing one of your favorite youtubers.

And this makes you a mature adult and me a thin-skinned bitch.

Do I have this right?
>It just falls flat for me. It's definitely edgy fedora-style humor, and while I think it could work with some refinement, as it stands, it just comes off a bit pathetic.
>He often makes valid points, but tries way too hard with the humor and edge.
yes, I'm veritably seething, user. Clearly I hate his work because I'm a liberal commie pinko faggot and not because I find the humor boring, stale, tryhard, and derivative.

i honestly feel you haven't actually watched his videos and are just repeating what other people here have said without knowing shit.
and you're doing the same thing for MDE as well.

>better youtuber
ignoring the fact that it's nothing like him this is fucking retarded.

nuh uh ur just a butthurt shill from tumblr none of my Sup Forums friends would be this mean to me

>replying to yourself with a strawman
honest is this all you faggots can do?

I've watched his whole Korra series, his stuff on Steven Universe, his previous Star Wars video, his Life is Strange review, and his Mad Max video.

That seems like a reasonably large chunk of his shit, no? I admit I haven't seen all of it, but I think I've seen enough to get the gist.

Same for MDE: watched most, not all, of their shit. Generally have a good idea of what's up. Not my cup of tea, though there are some genuinely good bits and jokes.
is not me.
this is.

For the sake of clearing up confusion, I'll use a name for this thread just so you can tell which posts are mine.

You should probably just address the other anons post before you start throwing around samefagging accusations

>complains on edginess and shock humor
>on Sup Forums
You showed your true colors, now fuck off.

Imagine being so pathetic that you have to pander to Sup Forums crowd. I bet you my ass that this numale faggot started this thread.
Why would you talk about movies when it's clear that you don't know anything about movies anyway? Just stick to shitty children cartoons.

Weak rebuttle

Is there a bigger forced meme than this guy?
nice double dubs tho

I just think you've gotten this "edgy fedoralord" bullshit in your head. other than a few jokes there's nothing much that justified it over the fact that most of his videos are just... reviewing the movies. the "edgy" shit is just a sideshow and it's a pretty minor one at that, and most of it is blink-and-you'll-miss-it.
you're focusing on a very small aspect of his videos and acting like that's what defines them, and the reason for that is... you tell me.
oh fuck off, just because your not a samefag doesn't make your post less of a pointless banal strawmanning shitpost.
kill yourself.
star wars is a shitty children cartoon

>oh fuck off, just because your not a samefag doesn't make your post less of a pointless banal strawmanning shitpost.
Almost as pointless and banal as calling someone a thin-skinned soyboy until you're forced to actually address what they've said.


Please punish these soy scrubs who liked Reylo.

you're right, i'm not as emotionally sensitive as other people so sometimes I fail to understand. you're totally justified in acting like a baby because someone called you "soyboy" - and isult that is very meaningful and hurtful.
carry on and i hope one day you can recover from your emotional trauma enough to act like the adult you pretend to be.

Now THIS is what a true winner looks like. You sure showed us.

>you're totally justified in acting like a baby because someone called you "soyboy"
Oh come on now, user. Are you really gonna pretend resorting to calling someone a soyboy as soon as they criticise your darling youtube """critic""" isn't childish as fuck?


no, and i didn't do it.
does someone else acting like a child justify you doing the same thing?

>does someone else acting like a child justify you doing the same thing?
Of course not. My grug post is just a bit of harmless fun.

and that "soyboy" post isn't?
dumb frogposter

>and that "soyboy" post isn't?
Seemed like a pretty genuine post to me

so did yours to me.
seemed like you were pretty butthurt about the "soyboy" comment so much so that you made the strawman post in question and still bring it up.
harmless fun my ass.

I'm complaining about edginess and shock humor being inserted where it doesn't fit. And you know what, I'll even admit it works sometimes in his vids. Every once in awhile, it catches me off guard and I find myself chuckling at it.

My problem is that it's fucking unrelenting. Every few minutes needs a joke about how black people want to rape white women and jews are all evil and women should be sex slaves and so on.

I can find that kind of joke funny, but when it's fucking pounding you in the head non-stop for a solid hour, it starts to lose it's humor for me. It's funny because you don't expect it. Once you start expecting it like clockwork every few minutes...yeah, it gets boring.

where does edginess and shock humor fit? where you decide?

I assume you're saying I acted like a baby? Because I'm the only one who's been called soyboy this thread.

If so, show me where. I think I've been rather civil with you folks up to this point, barring a "faggot" here and there, and well... that's rather par for the course.

>e;r doesn’t browse cuck/tv/
Are you kidding me? This is where he gets all of his ideas and criticisms, he just finds what is popular to dislike here and makes a scrip that basically copies directly from threads here..

>I assume you're saying I acted like a baby?
why the fuck would you assume that? was i replying to you? assume that i'm replying to the person i'm replying to, thats the purpose of being able to reply to someone's post.
are you really this desperate for (You)s? well here you go.

Read the rest of the post. It's not long.

It works when used occasionally, in sparing doses. I mean, it's in the name: it's shock humor. It's supposed to be shocking and out of the blue.

Example: why did Sally fall off the swingset? because she had no arms or legs.
And another:
knock knock!
who's there?
Not Sally!/spoiler]

It doesn't work when it's every other joke you use. In fact, few forms of humor do work when they're overused. Can you name one good comedian who basically just tells the same joke over and over with a slightly different spin on it? If you can, do you find them funny?
I'm the only person who's been called soyboy this thread. You said, and I quote:
> you're totally justified in acting like a baby because someone called you "soyboy"
so no, other user was not called a soyboy.

Goddamn, is reading comprehension not taught in schools anymore? that's two posts that are completely pointless and foolish that wouldn't have been had you just read the whole damn post you were replying to.

he didn't like Mad Max even though Sup Forums loved it

aw shit, my formatting

what have I done?