Why haven't you seen Black Panther yet, user? You're not racist, are you?

>Why haven't you seen Black Panther yet, user? You're not racist, are you?

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I wanted to go but no black gf

>You're not racist, are you?
Actually I am. And there's nothing wrong with that.

>You're not racist, are you?
As a matter of fact, I am.
>find out gf has a black friend
>break up with her
>she calls me the next day, crying on the phone, asking why
>tell her I hate niggers

I am
Niggers are low IQ violent savages
The idea of an advanced African country makes me laugh till it hurts
>we wuz space kangz

already saw it twice, plan on seeing it again this saturday with some of my friends

I am racist but I did see it

The only Marvel movie I've seen in theaters is Guardians of the Galaxy. It was shit. Watch Space Dandy instead.

I saw it and found it lacking.

I am very racist

>You're not racist, are you?
But I am my monkey friend.

I didn't realise it was a nigger film until all the hype online after it released and all the monkeys dancing around the cinema lobby. I'm not interested in black movies. I'm so close to not finishing star trek discovery because it's pretty much a story about a black fucking Vulcan a load of queers, shit skins and an ugly fat WHITE ginger.
I'm not racist, these black only shits are and i won't support them. I won't exec torrent it.

The released footage is awful CGI, unfollowable CUT CUT CUT action sequences, awful music, awful everything. Of course I haven't seen it. I never will.
Move yourself off a cliff.


that is super gay

it's capeshit. i don't mind "black" movies, i have seen django and kinda liked it.

Not my genre.

>You're not racist, are you?
Only against sandniggers and african americans.

I watch motion pictures and kino, not flicks.

>Not Racist

Americans just have this thing where they are delusionally Americentric.

Blacks in America are just that

bunch of idiots

I'm banned from my local theatre so no

No I am not a racist. I'm an adult who doesn't go see kids movies in theater.

i cant believe thats real

It's not racist to want a theat to yourself.

I'm certain Tomoko would be deeply contemptuous of people who use the word "kino" even if it was only for reasons of petty snobbery.

what did you do?

>TLJ is beaten by Black Panther

How do we save Star Wars?

I'm not white so I can't be racist though

I don't have 15$ or 2.5 hours to blow on mcuck shit

More like TUBSman.

I am not racist and I saw it.

I'm certain you don't know shit because Tomoko isn't real and you didn't make her so shut the fuck up you semen slurping gay boy before I slit that worthless jizz chute you call a neck.

It's a bad movie


Watched it last night and it was shit. I'm surprised that no one has made a webm of the bad cgi rhinos yet.

Over the top spinoffs from visionary directors. None of this Soylo bullshit.

> putting Rant in the title
yeah not gonna watch some dicklet white seething

Defend this youtu.be/PNaqYKgyYlQ

how come there are no good camrips out for it? like its suppose to be the biggest blockbuster, wouldnt groups want to be popular and get a good copy out?

let it burn

George Lucas was right.

not while we've got Sup Forums for that amirite lel

She cried a bit more then I hung up and that was it.

You don't, user. You wouldn't do it even if you could because you're a faggoty-assed drama queen who'd rather make "how do we save [x]?" posts.


Fucked the manager

>Because I'm not a homophobe

I don't support capeshit

I'm not seeing the movie, because I don't want to spoil Black Joy by inflicting my whiteness on my fellow audience members.

>and that's okay. Here's why.

Sorry I don't fall for that shit
My way of thinking is which would entertain me more because, and not to sound arrogant, but I'm too smart for my own good which usually makes shit dull unless I social engineer my own entertainment. I pretty much do and say whatever I want for the sake of my boredom and the fallout from this film failing as hard as they are pushing it to me would be more entertaining so that's the stance I take and support lol

Already saw it. I might go again on Friday though.

shit cgi suit, uninteresting source material.

I hate niggers but I’m not racist

I don't watch any marvel films.
And there's no such thing as racism.

I did go with about 4 other white guys and our 1 black friend to balance it all out.

I was thinking about going to see it today, but I don't know if I can be bothered to make the 10 minute walk to my local theatre.

Saw it with my black gf, she didnt really like it that much but I thought it was fine.



My view on the film

>The fusion of sci fi technologies with African culture is brilliant
>The acting is consistently good for all characters
>The shots of Wakanda are beautiful
>Killmonger, and the head of the fourth tribe (jabaldis?) had believable motives I could understand. They weren't just evil.

>The film is entirely focused on internal disputes. There is no substantial threat to Wakanda.
>Killmonger is the most interesting character and he's weirdly absent for most of the film
>The final fight scene is between two people in dark outfits, fighting in a pitch black train tunnel. You can't see shit.
>A lot of the references felt tiresomely contemporary. It will feel dated in less than a decade
>None of the action scenes feel especially new. I felt like I'd already seen superheroes riding atop cars or fighting while falling.

Overall the film is ok, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it. 6/10

If you want to enjoy a really good quality film that will help reassure you you're not racist, see Get Out.



It's generic conveyor belt marvel flick but this time it's more obvious that the critics have a bias. TLJ was the first straw but with this one it's too obvious

was dissapointed by the fight scene, especially given Coogler's choreography on Creed

yes. yes, I am. Also, I'm not a fan of capeshit

Final fight between Panther and Cockmongler was pathetic. CGI men fighting eachother in a CGI landscape, looking identical. The dumbest idea I've heard.

>american blacks think africans consider all other black people to be brothers and one race, not realizing that Africa is even more fractured and splintered than Europe, where it's common to hate the people living in the next city over.

i'm a racist and i'll watch it when it will be available for free download on high quality ( that's how i watched all marvel movies except thor ragnarok because i had a free movie ticket voucher )


You did the right thing, user. Your gf and her black friend are better off without you.

>paying for capeshit
you brought it on yourself user you sadomasochistic fuck

Yes I am

I am racist and don’t like niggers and you know what I’m also not a 5,7 manlet who’s scared to voice my opinion. Now never ask me about nigger cinema ever again because if it has more than 1 nigger lead in it I haven’t seen it.

went to see it , waasn't a bad film

Good man.

I'm sure it's alright but the ZOG machine ruined it for me.

>>Why haven't you seen Black Panther yet, user?
Waiting for KORSUB or SPARKS to upload it my man

how long do I have to wait?

I'm hoping its more Thor 3 Ragnarok than a serious meme film

Haven't seen a single movie in theaters in yeas, my life goal is to never enter a movie theater again. I will only go to the Kino-plex that plays non-Disney films.

So not being interested in seeing any more super hero movies anymore, means I'm racist now, well fuck off.

I wanted to go but white somewhat racist gf. Dont even know why she likes me. Im half black.

I'm not interested in movies that feature black people.

Proud of you user

Done with capeshit. I couldn't even finish Justice League. The market is oversaturated I can't wait for this bubble to burst.

>black friend
She likely was cheating on you anyway.

you cant help but appreciate a man whose honest

>The fusion of sci fi technologies with African culture is brilliant
>African culture

please explain any examples of African culture in the movie except for black cast

The part where they make ape noises at a white guy.


kill yourself


>African culture
>you mean Egypt, Magrebe, Algeria architecture?
>oh, no, apparently not arabic
>you mean Copts and Ethiopia?
>oh, no, apparently sub saharan
>you mean Timbuktu, Mali?
>but everyone around looks like sci-fi characters
>nothing resembling anything actually African at all

kek, nice.
I send my unironic support to you.

>Sup Forums is pro-black now

because it looks fucking shit.

if you're actually intimidated or feel like you should answer this question in any other way than how you actually feel, then fucking kys soyboy faggot.

Tell that to Armond. He's being called a gay black racist by white SJW. This world is fucking absurd.

"I'm too old for superheroes these days, but I used to love that kind of thing."
That's my usual response. Works really well if the person isn't an angry autist since it's not putting down the genre or the content.

America lost it's way when it started valuing the opinions of Pornstars, Actors and Singers on politics. People in this profession are filled with mentally deranged and traumatized mother fuckers. And American people allows them to be the voice of reason just LEL Murica.


I'm not. I also don't go to racist movies. Have a nice day!

I plan to see it this Friday but be really, really fucked up when I go.

Yeah, I don't watch capeshit movies, blaxploitation films on the other hand is different story.

Armond should respond with something like: As a gay black man, I have been subjet to racism and intolerance of many kinds over the years. But never to the level I have been subjeted to by so-called Social Justice Warriors since my less than positive review of Black Panther.

Remember when after 9/11 they asked for filmmakers' advices on stopping terrorist threats? That was so fucking surreal.