What are some movies about the American dream?
What are some movies about the American dream?
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>inanimate objects
>killing anyone
>deaths by a firearm
>a relevant statistic
>10700 deaths involving "handguns"
The figure includes all firearms. Furthermore, 2500 of them are justified homicides (self-defense), a few hundred are accidents and around 7000 (70%) consist of gangbangers protecting their territory with - you guessed it - illegal arms.
>mfw a retarded europeon can´t even get his facts straight
I am disappointed in you, my fellow old-world victim of socialism.
>be yuropoor
>get acid thrown in face
A-at least I have gun control
Killing of america. pretty great.
God Bless America, because it's about killing limp-wristed faggots like you
You're getting some of those statistics wrong. 2/3 of gun deaths are suicide
a gunshot is a long, arduous ordeal to go through. Acid pain only lasts a moment until the nearest refugee-piloted truck hits you
>live in a country where guns are illegal, population is ethnically homogeneous and has a populational density that's only a fraction of that in the US
>still get shot
>42 in West Germany
How's life in 1975 felolow time traveller?
Why single out west Germany? It's not the fucking cold war. Is east Germany that bad it would hurt their minimization tactic?
Are you laughing at how pathetically the numbers are inflated or at my assertion of the truth?
It's an old picture jackass
>only america has an iss.....
There are approximately 30,000 firearms deaths in the US annually, ~20,000 or so is generally suicides, another ~8,000 are from "gang violence" (Translation: Niggers shooting other niggers in leftist shitholes), and the other ~2k is divvied up between non-gang crime and legitimate self-defense by shooting subhuman criminal scum. Eurocucks are just fucking retarded and don't realize that for one, 30,000 is a fucking drop in the bucket because our states tend to be bigger than their fucking countries and 6,024 is the average death toll in America DAILY. America is a big fucking place.
>Results: The extent of firearm injuries and deaths in the U.S On average, from 2010 to 2012, more than 32,000 people (n = 32,529) died each year in the U.S. from a firearm-related injury, for an annual age-adjusted rate of 10.2 per 100,000 (Table 1). Sixty-two percent of these were suicides (n = 20,012), 35% were homicides (n = 11,256), and 2% were unintentional firearm deaths (n = 582). The annual rate of firearm suicide was about twice as high as the annual rate of firearm homicide (7.2 vs 3.7) and about 38 times the annual rate of unintentional deaths from firearms (0.19).
This. Those anti-gun propaganda posters are made by retarded, dishonest, socialist subhumans cherrypicking numbers.
Cherry picking countries is easy as fuck.
Now add Brazil on that shit.
>look guys I compared the US's homicide rate to a 3rd world shithole, so our obscene rates of death by guns isn't THAT bad!
>look guys I´m too stupid to understand a simple retort
The strictness of gun law is in no way linearly connected to the homicide rate, dumb fuck.
This board is for Television & Film.
Brazil has gun control you dumbass.
Also you just argumented that Deaths by gun are related to the place and not to Gun Control.
aaaannnd the thread stops
I asked a Televsion & Film related question.
Here comes the Sup Forums image macros
here comes the facebook frogs
ugh they think statistics actually mean anything
didn't they watch kimmel I mean lmao
Exclude the "diverse" parts of the US and see what the homicide rate is
Fuck facts am I right fellow yuroredditor?
Sup Forums should stay on Sup Forums
Keep TV & Film free of politics
I hope my country never collapses because our military is shit and most of the people who own weapons are career criminals.
we'll never be able to balance the nog and la creatura birthrate with those low numbers
how do we legalize the plague?
Not a single post in this thread has a source. You're an easily manipulated cretin. Fuck off.
>Not diverse Country 300.000 people still disappear some how
yeah where is the black death when you need it
>Counting suicides
Swimming pools kill more kids every year than scary black rifles.
Sounds like there were 10,000 more crimes foiled in the U.S than in pathetic soy-filled cuck countries
>Americans honestly believe that 2500 people were big enough threats to deserve death
>Americans are fine with entire towns of people being killed by their own police force
>entire towns of people being killed by their own police force
I believe that 2500 people is equivalent in size to a town, no?
Um... so, "like Brazil" as in... what way, exactly? Incredible weather? Gorgeous beaches? Vibrant arts culture both historic and current? A beauty and modelling industry that produced Gisele Bundchen, Alessandra Ambrossio and dozens more? Irreplaceably biodiverse flora and fauna? a music culture responsible for some of the most consistently prominent and groundbreaking works in the World Music? Ditto unique contributions to the world's of dance, theatre and the martial-arts - the latter of which may place it as one of the most important locus for combat-sports disciplines outside of Asia and/or the Pacific Islands region? A thriving cross-cultural culinary scene that draws the attention of gastro-academia the world over? A method of personal grooming so ubiquitously popular and that so revolutionized modelling and adult-entertainment industry that it is literally NAMED AFTER the country itself which has so much other stuff going for it I could easily draw out the waxing punchline for a whole 4 tweets? THAT Brazil? Because if so, the HE'LL am I waiting 20 whole years for? Because if you were aiming for "Openly corrupt government," "crippling economic uncertainty" and "egregious class-divide with shocking depths of poverty;" I got some BAD NEWS about the country you already LIVE IN, buddy boy. And if you were going for "We might be mostly Brown?" GOOD - in case you didn't notice the color of the people actually Native to this land-mass, it seems kinda optimized for that in terms of geographic placement relative to weather and climate and more importantly FUCK OFF.
>t.liberal puppet
It's amazing how resistant Americans are towards jews taking their guns
commies and muslims BTFOd
How much probability for this fact genius to die by firearm ? Wouldn't the irony be nice ?
Maybe eurotrash and convicts should have put up a greater resistance in preserving their individual ability to defend themselves from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
the only fathers left to have any gregarious influence upon us bastard sons, are our founding father whom secured our right to self defense
It's not cherrypicking when we're talking about thousands of deaths you inbred retards. 1 innocent death would be enough to consider making guns illegal.
Thanks to people like you I feel like an intelligent and good person. Guess you're useful in a sense.
92% of all crime involving guns, such as murder, was committed people who identify as Democrat.
America doesnt have a gun problem, we have a liberal problem. Pls stop killing each other pedocrats.
>1 innocent death would be enough to consider making guns illegal.
I disagree
Is it edgy to not care that people die? people die in a lot of different ways everyday who cares.
People only care when it reinforces their ideology.
How about 10 ? 1000 ? 6 Gorillion ?
Would you say that if the innocent who died was a relative ?
You've gotta break some eggs to make an omelette. Dismantling individual liberties because it is emotionally convenient is the easy route. People need to be stronger and understand that true freedom has many costs.
>42 in West Germany
>West Germany
I'll take outdated, out of context statistics for a 1000 Alex
>100% people that have died have had contact with water
whoa really makes you think
ban assault water
America is not a land of freedom. There's a lot of things you can't do, thus aking your agument stupid as hell.
>Europeans honestly believe that rampant rapes and assaults committed by migrant refugees is part and parcel
>Europeans are fine with their own government imprisoning them if they speak out against such self destructive policies
That's true, in lieu of absolute omniscience and freedom from natural laws we should ban guns.
You seem to think self-defense shootings are exclusive to police. That number is for everybody, including home invasions, robberies, assaults, etc. where lethal force was justified.
Wait what?
Absolutely, I'm not surprised that 2.5k pieces of garbage try to kill someone or break into their home
The faggots here can't go on Sup Forums because they're afraid of it, so they discuss politics here
Could somone actually explain why this is? This is interesting to me.
America is literally a gun shop, why are you surprised?
wtf I hate cold weather now
>Could someone actually explain why this is?
It's been worth the millions of lives that people have sacrificed defending it in wars. It's been worth the thousands of lives lost every year by desperate people fleeing despotic tyrannies, failed-states, or simply seeking freedom and opportunity. It's been worth the lives and blood of the slaves whose backs we built this country on, of the immigrants and native-born sons and daughters who died building up the transcontinental infrastructure.
So, yea, I think it's worth an innocent life or two to protect the essential liberties that so many in this world take for granted. That's kind of what America is all about. Don't like it? Don't give a fuck; it's not your culture, you just don't understand it.
>be american child
>get shot
>baby boomers defend the shooters right to have gun