Should I watch The Wire first or Sopranos?

Should I watch The Wire first or Sopranos?

It really doesn't matter.

The sopranos is better though and you may get burnt out after watching either of them, so, keep that in mind.

The Sopranos, then The Wire, then Oz.

Lately Ive been getting into movies like Juice and Boyz n the Hood so I was leaning Wire but if Sopranos is better I should give it a shotarooni.

Bumping for a couple more hot opinions


The Sopranos is the better show, but it depends on what themes you enjoy. Italian American organised crime, drama and food? Sopranos. African American organised crime, drama and cops? The Wire.

Just don't watch both back to back, it's way too much fucking content.

The Wire if you want cops & nig nog antics

The Sopranos if you want family feels & wop antics

Not even being racist, that's literally a good way to make a decision.

Idris Elba.

Which is more entertaining?

Which has more titties?

Which has more violence?

Go back to watching Walking Dead instead

Equally entertaining in my opinion

The Sopranos has more tits

Both have sporadic segments of violence but it's not very common in either, despite what you might think. I remember back IN MAH DAY on oldfag Sup Forums, people used to complain "WHY IS NOBODY GETTING WHACKED I HOPE SOMEONE GETS WHACKED NEXT WEEK", completely oblivious to the fact that people getting killed wasn't the point of the show at all.

The Wire, easy. Pic related was the reason why I'm still not past season 1 of the Tony saga.

No u
Thank you my man

>he thinks Tony's mum is bad
>he hasn't met Janice yet

oh my boy, i am so sorry...

The Sopranos, then just don't watch the wire. Its a meme show.

The wire sucks

Umm sweetie, Livia is the best part of Season 1

I think Sopranos is the better show in the long run, but I enjoyed the Wire's content and themes more

Watch the Wire first. After that, you will truly appreciate the Sopranos for the masterpiece it is.

stay with capeshit

It really doesn't matter.

The wire is better though and you may get burnt out after watching either of them, so, keep that in mind.

the wire = for women

the sopranos = for men

we all now what you are OP

as they say; "save the Sopranos for last"

Hard to say. Wire is consistently great, especially seaons 2 and 4. Sopranos is more emotionally engaging and achieves higher highs and lower lows than the Wire. On rewatches I never skip anything from the Wire, except the newspaper shit from season 5. With sopranos I basically skip everything related to the kids and carmela and the dream episodes. Yet its somewhat still more enjoyable because you care about the characters

>the wire = for women
What did he mean by this?

I see you are quite the beta, go with grey anatomy

>With sopranos I basically skip everything related to the kids and carmela and the dream episodes.

>skipping Meadow scenes

u gay user?

Any tv show where a woman dates men is for women.

Mad Men

>With sopranos I basically skip everything related to the kids and carmela and the dream episodes
>the dream episodes
They're the best ones

This isnt OP by the way.

I think Im gonna go Sopranos. Ill eventually watch Wire but I just asked my dad and he said Sopranos. A lot of my friends and family have watched Sopranos too so that will give some good conversations.

Start with The Wire, it goes easier because it has more stressed central plot, while The Sopranos is generally more chill, you can slowly watch it for months.


>Sopranos is the Superior Choice

Im glad you joined us Superior viewers.

>may the Jew King never touch your foreskin and keep the mooly poor, loud and dumb

Oz = for PRAGS

No, that should come after Sopranos (which Weiner has built Mad Men upon).

the wire = for democrats
sopranos = for republicans

I'm close to finishing the wire and I'm not sure I'll ever watch it again, at least for a number of years, but I've watched the Sopranos a number of times and it never fails to entertain me

not much violence?
bro you either didn't watch either of the shows or you don't remember shit.

the wire had more violence though.

>Janice will never peg your boipussy ;__;

Funny, season 2 is often said to be one of the weakest but I personally liked it. I guess the Stevedores weren't as interesting or likeabke as the cops and the hoods. Season 4 was where it really transcends the genre into social commentary.

fuck off retard

sopranos is infinitely better. wire is a "one watch" show that's very good and a classic, but the sopranos is a cultural touchstone. if you have time for only one the choice is obvious.

Both at the same time

>cultural touchstone
What does that even mean?

can u please go back to /r/the_donald/? thank you

watch the wire first
save the best for last

>"one watch" show
t. brainlet

>wire is a "one watch" show

I just finished watching it for the 6th time last month, and I can get caught up watching clips on youtube for hours. It has almost infinite rewatchability. Same thing goes for the sopranos though.

>tfw he just wanted the best for his children and his friends

season 1 is the weakest because it's based on a true story from the 70s that doesn't work that well when put in the 00s

skip the sopranos its shit

Sopranos is the better show.

>muh Sup Forums boogyman

give Wire another go, you might feel different. It gets better the more you watch it

One of the best characters in the most underrated season.

>be a beta dad
>get an even more beta son

Na, season 5 is by far the worst. Ed Burns is the guy who really made Wire great and when he left Simon was free to ramp up his bullshit. Like that newspaper storyline. Its entire purpose is to give a big fuck you to his former employers. you ask me its:

Agreed, the homeless killings storyline is really a stain on the final season. They should've retired McNulty's character at the end of s4

>efige efige starts playing

It fuckin gets me every single time.

he stood up to the mafia on multiple occasions and ended up getting killed for it
also its mentioned that he died fighting instead of like a cuck

You can't go wrong with either

>I'm clinically autistic therefore the show is worth rewatching

Not that guy but the show needs at least a second watch.

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jesus christ kys you fucking pleb