Oakland CA here
Drumpf had it coming fuck his racist ass
Oakland CA here
Drumpf had it coming fuck his racist ass
My last 2 digits is the percent chance that you hang for treason
Why is that ballot so weird? Just have a FUCKING circle, not this crazy arrow shit
Everyone knows Trump isn't a racist just like Bush, McCain, and Romney weren't racist.
Hahaha gonna smoke weed while I watch drumpf FAIL
Thankfully Her economy will displace you from Oakland.
>Rising rent levels
>Defunct businesses turning into gay bars
>fewer minorities = fewer crimes
Thanks Obama!
quality thred ctr
>Oakland, CA
Your vote doesn't matter
>smoke weed
You're going to fail harder, idiot.
>Oakland CA
Good thing you don't live in a swing state, so your vote doesn't matter.
Awww fuck i ruined my ballot, how do i get a new one?
Well played
So brave.
epic meme :D
All of your rigjts are subject to reasonable regulation.
niggers like you that posts pictures sideways should be drawn and quartered. also Oakland is a shit city, hipster faggot. kys
t. Santa Clara copfag
>tfw its this easy to bait
you guys make it too easy for those CTR shills
You go to your local Yoshi's jazz bar and party. They'll give you a new one after a few shots I bet
Yeah we also think bus drivers should hold public offices apparently. Fucking hell my state.
UGH like literally ugh get over the hill and vote for jill ya fricken twerp
I knew this was coming haha
new air jordans to celebrate?