Black panther gave me Jungle fever.
Who are the best black women in the industry?
Black panther gave me Jungle fever.
Who are the best black women in the industry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Danny Devito
Aayliah rip
Aisha Tyler
The best black women are white, black people have very dry skin and substitute this with moisturizers - the lighter the skin, the less they need and the less likely you'll be making out with a bunch of moisturizer
Naomi banxxx
unironically go look up the cast of tyler perry movies 4/5 women in tyler perry movies are absolute dimes, but he usually uses the same ones
she's one of them, and pic related is another
Queen Ramonda > Nakia > Shuri > Okoye
zoe saldana
It was Shuri wasn't it? WASN'T IT!?
Naomie Harris has already always been my favorite blackfu
Zoe saldana comes in at a close 2nd.
god that bitch never seems to age
Stop lying're fat white need who would take anything you could gey
which industry?
are we talking Halle Berry and oprah or Misty Stone and Brittany White?
correct answer is Ruth Negga
you just want a repeat of that rihanna/nicki dump right op?
This T H I C C lady
everything everything was COLONIZEDkino
I'm willing to bet in the next five-year pic related will be a bigger name.
Seems jp2 has read from the Nigganomicon, the book of the negro.
Pages made out of chicken flesh and inked in grape juice from the darkest parts of Atlanta
Godamnit autocorrect, Op, not jp2
I'll never be over it
same user. I'm the same way about MJ, although his death was preventable
top 3 of the best ass on tv
>Who are the best black women in the industry?
webm please
Halle Berry is half black. Does that count?
lol, skin dryness isnʻt a race thing dipshit and isnʻt related to it anyway.
Skin dryness is just more visible on darker skin. White people donʻt use it cause the dryness just blends in, even though they should cause they age like shit
>Ruth Negga
Sheʻs more white than black, they need white genes to be considered attractive
Natalie Emmanuel. Pic unrelated
no she's not
So when are you faggots gonna start posting hot niggresses?
What's it called when I like white women? Backwoods Inbred Hick Fever?
I said ruth you dumb ape, not that darkie
lupita obongo is pretty cute for a fullblooded negro. she got round feminine features, not so commonly seen in black women. the one in the middle looks like samuel jackson and the one on the right looks like an uruk hai.
Ashu niggas mad at lmao
Whitey doesn't need to slop himself in cocoa butter to go out in a slight breeze without disintegrating. Black don't crack my ass