>Morty misses out on /ss/ not once but twice in the same episode
Is there any hope for him?
>Morty misses out on /ss/ not once but twice in the same episode
Is there any hope for him?
It was 3 weeks.
If you don't think he was plowing her off-screen, then you're an idiot.
I think having the knowledge that your anxiety and self-doubt are the only things holding you back is something that should allow you to be at least a little bit more confident even with your toxic parts back.
But what do I know, this episode was garbage.
>those freckles
bespeckled breasts are my favourite
Red heads aren't humans. So it's more like beastiality than ss.
Unless he mentions it later on I'm not buying it.
I'm 99% sure they fucked. The real question is whether or not he'll hook up with Jessica (probably not).
Morty is not for straight anything.
So does Jessica actually care and is just tsun about it or what?