Why are people hell-bent on making James Bond black?

Why are people hell-bent on making James Bond black?

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niggers can't make something original, they have to steal


I want to kill myself. Fuck this timeline.

also, rewriting everything is literally one of the pillars of communism/liberalism/whatever, look it up, it's just few clicks away

He wouldn’t even want it. He’s playing a multi film role as an originally black character with a rich background as a black character.

Why would he want to play the game of taking a white character and making him black? They should want to make more original black heroes big league, not go back to licking up scraps thrown to them by studio execs.

holy fucking shit OP those didgits

to stick it to blunf


Just to piss off whitey
seriously it's done vindictively and bitterly under the cover of muh diversity.

To trigger sensitive people such as yourself

Who's going to stop them?
You really want to be the guy that says "No" to diversity? People are going to look at you funny, you will lose friends.

Because wypipo have no charisma

Who even cares about James Bond at this point?




If that's true, why does anybody give a shit about James Bond to begin with?

create something on your own nigger


Eternal jew showing his natural instinct to demolish and deconstruct White heroes

wow that's really petty
spending in excess of 200 million just to trigger him damn

I thought james bond was supposed to be handsome?

The only way to true (((equality))) is to turn everything white into black.

>the balance in his bank account

They should at least find an attractive black man. All the Bonds are at least 7 / 10's.

Because they are appropriating culture, which is what they claim whites do.
They won't stop until every iconic character is cucked.
Even Godzilla will be a negro at some point.


i get off on being hated

Why not?

They can do whatever dumb shit they want, but I'm not gonna watch it.

it's worth it to make it clear to bigots that they will never win and the more they wine to more they're gonna get their face rubbed in the fact that times change and they can not do anything about it.

Its a hilariously bad self insert for white men
>that time Bond bitch slapped a lesbian into being straight
Of course now that there's a modicum of self awareness among white men it's tanking

White people.

Skin color shouldn't matter. He is a good actor first and black second.

Would he really have stuck around if it was his

The left wants to kill every powerful manly white icon

wahhh wahhh wahhh some one needs a diapy change
>thread hidden

Black people must see themselves represented in movies to boost their self esteem. Being disproportionately represented in music and sports wasn't enough for 13% of the population lol.

What a terrible casting.

Why can't they come up with new, original characters for blacks to play as?
It always has to be a black version of something that already exists.
Hey, why not make James Bond an asisn or latino?
Always blacks in particular for whatever reason.

i bet you loved the beegees and saturday night fever.
nobody batted an eye when white people popularized disco with a radio-friendly version of it's origins. many, many more stories like that. Elvis. The Beatles.
And you know what? It is FINE. People inspire each other. Who the fuck is going to spend a lot of energy WINING LIKE A BABY about it because it is MUH INVENTION BELONGS TO MY COLOR.



>“He cannot be black. Political correctness be damned, [we] have to stay with what is literally correct.”
>Kotto, 75, added: “James Bond was established by Ian Fleming as a white character, played by white actors. Play 003 or 006, but you cannot be 007. A lot of people say we should be allowed to play everything. Don’t be ridiculous. If I say I want to play JFK, I should be laughed out of the room.
>“Black men should stop trying to play roles created by whites. These roles are not written for black men. We have pens [to create] roles that no one else has established.”


Identity wars. People have started treating their identities the same way sports fans treat their favorite teams or athletes. To them, a black actor playing Bond is comparable to your country winning a gold medal in the olympics.
This mentality is not limited to SJWs. For example, it explains why Sup Forums and Sup Forums have been experiencing increasing amounts of sales posting for the past few years.

>Never has a family
>Plows multiple chicks and ditches them
>Is literally an agent of the deep state
>White hero
Maybe you Sup Forumscucks should get together and actually arrange your priorities

You just proved him right about the sensitive part, genius



so you admit you care nothing about art but only propaganda
im glad we could come to this

for Bond it actually matters, and not coz of racian reasons.
Bond travels a lot all around the world. Often in countries with very low % of black people.
He must blend into rich guys parties, to infiltrate them and white guy in tuxedo got easier work here.

>wahh why do we have no artistic or creative ability on our own, please give us your roles whitey

I'm lterally laughing at this.
The bee gees?
The fuck are you smoking?
Also I'm not a fat consumer, you ignorant cuck wad, I weigh less than 120lbs.
Keep making stupid assumptions and stereotypes to go with it, moron.

I don't have a problem with a black James bond; but what I don't like at all is this whole "Stick it to whitey" shtick. I'm not even fucking white, but why the fuck are you sticking it to people who weren't around during the really bad times of racism? It's fucking pointless and does nothing good, and its just fucking race bait meant to further divide us in this day and age.

Where's an Asian James bond? Spanish James Bond?

Oh right, that wouldn't make good racebait. And then the media is complicit on this fake outrage too; they'll post some fucking screencap from a fringe group and portray it as the view of ALL white people. It's fucking dishonest and I can't stand it.

What a dopey looking nigger

Why not just have another 00 agent that's black?

this comparison makes no sense
the bee gees and saturday night fever were original content
they didn't take a black band and replace the members with whites
you are actually making his point for him lol

Why wouldn't the studios want to? A black Bond basically guarantees fresh reviews and a hit at the box office in the current climate, this is easy fucking money


He is a symbol of White masculinity Shlomo. Sorry if all the heroes of your race are pornographers war criminals and usurers

no, i dont give a shit about propaganda.
but when it comes to hateful and dumb people i dont have much patience. at least not on Sup Forums. this board has never been so bad anyway, im off again. what a shit site.

if it didnt matter they wouldnt change it

This would make more sense.

how much soy does it take to show up naked at a little boy's house?

eh disco was literally invented by african american culture. it was WHITEWASHED HEAVILY TO MAKE IT SELL YOU DUMB FUCK

If he could pull off the brit accent, Johnny Tri Nguyen would have made a great asian Bond. Can even do his own stunts and he looks suave as fuck in a tux.

What do you think of Albert Eisnten?

>I weight less than 120lbs
Pls be in london

Who gives a fuck, I don't give a rats ass about disco.
My dad might, but not me.

I'm in Washington state.
I'm just a skinny guy.

some band making whatever kind of music they want is not the same as taking something and replacing it
don't you see
do you want it to be illegal for certain races to make certain genres of music but allow racewashing in movies


and jazz, and that's about it.

Overhyped. There is a reason Einstein is a popular culture powerhouse but almost nobody knows who Max Planck is.

bye nigger lover


He was actually black.
History was whitewashed.
His real name was Alfonso Johnson.

Do people really consider that guy great looking? Look at his face and head shape.

Its weird, England only has a 3% black population (86% white, 8% asian) and they seem to suffer even more than the USA (13% black) with this racial pandering.

Wanna make Bond black, fine, I just expect to see an accompanying push to make black characters white for no good reason. X-Men's Storm should now be played by Emma Stone. Make a new Shaft movie starring Justin Timberlake.


Cultist mentality.

get laid dude

But would he fit the description of a jewish hero?

Go back to a place I never bother with?
Nah, I'm fine right here, thanks.

ANYONE in this thread baiting or saying why not, why the fuck should a character who was written as white womanising scotsman be played by a black man ?


i think its completely fine to be inspired by other cultures. no problem at all.
At the time of disco, however, the segregation between black and white was much bigger and radios refused to play many brilliant tunes because it was too black. But I love it when people inspire each other, which is why i dont see any problem with a black bond. If the creators keep their integrity and make a good movie who cares.

Well you seem to be completely unfamiliar with one of the most popular memes of the past 2 years so I'd wager you're pretty fucking new, back to neogaf or tumblr then, retard.

At least choose the better looking black guy, like Chadwick Boseman or Michael B. Jordan

>virgins think sex changes your entire perspective on life

they obviously aren't doing it with integrity
it's 100% political and they are explicit about that

wow you sure proved him wrong

I don't bother with either.
In fact I don't bother with any modern social media, at least not the typical ones.
Please try again.
No I'm not new here, I first started lurking this cesspool back in 2007.
Not that I expect anyone to believe me.

Ok, please tell me why niggers are so dumb. Einstein was a genius.

his character in black panther literally boiled down to:

>you and me, we are good friends, united under the glorious nation of wakanda, my brudda
>you are weak, i will side with the revolutionary killmonger, who plans to liberate our great people *clicking noises*
>killmonger is defeated, you are my brudda once more *smacks lips*

I was just kidding around.
You thought I was being serious?
I made up that name you fuck head.

Use Charlize Theron for Storm (she's African) and watch SJW's brain explode.

to be honest even if its political i couldnt care that much. there's still a lot to think about concerning racism. i tend to focus on things i like. i become pro-active when i see a real threat to society and/or my livelihood, i dont assess a black bond as such lmao.

Why do they always wanna cast the ugliest niggas in these roles? He looks like he's straight outta Africa. At least get somebody like the Rock. Hollywood needs to dump these ugly niggas.

Also fuck this timeline. I grew up with Bond not those fucking nigs. Me. A eastern european kid. I have seen everyone of them. Every fucking movie. Now these nigs have to come and ruin everything. Fuck if this actually happens I will fucking lose it.
Also Black Panther was average at best.

agree to disagree

There's more racism towards whites than vice versa at the moment.

(((diverstity))) quotas

How does James Bond reply when someone calls him a ”nigger”?