/who/ - Doctor Who General

Phallus edition.

Sucked dry:

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Finally a proper thread

How do we "fix" the 10DAs?

What's your perspective on Oreos?

>Tom Baker will die soon
lads just thinking about it is making me tear up ;~;

That's what I wanna do to Lymerence.

Reminder that all you have to do is mention Philip Purser-Hallard in your post and thanks to "obsessive ego-googling" he'll read it.

Like this: Philip Purser-Hallard, you STINK!

Make them start imitating the Moffat stories instead of the generic romp ones

Imagine getting THIS mad because nobody wanted to use your shitty thread.

Reminder that we have successfully warded off a sociopath:

That was not me

Fuck off judy

I thought you said you were going to stop last night?

Same answer as every other range: less nostalgia, more original ideas, better writers.

the soy brigade watch soyage of the damned

There's more than one person that hates Lymerence.

Implying the Calipha would still allow fiction by then

There are multiple people who want Lym to shit in their mouths?


One of the more based reactions to /who/ that I've seen.

Hire Philip Purser-Hallard to write some audios.

>n8's like

Ignore that user. Everyone knows that Lymerence hates on himself so he can get attention and sympathy from others.

>noted my love of Cats


One word: Wilf

>8 years, 2010. You’re cute telling people anything. Any episode I have seen I’ve seen dozens and dozens of times. I have no life and can’t leave my house anymore. Nothing but time. We all know the sun is hot. Don’t need to touch it, following your flawed logic we’d all be dead. It’s called educated inference of future events. You claim to know everything. I don’t. I can take evidence, put it in context and decipher the probable outcome if a set of internal rules is applied. Not my fault you aren’t able to.

nth for Jodie.

She tries to hide her autism, but you can always see it.

Stop forcing this meme please.

It's just 2oda and he'll get bored soon, like the Capaldi trans spammer did.

reminder that 451 has been slowly constructing his own fictitious Series 11 running order, despite Jodie's casting having supposedly ruined all of Who forever for him
>(ep) six: Autons' Fall (guest starring Angela Lansbury)
>(ep) eight: The Green Ice (guest starring Tilda Swinton)
>(ep) nine: The voice of a TARDIS (guest starring Helena Bonham Carter)
>(ep) ten: Weeping Heavens (guest starring Joanna Lumley)

All you're doing by saying this is giving him more attention and sympathy. If you don't want him to get attention and sympathy, you should stop talking about him completely.

Who is currently filming in Gosport for what looks like another historical.

Stop forcing this meme please.

>rewatching Last Christmas
>those last 5 minutes
holy shit Marigold just puts this show on another level

>it's a pure historical series

put :(


How would you react if S11 was the first NuWho season to have no Daleks?

>first NuWho season to have no Daleks?
But it's not Series 6 is

They make me do it

Memes aside is there any denying that those two were the strongest pair of lead actors the show ever had

One Dalek showed up for a minute.

Wow. How absolutely thrilling.

Reminder that the historicals are the most boring episodes of every series, except maybe Vincent (and even then the best part of that episode is set in the modern day).

>Reminder that the historicals are the most boring episodes of every series,

I really liked how that scene took 12's "can't identify ages/attractiveness" gag and used it for an incredibly sweet purpose. Twice!


>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the third /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction, because following the success of Shit Trips 1 and 2, /who/ has started another anthology of wondrous tales. God help us.

This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.

Rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin or google drive works well.) And remember to mention, preferably in your work post, what you want your author moniker to be, which doesn't have to be your real name.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

Prove him wrong.

What would a Yoko Taro Doctor Who look like?

The Doc goes to [insert historical period here] and fights [insert one time only monster here] with low stakes. End.

Literally-who tier

I agree, corrputed historicals are shit because it's always "HEY WHAT IF PAST BUT ALIENS".

Now, pure historicals? Always the GOAT. It's time they return.

Litterally who?

>Marco Polo
>The Massacre
>The Gunfighters
>The Aztecs
>The Marian Conspiracy

Not heard it/boring/sorta funny/boring/non-canon

Historicals which were not, in fact, the most boring episodes of their series:
Thin Ice
The Girl Who Died
Robot of Sherwood
A Town Called Mercy/Hide/The Crimson Horror
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Vincent and the Doctor
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
The Girl in the Fireplace
The Unquiet Dead, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

A Rob Shearman story but with more scantily clad girls.


>the Aztecs
Fuck outta my general

>The Unquiet Dead
>Tooth and Claw
>The Idiot's Lantern
>The Shakespeare Code
>The Fires of Pompeii
>The Unicorn and the Wasp
>The Vampires of Venice
>The Curse of the Black Spot
>A Town Called Mercy
>The Crimson Horror
>Robot of Sherwood
>Thin Ice
>The Eaters of Light

All literally the most forgettable episodes of each series.

20th century is not truly historical

meme episode
>70's is uber-historical
I liked it
I liked it
I liked it
I loved it
meme episode
meme episode
no u

>refers to episodes as meme

What is it then?

t. 2oda


>title sequence shows space and planets with electronic sci fi music
>almost (if not) all episodes are set on Earth in the modern day or the past

how else will they beat the evil white men

Better than generic space ships over and over from Tom's era

Blame RTD for thinking that placing some shrubbery on a random quarry didn't make for a good alien planet.

Maybe the 'risk and boldness' Chibnall exhibited to the BBC was doing an entire series set on Earth. Ironically actual Who fans realise this is a ridiculously safe endeavour

>risk and boldness
Buzzword, we will get samy wishy washy

>title sequence shows space and planets with electronic sci fi music
Since when?


>Empty Child
>meme episode

hey babe wyd?

Now there's something to get hype for

this is still one of the greatest /who/ images ever

truth hurts

>I have a machine that can travel in time and space! As long as "space" is confined to this planet btw

How the fuck are people concluding that we're getting an entire series of historicals when we know very little about the content of each and every episode? Get a grip.

Explain how it's a meme episode.

Doctor Who is dead.



Doctor Who is dead.

Fuck off, already posted it.

From filming we've seen, at least half of the series will be set on earth. Even that sounds boring.

Yeah, why don't they actually film on other planets?

The whole rope scene is cringy
20 minutes is padding
and mainly
The Doctor is cucked by Jack
proving he likes abusive relationships like River

>Hyped up to be one of Moffat's best scripts over other stories
>Billie Piper is terrible throughout the entire story
>Bad introduction for Jack
>Not scary/have never found it scary
>Doctor doesn't do anything of importance for the first part
>All stakes are simply washed away for a flat ending (although I count this as a con is has good storytelling qualities for the 9th Doctor getting back into a happy mood following the Time War)

>ww2 setting is great
>Eccles does a good job
>Richard Wilson is great

t. Lawrence Miles

you're welcome

Go play with legos.

Jodie took mine

>Bad introduction for Jack
Bullshit! It's the best he was ever written in the show.

>complains about meme episode
>posts meme opinion

Episode 1 is set on earth obviously

The Rosa Parks episode is set in 50s alabama

The Mirror (in the same report that said Murray Gold was leaving and that they'd be filming in South Africa, both later confirmed true) said we'd be getting episodes about Ryan's ancestors and Yasmin's ancestors

Presumably we'll be getting one about Graham's ancestors too if that continues the trend

Episode 5 is set on earth

Filming today seems to be set in a medieval village

That's 7/10 episodes so far set on Earth, and presumably there will be one or two two-parters.

>hey respond
>no not like that
>respond the way I want you to respond

Doesn't this also fit exactly with the supposed episode spoilers the other day?