This is a thread dedicated to discussion of Star Trek series and movies, starting with TOS and ending with ENT.
If you do wish to discuss a newer material please create another thread. Thank you.
/trek/ classic Star Trek
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We Starfleet and we got a right to be here!
and that's how you can easily spot who really wants to discuss a show, and who's here only to shitpost
apart from users being anonymous, that is.
Dukat did nothing wrong.
make some actual friends then
don't project your bullshit on me
tng-really good
ds9-still good
voy-going down
ent-getting desperate
std-pleb tier filler trash
tos - trash
tng - getting better
ds9 - great
voy - going down
ent - trash
std - I'm so sorry TOS and ENT, I didn't mean it
Which Actor could pull off "The return of Sybok"?
Ultra Sybok and his false god army, return with the help of the Retardians a mysterious peoples from the inner rim.
The only correct definitive, righteous, non pleb order of the golden rankings that we can all agree on.
what was your favourite scene from STD?
>Tell me something, Captain. If the Federation really are so powerful, then why are they so poor at regulating shitposting?
That's Captain Belly to you, slave.
Sorry, Madame Captain, Sir!
Molly O'Brien exists in multiple timelines !
Nothing past TOS is "classic trek"
TOS is unwatchable. TNG is the "classic", TOS is the "ancester".
Try again tomorrow, user.
Does anyone even remember those old serials?
They used to get played at crazy o clock on tv. I remember Flash gordon and one of teh various Rocket men ones.
I Watched an TOS episode yesterday it was pretty good user, the babe was gorgeous ,Kirk was cloned as a robot,and attacked some grey lookin alien guy with a giant rock cock.
>pic unrelated to episode
Based trek separatism.
It would be great to have a mirror universes episode, where all trek meets and together they destroy discovery.
yeps, that's a pretty good episode
I watched some flash gordon. It was pretty underwelming two bee honest. My dad loved them though.
>frequent a Star Trek thread
>don't actually like "Star Trek", or have never watched it, just some of the spinoffs
Get out.
I don't like TOS at all, never seen TAS, think episode for episode VOY is better than TNG etc. and I'm here.
So yea... a bunch of circlejerking faggots with the same opinion stroking each other's ego is not what this thread is, that is the Sup Forums board.
Does anyone have that screenshot of Alex Kurtzman's interview after the final episode of STD where he says that the woman-only scenes were done on purpose?
Reminder that if you don't think TOS is the best series you have no idea what Star Trek is actually about.
I want Tilly\s warm, pink cunt on my face. She\s giggeling as I grab greedily at her ass. You\re gonna leave marks! she says. /I dont care
It's about dismissing Gene's asinine ideas and let other, more talented writers do the world building and shit.
Thanks, pally.
Tilly is so fat, her dildo has a Heisenberg compensator to locate her snatch. She wanted to make a masturbation video, but her request for discretionary use of astrometrics to make the footage was denied.
Tilly is so fat that she turned the one black guy on the ship gay
Tilly is so fat her uniform has to be made on the shipyards of Mars
Tilly is so fat that her hair isn't actually red, red is the only color that travels fast enough to escape her atmosphere
Tilly is so fat that the spore drive doesn't actually work, it's just Tilly's mass increase when eating meals stimulates such a change in space that time itself bends around the ship, simulating teleportation
Tilly is so fat that every ship she's serving on is officially classified as a satellite, because her location determines the center mass.
So which episode are you watching right now?
I'm watching DS9 4x22 - For the Cause
DS9 7x08 siege of AR-558, i'm about to finish ds9 for the first time.
no hate. only tilly love
>bukkak dindu nuffin
I'm gonna try and watch the last ever episode of ENT tonight. I'm kinda dreading it.
as you should
Since it's already been established that DS9 is the best Trek, the only thing left to ask is which Trek is second best?
>implying I can't do both
I shall and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
It's a writers try to make a Bones character but audiences don't respond to it well because she bullied the autistic android Spock character who can't banter like Spock episode.
Which is the best episode of TOS? I'm torn between Balance of Terror and Court Marcial.
The Federation can't meme.
I liked her and that they introduced a more sceptical character
but TNG is best Trek
>It's a lets add 7 of 9 who is a complete bitch but everyone likes her for some mysterious reason episode.
The City on the Edge of Forever. Or The Doomsday Machine. Tho Balance of Terror is up there as well.
all of starfleet is atheist so she\s preaching to the choir, to put it mildly
He s asking if she has any kids
TNG is barely above VOY.
and VOY is amazing so...
We know. Literally everyone knows this.
Balance of Terror is the best TOS episode. Close to it would be Requiem for Methuselah and The Doomsday Machine.
Voyager. It's consistent. TNG is all over the place, ENT is a clusterfuck, TOS is obsolete, STD doesn't even register
ducat did nothing wrong
Friendly reminder that Weyouns are too dumb to use the transporter alone.
>for some mysterious reason
I think we all know what that reason is
What does kanar taste like?
It pains me to say this, but you Cardassians are proving to be quite a disappointment.
Corn syrup. Casey apparently detested the stuff.
what is this hair style called?
>everyone likes her for some mysterious reason
here is a picture of that mysterious reason
Why does he grab the smallest fruit?
stupid jj verse
Why didn't anyone stop this monster?
Because he likes to grab small things.
the captain proton universe was the best breakout series inside a tv show in history
>DS9 is the best Trek
>wow those darn kids are up to their usual shenanigans at the shopping mall in outer space
seriously, how do you post that crap about DS9 with a straight face?
>7 of 9 who is a complete bitch
Jesus how much of a simpleton are you? She's a liberated Borg, who's was indoctrinated since the age of 5 to look at all species of life as insects.
Watch Forbidden Planet then.
your memes are literally shitty Sup Forums memes tailored for one of the worst star trek shows
you are a cancerous faggot
DS9 has by far the best villains (Dukat, Weyoun, Kai Winn) and recurring side characters like general martok or damar etc.
Was there ever a good Star Trek video game? Seems like Star Wars sure had their share.
Didn't it use to be some kind of licor then Casey and Alaimo got a bit drunk and the production changed it to corn sirup?
Star Trek mods for Sins of a Solar Empire are the best Star Trek games. Sacrifice of Angels 2, Armada 3
shit, I meant "liquor"
I believe it was corn syrup from the start, but they changed it to something lighter later because Casey was getting sick of it. But I do like the image of Casey and Marc getting drunk together in full Cardie make-up.
I've been into Sins of a Solar Empire lately and thinking about that mod. What else does the Armada add besides a few ships? I don't know enough about these mods.
No, but there are good mods for existing games like Stellaris and these ones
I haven't played Armada, only SoA. It's a complete conversion mod, everything is Star Trek.
Watching "Birthright" for the first time and this might become my favourite Trek episode. Data's vision quest was really uplifting and Worf's own adventure is so interesting.
Also this mixed race Klingulan qt is giving a chubster
was sisko mad or did he just pretend the prophets were real
choice excerpts
>He's comment on your bra size not being voluptuous
>"Well you're just, like flat. Look at Christine over there. She has the perfect breast right there."
>I had to have fittings for Dax to have larger breasts. I went to see a woman who fits bras for women who need mastectomies
>(about signing for season 7) Basically he was trying to bully me into saying yes
>He had [another] producer come up to me and say "If you weren't here, you know you'd be working at K-Mart"
>I love that people, including some of these actors, love to think that I had all this power. The studio basically said "no way".
>I've heard stories of her at conventions blaming me and saying that I had something to do with her leaving, which could not be further from the truth.
>Let's put it this way: if I had known what was going on, I would have stopped it
>I would have walked over to the Cooper Building and in one conversation I would have stopped it all from happening
>When I told Ira what happened years later, I think he almost projectile vomited
Terry and I got along perfectly, and for some reason, she departed.
>I may have been on the side of refusing to give her seven out of thirteen, but you can't be at a far off part of the galaxy and just suddenly not show up for half the episodes because you want to go do a movie. Or if you want to be with your family.
>episode where Worf does the polar opposite of what the federation stands for is best episode
err.... okay
A Combs over
fucking Odo the fucking traitorous bucket of cum
> Voyager is now classic Trek
I'd rather cum buckets
Are you autistic?