Leftovers Thread

>Never explained why no one in Miracle disappeared
>Never explained why Evie joined the GR
>Never explained how Kevin was coming back to life
>Never confirmed that Kevin’s dad could talk to the land of the dead after taking drugs
>Never showed where Tommy went after s2
>Never showed why Tommy joined Holy Wayne
>Never explained what the deal with Holy Wayne even was
>Never confirmed who shot a missile at the GR
>Never confirmed what the sudden departure even was


Other urls found in this thread:


>Never explained why no one in Miracle disappeared
>Never explained how Kevin was coming back to life
>Never explained what the deal with Holy Wayne even was
>Never confirmed what the sudden departure even was
Did you actually watch the show or are you just shitposting?

Leftovers is the Rick and Morty of Sup Forums

The writers said that they wanted everything Nora says at the end to be unconfirmed. She was probably just lying about everything.

Kevin was just questionably supernatural. I guess we are just supposed to assume the afterlife was real and he was actually "chosen" in some way.
Holy wayne was never explained enough, though. He was just a black guy going around giving hugs to people. He seemed pretty fucked up by the end of his life, but they didn't really ever say what that was about


Wayne was a placebo, he couldn't do shit. It was kind of explained by Kevin's son lying about doing the exact same thing and people still feeling the effects.

I wish Kevin's supernatural powers were given some kind of explanation, I'm fine with the original departure being an unknown but why was Kevin Jesus throughout most of the show? Seems like they dropped a plotline and left it ambiguous in its place.

Aside from the Departure itself there was nothing supernatural happening.
The only scene I didn't like was Kevin's Dad coming through on the TV because there was no explanation for it. Everything else was fine, people are just retarded.

Kevin came back to life multiple times.

Was Nora a demon?

I'd say the heavy handed symbolism, laughable religious commentary, and season 3's tonal issues were a worse problem than the unsolved mysteries.

You knew what you were getting into.


electric boogaloo

>>Never showed where Tommy went after s2
He stays in Miracle and became a cop, did you even watch the fucking show?

>Never explained why no one in Miracle disappeared
If the departure was truly random, we can expect some clusters where everyone departs, and some where no one departs just by random chance. I think Miracle was just lucky, and people being people then assigned some higher purpose to the place.

>there was nothing supernatural happening

did you forget that kevin dies and comes back twice?

>>Never explained why no one in Miracle disappeared
Simple statistically luck
>>Never explained why Evie joined the GR
Depression, being led on by friends, disgusted with how her parents and the town deals with the departure.
>>Never explained how Kevin was coming back to life
Nigga was jesus
>>Never confirmed that Kevin’s dad could talk to the land of the dead after taking drugs
He had a special connection to the holy powers because he believed in nigger tribalism fairy tales. Don't question it, it's "diverse".
>>Never showed where Tommy went after s2
Home, traveling, who cares.
>>Never showed why Tommy joined Holy Wayne
Circumstances, in love with asian waifu's, aimless with no real direction so whatever eh.
>>Never explained what the deal with Holy Wayne even was
Placebo effect, they believed in him because they wanted to
>>Never confirmed who shot a missile at the GR
The ATF. They feared more riots so this was how they dealt with it.
>>Never confirmed what the sudden departure even was
Ever read the bible?


it really is. someone truly has to be braindead to think this show is anything other than damon hackelof writing retarded mysterious circumstances and forcing character drama out of them. only a soyboy would like this

Based and true desu

Leftovers was forced melodrama and purposely obtuse just to feign depth for plebs.

First season is dicking around with the stages of grief. Everything that isn't lindelof OC feeds into or from this.

The rest is lindelof OC, not worth thinking about, as he didn't either.

>nu/tv/ thinks it's cool to shit on this absolute piece of kino

Kill yourselves.

People have been rightfully shitting on this since the first episode.

They always play that sappy song every single time they have a "dramatic" or "sad" scene.

Leftovers is the ultimate soyboy show.

i wasn't surprised after watching arrival to find out the composer was the same
hacky repetitive maudlin overbearing piano

The first two seasons were good, but season 3 killed it for me, what was the point in even watching the show if that's how it was going to "end"? I get mad every time I think of the series finale, fuck those fucking pigeons man. Justin theroux did a damn fine job though.

> Music by Jóhann Jóhannsson
Max Richter did the music for leftovers pleb

the leftovers are literally "the leftovers" of Lost. literally copy paste the characters from lost to leftovers

what happened was, after lindelof learned that people did not like lost ending, he did the opposite, he was like "what If I didn't actually answer questions. what if the whole show was like this? just let the mystery be?"

and that's how the leftovers happened. another lindelof shitfest. Wonder how that fuck will ruin watchmen.

>Max Richter's piece "On the Nature of Daylight" is featured in the film's opening and closing scenes. Due to the prominent use of Richter's music in the final film, Jóhannsson's score was deemed ineligible for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, with the rationale being that voters would be influenced by the use of pre-existing music when judging the merits of the score.

well, we're definatelly going to get right down to exactly what the comedian's tattoos mean.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people hate this show just because they're still butthurt faggot incels about LOST. When are you kids going to grow up?

>Never explained why no one in Miracle disappeared

Random exists, user. Then, humans give explanations for those casual facts.

>really thought they were going somewhere with writing a new bible book about Kevin.
>They literally throw that plot in the trash.

This was the worst finale since Lost. That being said, I really did love the scene of old Kevin and Nora at the wedding.

The only thing that made me drop this show is how stupid people act. Every character takes the most stupid decisions they can take, and the way they think is pretty unrealistic. Every character who lost someone in the departure starts acting like if they where brainwashed, that's not how everyone copes with a loss. People lose people everyday and they don't become delusional and shit.

bunch of mysteries that either have really dumb explanations or none at all
bunch of mysteries that lindelof doesn't have to explain because dude let the mystery be lmao

dude it was all about the characters lmao

>writes like a nigger

you're the one who likes a show where a white girl gets blacked

>refuses to correct his behavior after being informed of it being unacceptable
So you're saying you're a nigger inside and don't belong on this site. Got it.

lmao you're so mad

I'm legitimately surprised you managed to form a contraction.

i'm legitimately surprised you haven't broken your keyboard yet lmao

Ooga booga.

dude let the ooga booga be lmao


dude but
what if
what if people like, couldn't explain why something happen???

leftovers is literally "suburban stoner's first existential crisis."

>first episode of season 2

dude like its like the bible or something bro

Not him, but not even in the bible people become this delusional after the departure.

>Ever read the bible?
It's obviously not the rapture you brainlet. Plenty of sinners were taken and plenty of good people were left.

ya know the rapture isn't actually in the bible, right?

It's literally one obsessed autist.

Hi damon.

damon, stop

It trully is there my man, when jesus will come for his people in the second coming of christ, according to the bible, before the tribulation, and before the real end.

t. brainlet

Negro the rapture is headcanon created by taking a a translation of an ancient greek word literally.

I just enjoyed the ride. I don't need to have every little fucking thing explained to me. The characters and the emotions were engaging, and the show was entertaining. Most people want everything spelled out for them and they don't think that things they watch can be open to interpretation. Just because you feel like you didn't get what you wanted or expected doesn't mean something is shit. To me, The Leftovers is the new Twin Peaks, but most of you will probably shit on that too. You don't have to like it, but just because you didn't enjoy it doesn't mean it was a waste of time.

and there's only one guy making all these threads
it's damon

I'm not talking about the word. The event is mentioned a lot of times in the bible.

yep, kevin not being able to die is a small plot point, it's totally not worth explaining, just let the mystery be

You seem so certain of things. Why don't you write or make something?

why don't you just let the mystery be?

show me the evidence he died

Negro, no, it isn't. They started with the literalized translation and sought other examples of similar literal meanings in several different translations of the bible.

People act like god literally wrote every single translation of the bible and hid shit in them for kicks.

The rapture is not actually in the bible.

I'm sure you have life all figured out. That's why you're here.

remember that time when damon lindelof got laughed off all social media and retreated to the safe anonymity of Sup Forums?

damon, this is getting ridiculous

>everythread consists of people calling it the GOAT and people saying its worthless shit
can't a guy just think it was alright? The writing was weak, but compared to most tv shows it didn't make me constantly want to kill myself so I'm obligated to give some extra points for that.

People with no strong opinions typically don't comment. on shit.

absolutely genius. i get it now. kevin didn't die, all those limbo episodes were just dreams. it was literally all a dream


Don't worry about it OP, you're not the target audience when you are too dense to even pick up on the main theme of the show. Asking those questions shows it went straight over your head.

And of course you don't get it when its not explained directly in exposition. That would be expecting way too much of the viewers.

dude, imma blow your mind

none of it really happened it was fiction



You have ten (10) seconds to explain why the answer to literally even one (1) of those questions matters in the context of the show as a work of art.

most people who just thought it was alright wont bother discussing it here.

Its a literal 10/10 show by the way. Even if it's not your taste, you should at least be able to recognize how good it is.

The score well and truly is absolutely awful. I really really do not understand why Hacks Richter gets work when all his music sounds like it should be playing in the background of a chinese restaurant. Unironically the worst composer in Hollywood.

why white niggers were not speaking and smoking constantly ?

has he ever written anything that wasnt a total shitfest?

season 2 was pure fucking kino

They explained it more than enough. Unless you need every little detail about each instance where he didn't die, then you should be satisfied.

thank you so much
i thought i was the only one

fuck you, season 2 = GOAT

This is required for every Leftovers thread.
Common now.

kek, no replies

i listen to the leftovers soundtrack daily, feel free to feel triggered

thank you proving that leftovers fans are true brainlets. so you wouldn't have a problem if kevin suddenly had to ability to shoot lightning bolts out of his asshole and then have no explanation for why he can do this?


>2 dozen slightly different instrumental covers of Where Is My Mind

if it served a bigger narrative, sure why not?


those are admittedly shit

hey I know that guy

I always feel like Justin Therouxs acting is underappreciated in this

Throwing out additional inexplicable mysteries every episode in order to force inorganic drama undermines the impact and meaningfulness of the narrative. As without wholly organic developments in response to the inexplicable event, the entire premise is totally faulty.

you do realize kevin being jesus didn't serve the bigger narrative though, right? he dies and goes to limbo, does shit, and nothing happens, then they forget about the whole thing in the last episode and that's it.


If the show were to again and again explain that the events held no special significance and that people tried to find meaning in random events to feel control over their fate. Then I think everyone would get sick how ham-fisted the writing was. This is the main fucking theme of the show, and its clear from the first season if you re-watch it.

I think they accept that some brainlets here that only watched it because they thought it would be like a bible version of LOST wont get the show. I think that is totally fine too.

Okay dude we get it, you hate the show. And you are such a brilliant thinker, that because you hate it it must be bad and everyone is stupid who likes it. Keep going, bud.

Best season? And why is it 2?