In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actress said:

>In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actress said:

>“Timothee, I’m waiting for him to get a little bit older, you know? [I’m] buttering him up like a pig for slaughter, and then I’m going to swing right in there as soon as he’s, like, 30. He’s old enough to say that, right? He’s over 18? What if I was like, ‘He’s hot!’ and he’s 15?’”

>After being told that Chalamet is 22, the 27-year-old responded, “I didn’t realize he was so young. Tell him to wait!... [He’s] so, so talented and hot!”

would absolutely eat her shit on toast.

I'd pay a million dollars for their sex tape.


But what of bread would you use for the toast? Also, what density of the fecal matter would be most desired?

He will have come out as gay by then.

Did she break up with Daron Aronofsky?

oatmeal bread and the density after a curry. not liquid but soft like a paste

mother! was about how fame destroys relationships. It was based on their story.

Can you imagine the shit a male actor would get if he said this about a young female actress?

dumb bitch doesn't realize that she only has a few years left of relevancy and good looks while he's got probably another 20 at least.

this woman looks and speaks like she wants to be taken very seriously

>Calendar starts on Sunday

Grade A bait

>tfw no girl will ever say that about me

reminder that this dude was on homeland

cant believe dana was a major character on that show

If some male actor/producer in his 60s said those things about her it'd be a #MeToo outrage

God I wish it were me

> implying he's interested in women

She want to /ss/

Why is there still such a huge stigma around women in their 20s and 30s dating younger guys, even if there's only like 3 years between them? Guys dating younger and women over 40 dating younger are considered completely normal.
I'm 21 and my gf is 26 and a lot of people are really disturbed by it when they find out, even though if they're not told about the age gap they'd think we are the same age.

I can't believe people like the fucking garbage shit of half of season 3 with her over the next seasons because muh bordy


post brody homeland is better. like a more grounded 24

her obliviousness to her own hypocrisy is delicious
also id like to pudder her clam

She's just trying to avoid being labeled a perv because a five year age gap is a huge deal to ugly people for some reason.

what does that have to do with the fact that she would cry rape if a man said this about a woman who could pass for under 18?

I thought it was obvious?

She's not saying that. She's saying that she wasn't sure how old he was so she was hoping he wasn't actually underage without her realizing.

youre having a whole separate conversion buddy

nice blog

She needs to get dicked down so she stops staying stupid and “lolsorandumb” shit all the time.

Also, someone to thirst that hollywood liberal bubble.

Yeah, he upgraded

if i went up to an 18 year old and said 'i'm buttering you up like a pig for slaughter' i'd get put on a register

why do you even bother coming here

>She's just trying to avoid being labeled a perv

But she's being a perv and she'd be called out if she were a man for predatory behavior, that's the point, when JLaw is a sand-in-the-pussy feminist.

>nigger eyes

>oldest kike d&c in the books
time to switch tactics chaim

I'm still amazed that people think she's hot. She's ugly by Hollywood standards and pretty plain even by real world standards.

Hollywood sells whatever they want to sell because the audience believes them, if they say JLaw is hot they go with it, there's thousands of actors and actresses who are ugly as shit but they have peculiar faces, which is the most important thing because you remember them, the rest is make-up and marketing

Whenever I see Jennifer Lawrence, I taste vomit in my mouth. What a hypocrite. What a whore.

>missing the point this hard

timothée thread?