I know I'm late, but holy shit what a bunch of crap Batman and Harley Quinn is. The animation looks hilariously bad, the plot is ridiculous, and then...
Well, then there's this scene.
Nightwing and Harley scenes were almost as bad as Bats and Barbara's. The comedic beats were off, the editing was odd. What a pile of fucking garbage.
Not only is the Batman: TAS version better animated, but it's ten times sexier too.
Blake Hall
The animation was fucking fantastic. I loved it. I loved the simplicity, I loved the dynamics, I loved how it flowed, I loved everything about it. What I didn't like about the movie was the dialogue, the pacing, and the ending. What I HATED about the movie was Harley's voice. They better never let that bitch play Harley again.
Carson James
>it's ten times sexier I don't know dude, the faces she was making in this movie were pretty boner inducing.
Samuel Fisher
Harley fucking Nightwing isnt really that bad. At least Barbara and Bruce was shat on because Babs was cheating whore and Bruce is the closest to a dad Dick has.
Jose Thomas
>bats bangs his head on the pool table because he realizes he's in such a bad position that harley quinn is stalling for time and saving his life >hates every microsecond of hilarious absurd song
David Lopez
I liked it because it was fun
Camden Wood
Anybody got this in a gif?
Austin Diaz
Nice. Tits are awesome.
Matthew Wilson
>Dick Miller as the mob boss
He really did pop up in everything when you least expected him.
Gavin Rogers
>comparing the Harley x Nightwing scene to Babs and Bruce
OP confirmed shipperfag, mad that Dick got in the way of his OTP. You fags take this movie more seriously than it takes itself
Asher Nelson
But... But that was one of the highlights of the film.
... What's wrong with you?
Nathan Green
>2017 >gif
Get out
Jacob Sanders
Sorry that webms are actually worthless for anyone who doesn't spend 100% of their life on Sup Forums.
Ryder James
How? If you're not on Sup Forums, then you're using image hosting, which works just fine with webms. Unless you're using some super casual service that won't allow image hosting nor files other than certain types. In which case... Yeah, fuck off.
Jaxon Young
Found the twitter user
Hunter Torres
>every argument must boil down to shipping because I'm so used to shitposting on Steven Universe threads
Are you even trying?
Jaxon Ortiz
>If you want to save the world, vote for the Democrats! It was her turn! What did she mean by this?
Joshua Anderson
>Shaking her tits while making a silly face
My very specific fetish!
Oliver Diaz
She looks like Freakazoid in OP's webm. Your dick has no limits.
Angel Allen
Nobody embeds webms fucking anywhere. It's a worthless format used by neets on Sup Forums to feel good about absolutely nothing. Especially these 3 second clips. What the hell is the point? A gif is far more versatile.
I can't believe you actually used the word casual to describe this. How far up your own ass are you
Eli Perry
I really like Harley's voice in this. Am I the only person?
Am I the only person who feels this way?
Lincoln Flores
Yes, you are the only one in the whole wide world.
She sounds like an old jewish broad that smokes two packs a day.
Samuel Sanchez
Let's push the crappy BTAS characters.
Grayson Garcia
Rauch is definitely better than Strong, but she isn't nearly on the same level as Walch, let alone Sorkin. Rauch isn't annoying enough but at least she's in the (nearly) correct accent region. Strong is undeniably annoying, but is just doing a Jewish mother voice. A combination of the two would be perfect.
Kayden Gutierrez
>Blonde Selina Barf
Alexander Bennett
Lincoln Morales
The fart joke actually made me angry.
Camden Phillips
>Rauch is definitely better than Strong Not at all. Rauch sounds way too fuckng jewish. And no, Harley isn't jewish.
Gabriel Nelson
She has the lipstick!
Alexander Murphy
I'm going to out myself as a pleb here, but it's like some retard watched The Big Bang Theory and was like "omg that sassy blond scientist lady is purrfect for Harley!".
Rauch literally only does old jew voices.
Tyler Thompson
Nah she was leagues better. Strong sound like a fucking hyperactive 12 year old!
Daniel White
She sounded like Harley but older, which was the point.
Ayden Gonzalez
Strong is doing Jewish. Rauch is at least trying to actually impersonate Arleen
Julian Johnson
Harley is supposed to be hyperactive and obnoxious. That's her character.
Connor Scott
Much like the song in the movie Don't Pull Your Love Out, I know it's bad, I can see it's bad, it's not great and I shouldn't be enjoying it but holy shit why is this still entertaining. That song should not be so damn catchy and this movie should not have made me laugh, it's bad. There's no denying it's bad.
Still watched it twice.
Cooper Cooper
In fact, gif is an obsolete format used by casuals and normalfags that don't nothing of quality. Webms on the otherside have more resolution, go on smotthier, weight less and can even have sound on their own. It's like posting a video as an image, wich is why the gifs were invented. So go on and live in the '00s all your life while technology advances and cry why all your software is being unsopported, since webms are the trend now and will be fully implemented everywhere until something better comes out.
Grayson Robinson
You're right, she's half-Jewish
Joshua Richardson
>Jewish >jew >jewish >Jewish
I thought it was just a brooklyn-style accent or maybe somewhere else in NYC
Nathaniel Lopez
That is the Rebirth comic. Do you even read comics Sup Forums?
Joseph Hernandez
>Am I the only person who feels this way? Yes. Suicide yourself.
Aiden Stewart
got to disagree with you
I found myself really enjoying this one even if it wasn't perfect
You compare it to The Killing Joke and there you have already made your first mistake. This was a comedy, you aren't meant to take it super seriously or over think it. Like literally Swamp Thing showed up like an epic fucking god just to say I disagree with what you are doing but I'm not gonna do anything about it. and then peaced out. The Justice League wasn't around because Booster Gold couldn't manage to reach them at Aquaman's christening
It was campy and weird and over sexualized, and I loved every second of it.
First good thing with Harley Quinn in quite a while
Nathaniel Moore
Nah, Rauch sounds like a NY jew. Nothing at all like what Sorkin did. Entirely different dialects.
Chase Cox
And yet Strong sounds like complete shit while the original, Watch and even Rauch, hell even the live action version sound better
Bentley Nelson
You're correct. Tara Strong didn't get that, obviously.
You don't know many NY Jewish chicks, do you?
Ethan Martinez
Where can I watch this piece of trash
Tyler Robinson
>tumblr being this frustrated over Harley Quinn being portrayed accurately
Easton Reyes
>Margot Robbie >Better She wasn't even trying.
Kevin Morris
Harley and Ivy made up in the end, which is all I care about
Just listen to Sorkin in this. She doesn't sound like "Hahley Quinn", no "open" r, etc. It's very different.
I don't need to know one to know what the stereotypical NY jew sounds like. Hell, just compare Rauch's Harley to the way Woody Allen talks.
Carter Torres
Ryder Adams
You're thinking of Strong.
Owen Foster
Fuck you. She's so much better then Tara Strong doing a Brooklyn Timmy Turner and calling it Harley Quinn.
Dominic Cruz
>I don't need to know one to know Stopped reading there. Accents in that whole general region are fucked. There are at least a dozen, each one a weird and different combination of one or the other. Most people just lump them all together under the broad "Jew" umbrella, which is wrong. I grew up in NY and trust me, Rauch is MUCH closer to the mark.
Alexander Hughes
Just because a solid shit is better than diarrhea doesn't mean it's good.
Brayden Cruz
Watch is only one that sounds even close to Sorken
Luke Rodriguez
Solid shits mean you're healthier.
Hudson Jones
Look at this excited mother fucker.
Eli Perry
I like the way she's pronounces the word "whore"
Wyatt Sanchez
>Not one reference to HarleyxIvy YES! YEEES!
Bentley Cox
>Riddle me this >on a number range from 1 to 25, what do batman and robin have in common?
Kayden Moore
Cameron Miller
>Friendship immediately equates to romance It must be so hard for these people; not having a best friend.
Alexander Cooper
Even fucking facebook and twitter use webms, what kind of site are you using, reddit?
Sebastian Hughes
Nolan Foster
That scene was going for the relantionship angle. Harley did say that she was using the "Nuclear Option"
Michael Gonzalez
Rob Paulsen sounds great even when he's harmonizing with himself.