I thought this was supposed to be a good Black Mirror episode. I don't get it.
I thought this was supposed to be a good Black Mirror episode. I don't get it
*adds Black Mirror to the long list of simple things you don't get*
who's that hottie
kys pedo
Who told you that? It was the worst of the season.
it was great, fucktard
Only remotely decent episode this season was Hang the DJ and even that one's dumb conceptually.
You sicko. That's my gf
Eh, Metalhead was ok. It seemed uninspired, but it was ok. Black Museum could've been great if it wasn't for the weird revenge-porn, fetishisation of black people and white guilt angle.
does she have a sister
>Black Mirror
Dude...what if like people acted like shit, but it was 10 years from now?
Aniya Hodge, but her slightly older version (Sarah Abbott) is hot too.
wot if computers typed on people? itsa real nutta
if you don't let your daughter do drugs then you deserve to get punished and lose her forever
Agreed. The monkey subplot was on the level of some of BM's best episodes and then it all went to absolute fucking garbage.
Also speaking of monkey, why would monkey be happy with the museum owner's death when he was literally the only reason she wasn't destroyed and she has no reason whatsoever to trust the stronk independent black womxn?
where did I saw that face?
In Black Mirror, maybe...?
>not Black Museum
>not Crocodile
>Families treat their pets like children
>treat their children like pets
Why is this allowed?
>Metalhead was ok
It was shit. SHIT.
Is that actually a serious question? Chick is literally trapped in essentially nothingness forever, that's a torturous existence. Most reasonable people would have opted for death/deletion if given the opportunity, but she had no choice, after her family threw her away this psycho just keeps her locked up, why WOULDN'T she be happy as soon as she gets to see him die and at least gets a change of scenery?
She also just watched the black chick explain the truth and her revenge which is all logical, there would be no reason to not be happy she takes you away.
whats next for her work?
Don't forget that she was the one who consented to all of it happening. Without this guy she would never have interacted with her son or watched him grow up. She owes him everything. If there's someone to blame here it's her piece of shit husband, but he's absolved of all guilt because he's black.
>black chick's revenge was logical
Ok now you're clearly baiting me. She literally did the exact same fucking thing to him that she was against him doing to a condemned criminal, and on top of it she clearly enjoyed it. If I were monkey I'd rather be deleted on the spot than spend the rest of my life with that psychotic bitch.
You think i'm baiting you but surely you must be baiting me. First of all the guy wasn't even a criminal, they made it pretty clear he was an innocent man who was wrongly accused and imprisoned. Second, the museum owner outright lied both to the man by saying his family will be taken care of financially, and then to the girl by saying the family supposedly didn't care and had abandoned him for being a criminal. Killing a psycho asshole who lied to everyone so he can make a profit off of torture and misery is somehow the exact same thing as torturing an innocent man?
They never made it clear he was innocent, idiot. All they made clear was that the daughter and a bunch of other people thought he was innocent. It's typical "he wuz a good boi he dindu nuffin" nignog garbage.
Blacked, I am afraid. Because pedo movies are not legal... yet.
there is no good black mirror episode, there are mediocre episodes and bad episodes, that's it.
Did technology go too far?
the AI will be nazi and pedophile
Nah. NAH.
>Innocent man
This is what pissed me off the most? What if he wasn't innocent. Yeah, the treatment of him is still unethical, but if he was guilty, we've watched a woman torture a man who kind of mistreated a murderer, all for the sake of the viewer feeling guilty for being white and the alleged mistreatment of black people.
I did not mean to have a question mark there.
I might have enjoyed it if the busybody mom wasn't so fucking insufferable. I thought the concept was pretty cool.
That's pretty much the problem with the whole series really. Neat ideas, shitty execution. Even my favourite episodes are quite hamfisted.
Sorry, Ahmed.
Even if he was a murderer, Rollo scammed him and his family, shilled for his execution (so he could profit from it sooner) and enabled unspeakable torture of his AI copy. He deserved it. At least he only got one perpetual torture souvenir.
It's about helicopter parenting and how being controlling and sheltering can fuck your kid up because they may fail to develop empathy and common sense from lacking critical experiences and opportunities to exert agency.
It had a cool concept, but it got kind of boring after the girl became a teenager.
I see another elle fanning in the work
I can see that you are a man of taste.
>being mad because a Black Mirror MC wasn't a flawless, angelic lawful good ball of pureness and nothing but selfless, untainted heorism
which one do I watch next? Saw the american idol one and the star trek one
I remember Sup Forums talking about one other episode that I wanted to watch but I cant remember it