/rlg/-Reylo™ General

Tsundere Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th Trailer:youtu.be/Ecd4eA067P0 )
>TLJ Novelization (March/SOON)
>More Reylo merchandising
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation ~ 658

Based content from Footnotes user :

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. : imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian ultimately confirms Reylo to a fan: instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for comfiness


Rey is lewd.

What intimate gesture do you want to see in IX? Examples:
>foreheads touching
>nose kiss
>face nuzzling
>face touching, cupping one cheek, lips touching
>hug from behind

Put this link about the prologue and sample chapters of the TLJ Junior Novelization in the next post


>His road to rule the galaxy with a overpowered virgin sandgirl.

He is living the dream lads

She wants only BBC irl, you Tumblr fags know the true

Oh sry have forgot it, will be added.

xth for erotica darkside Reylo fanfics

>could smash a 10/10 red twilek
>settles for a shitty regular human with a sarlac smile

Big Bad Cock ?
You are right user

No need, it's no reylo.

Yeah she wants Big Boy Cock. Adam's specifically. A manlet woman-body like Bodega stand no chance.

Its just a fortaste for the real novel user

Are there any good Reylo music videos to drink and cry to? Asking for a friend.

Adam is probably creeped out by her at this point.

>why tf is she staring at me like that
>i didn't say anything funny
>Oscar inconspicuously drinking his drink
>Mark becoming a forceghost

She's either really thirsty or coked out.

Just listen Unbreak my heart in loop

It's okay, there is probably a qt twilek in his KoR harem.

Based Rowley poster.

Nuzzling pls. Kiss obviously.

This would be great



Just listen these musics and let your imagination do the work


No user, Kylo needs normal kids.

>implying I said anything about breeding
she'd be sterile anyways after I'd be done with her

He is too pure for her

>Kylo r-run

Halsey actually said on her twitter this song reminds her of Kylo IIRC. This is the pitched version obviously, but I like the video too.


Wow these video edits are pure Kino

>TLJ bluray waiting room


I really liked this one too.

I want to start editing, but I'm still trying to figure out how to convert the mkv to mp4 without it looking like absolute shit since my vegas 11 won't read mkv.

kek reminds me some people were saying the throneroom scenes looked like a White Stripes video

Thank you for these songs, user. I've been listening to a lot of Daughter since LiS, but I've never heard this song before. It's a good Reylo song.

I'm sorry but the famous rain scene has nothing to do with that pornographic image many of you pornhub fans would like to believe.

I was actually in shook, because it showed how strong the pull Kylo feels towards Rey. He was LITERALLY ON ACH-TO with her! It was not a force bond projection! Their bond was that strong! Luke paid with his life for it! But in the case of them it's natural because of the strong connection!

Rain drops were all over his face, since it was raining where Rey was standing. Yes, as Pablo said it was really awkward reaction from Kylo..but this is what boys are doing when they are in love. The rain drops symbolized her closeness to him, it was like you dont wash your hand after you touched her by accident, or pick up her personal thing and keep it to yourself.

What is /rlg/ favorite Bronte sisters novel?

>I was actually in shook, because it showed how strong the pull Kylo feels towards Rey. He was LITERALLY ON ACH-TO with her! It was not a force bond projection! Their bond was that strong!

And some anons are still thinking that one door can break the bond.

Umm, it should be the normal. Keeping eye contact when you talk with somebody. None of them were distracted by looking into daisy's eyes, only adam kept avoiding it during the whole conference. He looked at her ( when she said "ehh what did I say?" ) when she didnt see it and when daisy turned to him when mark told the stocking joke he immediately looked away.
Like wtf



Jane Eyre definitely, I hate wuthering heights as hell.
That fuck is an agressive, abusive sociopath, who enjoys torturing animals and beating women to death.
Actually I get really irritated whenever I hear teenager reylo fans ( because it has become the mainstream since december) trying to make fucking parallels between the two stories. Like WTF. They have 0 common things..

Jane Eyre on the other hand: the bond. They have a kind of supernatural bond, their love for each other is so strong that they communicated to each other from the distance. And Jane did not throw away her moral ( rey did not left her friends in trouble, she did not give the best reaction, none of tgem where right, but you know)


>the way her pokerface turns on once Oscar starts to look in her direction.

Well den...

Yes, it's quite sad that this kind of deep EMOTIONAL intimacy is = raw, dicksucking sex in the eyes of many young girls. This is the only way they could explain to themselves the intimacy, this is the only way they could identify with it...quite disturbing
I'm not saying there weren't sexual kind of metaphores in the movie ( journey to the adulthood ) , but seeing "cum" and "vagina" and BDSM in every damn scene, like if its raining it means kylo is masturbating. Im sick of these bullshits. Tumblr is full with it.

The biggest courage is when you being completely honest and share emotional intimacy with somebody you deeply care for. You become on woth that person in every sense of the word..its beautiful
I felt romantic tension mainly, not sexual ( none of them stripped the other with listful perverse smile on the face )

Shes grinning like a idiot at him while he said "Yep". They both weird.

The first person that I've see comparate is a critic.

>someone makes comics about the romance of 2 uglies

So pure, so cute

I guess Adam's reaction was the same to Eve as well.
They are not aware of the meaning of this strong affection, cant idenify it, it just comes and its so adorable and innocent

Maybe because she thought how awkward and cute he was at the moment...idk


Is this purityfag pasta from tumblr or from reddit?

It calls opinion you faggot shit-face

Why is it so traumatic to you dickheads when somebody speaks out of her/his mind?

I can hardly understand what you're saying aneurysm-kun.

Jedi Killers.

What is adam driver actually?

The Last Jedi.

Eat some banana fucking Cocco Jambo

Go cheeta, get banana
Hey monkey, get funky

Unga bunga, unga ba
Go away jedi council forun spy

Do you think she grabbed IT by accident during filming the scene?



I hope they will not try to hunt Rey, Kylo would kill them when they curl her a hair.

He was smiling on Rey's frustration in the shirtless scene just sayin

I do not think the old students of Luke are "jedi killers" just because these force sensitive people follow a different path.

I bet the other students died only because they attacked Ben and he had to do it as a self-defense. They might tuned on Ben because they did not belive their legendary master could have done such a thing to his sleeping nephew blinded by his own darkness.


wait wtf, this is real ?

Referring to this scene from TFA:
I know he was on to make her stop, like beat the lightsaber out of her hand,

But what did he wanted to do?

how they are jedi killers when they are the only jedis besides luke

Yes, it happens right after rey ask "why did you hate your father, give me an honest answer"
He reacted on her when she rolled her eyes

Maybe they attacked Ben because of Vader. Maybe they has always been simmering tension in the camp between people who thought Ben wasn't responsible for what his grandfather did and those who felt some kind of resentment toward him.

He should smile more, I guess that was his matchball.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was Driver who is actually lusting after Daisy and not the other way around and hes trying to keep his shit together.

They might feel attraction for each other, but nothing else I'm sure on it

Read this bright insight. twitter.com/jere7my/status/959639420109578240

Conception: pregnant Rey

Would it make Daisy mad?

She'd cry because apparently everything makes her cry.

It's such a shame we couldn't see his very first reaction on rey

I would be really curious for his facial expression

Damn it


It's the same guy who always gets triggered in these threads. He or she is very recognizable.

Wow this guy is handing out the ST pills

At last


Its /oursamefag/ try to live with him in coexistence

She would collapse because of thirstiness.

>Press Rey, press its comming

This is so fucking true. Star Wars "fans" ruined it for themselves by taking it so damn seriously instead of appreciating it for what it originally was. They can't even realize it because they've been so warped by EU stories and tone that they falsely remember the OT in a similar vein. Normies have no such hangups.





face so flat she can bite a wall

What if Hux will want Rey to be his powerful empress?

From wookiepedia we know he thinks it is his destiny to be the ruler of the galaxy.


It would solve the problem

Hux will backstab Kylo with the help of the KoR,in the end will see a fight between Reylo and the Hux+KoR.

No way the KoR would turn on their leader, Ben Solo.

Why didn't you protect him, /rlg/?



KoR are full of sadistic youngling killer user


Youngling killer???

They are the students who believed Ben and stood beside him.
I bet the "younglings" attacked Ben after seein he hurt to their master. I bet they did not believe Ben's story, the truth either and they turned on him who kiled them for self defense

You can save images and post them user even on mobil

