Accusing 3 people of sexual harassment in the span of 6 months for

>accusing 3 people of sexual harassment in the span of 6 months for
>Leaving The Disaster Artist early, cutting her paycheck in half and cutting her screen time in half because James Franco is a scary man who wanted to get intimate with a 17 year old
>Married to a Sup Forums tier soyboy who probably owns a Nintendo switch and still plays Nintendo 64, probably Uber driver or restaurant waiter tier
>Wrote a children's book about essentially not having friends while growing up

Friends she's not just an autistic spaz, she is robot9001 tier in disguise. Honestly must have a really unhappy life.

Other urls found in this thread:

David Cross asking her if she spoke english and if she's gonna fight him with karate in a southern accent actually improved my opinion of David Cross


Asian SJWs are the worst


Would it be gay to fug her?

asains are the worst

>Can't even do the gang sign right
God damn I hate her so much

Where is this

it would be great if she didn't come up with this idea herself, it was her manager or something that hated her guts and wanted her blacklisted

>mfw even women like her gets Chad and I'm still a virgin

It would be less gay to fuck a man

Doesnt Hollywood have an hr department? Why these weirdos gotta do this via the news and social media?

Boss, James tried to touch my ass at work, im a confused boi girl so i dont know if i liked it. Im going to say this on twitter! Look at me! My movies fail but now you know what i was in!

I once had a nightmare in which I purchased Paper Heart on DVD.
That's literally all that happened but I woke up feeling nauseous and afraid.


she was beaten by aging mallgoths. what a sad end to the yi saga


>"Yi was born in Los Angeles, California. Her mother, a native of the Philippines, is of Filipino and Spanish descent, and her father is of Mexican, Korean, Irish, German, French, and Native American ancestry"

Literal prime amerimutt

Ching chong bitches are crazy, Japs are only immune because they evolved on an island.

It was a tweet storm this dumpy bitch did as her #metoo except it wasnt rape or sexual harassment it was a comedian being racist to her a decade ago

She's basically the most pathetic woman on twitter

la creatura...

Looks like he's spelling "boob" user.

she's flashing the gang sign "boob".

la acusador...

i think she smells like soup


if that was the actual video id have some respect for her.

but this is the real one and its worse than you could have imagined

>Cutting off my pinky to pay for this dishonor.

>Why these weirdos gotta do this via the news and social media?
Because, this is about getting attention to yourself and not about dealing with harassment at the workplace. When you get involved in an HR investigation with a company you're sat in a room with a company lawyer and your HR manager. Where then you're asked detailed questions and your statements are wrote down for when they ask more questions later on down the road. Then, you have to sign papers and are released until they have need of other info.

I've had to deal with an HR investigation due to a former boss that might have done something illegal(not sexual harassment, but mostly with mishandled procedures and poor management in their department and the company wanted to get to the bottom of it)

If you can't keep your story straight, they'll know you've lied to them.

With Social Media, you can lie out your ass and no one will call you out because people want to be "It" with the new fad. And journalism is now a joke anyways and journalists care only about ratings/pageviews/hits, so sensationalism is the new normal.

She's a real idiot for doing this. Does she not think this will affect her career?

what a psychotic cunt

>Honestly must have a really unhappy life.

Mutts generally do.



>>Wrote a children's book about essentially not having friends while growing up
That's actually kinda interesting and cool, what's it called?

Kek imagine how embarrassing this would be. CaptkilljoysButtplug doing God's work.

I would be laughing so hard they'd murder me with chopsticks

>Friends she's not just an autistic spaz, she is robot9001 tier in disguise.
lol yup pretty much seem like a personification of the r9k type girls if they're not the ones that get hooked on drugs and fucking a bunch of guys

>her father is of Mexican, Korean, Irish, German, French, and Native American ancestry

Jesus. Did she beg him to get a DNA test because she was afraid she "wasn't diverse enough"