This is the best action thriller trilogy ever, right?
This is the best action thriller trilogy ever, right?
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definitely right
the second and third movies are shaky cam garbage
Die Hard trilogy is far better
>shaky cam meme
It's really not hard to follow, it's all choreographed and filmed well and fits the style. Get your eyes fixed
I don't remember saying it was hard to follow
It just looks like shit
most generic action trilogy ever maybe
Identity was cerebral, it had just as much, if not more, talking scenes than actual action and the action was typically grounded. It's a classic.
Not for me.
The first and second very good, but the third only for money.
This but not to the extent that late Bourne movies, and other action movies in general.
Action flicks today are hot garbage, Bourne Identity is 9/10 pure kino
lol no
I really enjoyed Legacy, shame they won't ever make another film with that character.
the first one is just ok
couldn't get through the second piece of shit
Reminder that this proves shaky cam isn't bad if you have good choreography and editing, Shaky cam is usually so shit because it's used by hacks (like Nolan) to disguise how bad they are at fight scenes.
I know its b8, but fuck you
Identity would be 10/10 if the romance wasn't that FUCK UGLY antifa roast
good tril, the newest film was shite
Not bait at all
the shaky cam is absolutely horrible. these movies would have been the coolest fucking movies ever if the action scenes werent shot so horribly. i cannot overstate how much it ruins these films for me
This scene is completely comprehensible to me. When you edit in motion and have choreography, it's not nearly as bad as when other directors do it
the second, third, and especially the fifth one are absolutely unwatchable shaky cam garbage, and actually influenced a lot of directors to start doing the same shit. it's insulting.
the original, is pure kino.
yea you can sorta make out whats happening, but the camerawork is still an absolute detriment to the scene. the choreography makes the scene cool enough on its own. it doesnt need an epileptic cameraguy
How many action thriller trilogies are there to contend with, really?
i fucking love the bourne supremacy, my fave of the trilogy. there's this really miserable feeling to it that i adore. it's just shit that keeps piling and piling onto bourne that is speckled with kino action scenes, karl urban being cool as fuck and scenes that are cool as fuck. best scene of trilogy is when bourne talks to the neski girl at the end and i wish they ended the movie on the long shot of the camera above bourne as he left the girl and walks across the snow in the russian cityscape. they felt it was too bleak of a scene to end such a bleak movie so they shoehorned the "pam you look tired" scene in with moby music
the movie boils down to bourne wanting answers and realising that the only truth he has is that he can't escape his past, a past he can't even remember. shit just gets worse and worse for him and the only thing he can do is survive. he just keeps surviving because it's instinctual and nothing he can do can make up for his past
I always just see Linus pretending to be tough
Matt Damon has a fat, womanly ass.
Agreed they even had a to do list: carchase, check, footchase where they lose bourne in the crowd, check, ssme old assassin assemble song and assembly, check, inhouse assassination attempt with long hand to hand combat using home appliances as weapons, check!
REEE *casio keyboard riff* EEEE
worthless opinion, shaky cam is a cancer