Pleb filter
Pleb filter
Jyn >>>>>> Rey
I made it through the pleb filter
Does pleb filter mean it filters plebs or plebs filter it?
it filters plebs
Yep, anyone who likes this shit is a pleb
It filters plebs so that plebs like it or that plebs hate it?
plebs hate it
I would've settled for Vader dumpstering everyone for 2h 13m.
“Pleb filter” is a pleb filter
movies that are hated by masses coz they do something different than they expected
only small group of people enjoy then for that reason
>that train wreck of a first act
Do people really not see how obvious it is that this is the "reshoot / executive meddling" era and the whole world is gonna cringe in ten years when we watch these butchered movies?
5 > 4 > 7 > 6 = 8 > R1 > 1 > 2 = 3
>8 over anything
OOOH YOU'VE DONE IT NOW LAD. Daisy is the winner of the cute wars.
>liking nu-wars
I enjoyed Jyns butt
The correct order if quality.
I must be the only one who can't really see evidence of studio meddling in films. I mean everyone else seems to be able to just look at a film and say "oh yeah you can see the suits meddling, right here, and here". I just can't. I can tell if it's confused or weak, but I can't identify studio meddling and reshoots as such.
It's fucking shit and so are you.
The really bad meddling from R1 off the top of my head:
>First act
The jumping from location to location to location at light speed, never really establishing characters or letting anything be impact. Reeked of the studio just cutting between the footage that they had
>Forest Whitaker's character
Literally everything about him. The way he's talked about and discussed and his backstory and motivations and shades of grey are brought up like it's a huge deal and then it has no effect on anything and he dies. I would guess he was originally meant to be a complicated look at terrorism and radicalism and if it can be justified and how their can be heroes and villains on both sides of a war but Disney pussied out and nixed it. He's essentially a "light mirror" of Vader with the breathing problem and the robot parts and the father stuff but it's never utilized. Plus Jyn's relationship is just nonexistent even though there's supposed to be some kind of drama. So the character has 2 dads and two sets of daddy issues until she doesn't?
>Slug monster thing
Slug monster thing reads your mind and drives you insane and then it reads the pilot's mind and doesn't drive him insane. Then the character does nothing but act weird for the rest of the movie so I'm guessing he was supposed to have residual effects from the slug monster but it got cut.
>The climax
All of the character and their struggles and their arcs completely disappear for 30 minutes so you can clap for stuff you recognize.
She could handle a lightsaber better than Rey
I'd let her handle my lightsaber if you know ...
Hottest chick from any Star Wars movie
You think they ran on train on her while in hyperspace?
My cancer fu
Friendly reminder that seven is blatant plagiarism of episode four, and therefore must be last place on any list.
she died as virgin
I did notice the second and third issues in particular, I put that down to the director being a fucking retard. but yeah when you put it like that it does look like ad-hoc editing. Only really the scenes in the city on the desert plateau seemed as if all the parts were in place.
Star Wars version of Sup Forums
Tits always wins over notits
>liking your women to be mentally stunted mary sues
>being a pedophile
Great message for the kids.
don't forget this
All of the stuff in-between the prologue and Jyn being brought into the Rebel's briefing room was added in reshoots. Jyn being in the Rebels' custody was supposed to be our proper introduction to the character, but Disney thought we needed to see the jailbreak or else we wouldn't understand she was a criminal. Same thing with Cassian finding out about the Death Star; they didn't trust the audience would figure out that the Rebels had discovered the information through their intelligence networks so it had to be spoonfed to them by Cassian meeting the informant.
Vader's scene with Krennic was originally meant to be on the Death Star but someone got the idea for the Mustafar castle so it was reshot. It's a cool concept but the scene is fucking terrible, it looks like a play. he walks on screen from stage left, says a few lines, and then immediately leaves the way he came in.
the climax was also entirely reshot, the space battle and Vader's lightsaber rampage were late additions but everyone knows that already
>those heels
she's in her 20s.
I don't hate it because it's different, I hate it because it's a shit movie.
I really wonder what went so, so wrong in the first cut of Rogue One that caused Disney to step in. The Last Jedi was controversial enough, yet Disney loved it and it is by all indications the movie Rian Johnson wanted to make.
opinion discarded
Wow, no shit? Really making me think
Hi, it's me. Don't worry I'm not a Daisyfag. Very much a Felicityfag if I had to choose.
>embarrassing facial expression
>filename from relevant interview
>scene not in the film
This one was
I like it
Well then
>brit teeth
I never saw Godzilla, so I have no idea if Rogue One was originally too violent or shitty, or if Disney just felt the need to dumb it down.
Still I liked it a lot more than TLJ or TFA
That smirk, those feet.
Only 6 seconds long clip
Can fap to this
She can afford veneers now.
>unironically liking any of the nu-wars
choose a username for me, my fellow redditors
>Can fap to this
Felicity isn't for lewd
She is for lewd, just consensual kind. And then snuggling.
Probably don't screw around much but down for lewd with a steady boyfriend. Wakes you up on a Sunday morning with a hand job or something.
you make me sick
Well, she is an alcoholic, so there might be a naughty side to her too.