Decide to check out this show after my dad recommends it

>decide to check out this show after my dad recommends it
>first few episodes pacing is really good and suspenseful
>the family drama is not too intrusive and adds a bit of flavor
>ominous overarching tone of eerie “unwelcome” atmosphere is spot-on
>big build-up to a bohemian grove-type secret society of elites sacrificing kids to moloch in the woods
>really makes you feel like we’re just uncovering the tip of an iceberg
>get to the last episode
>climax is just rick and morty chasing a retarded inbred redneck through the woods
>as a final spit in the audience’s face hoping for closure, Marty says “hurrr at least we got OUR guy”
>never mind the cult of wealthy elites sacrificing people

What a fucking disappointment

your dad is cool.

you're a fucking dissapointment.

thread over

Can we trade? I want your father. My father just shat over everything, especially if I liked it.

You'll probably like him more than yours anyway, and yours will probably like me more.

Kill yourself

My father giggles whenever someone says the word "Nigger". Which in itself is based but he takes everything at face value all the time.

I'll trade my father for a decent stepdad.

>>as a final spit in the audience’s face hoping for closure, Marty says “hurrr at least we got OUR guy”
>>never mind the cult of wealthy elites sacrificing people

literally 'non-Louisianians will never understand' tier

Youre supposed to feel disappointment. Pleb

Nailed it. Not to mention they did a shit job of keeping up with his hallucinations making his final one come out of nowhere. Bad writing

This guy gets it. The point is to show that there are some veils you will never see behind.

Was it a hallucination tho? They specifically stated he hasn't had them in years at that point.

you guys realize you aren't allowed to get too redpilled
that's why season 2 had to be completely rewritten, the plot was too close to reality

>Not imagining the future adventures of the Rust & Marty Detective Agency versus the Illuminati

I don't think they would have stopped. But even if they fail thenceforth they still got the one who's gone full cult berzerk, they still made their contribution to the light.

He said he hadn't had them during the deposition. When Marty asks him later if he still has them he says he never stopped having them. He was lying earlier.

explain, hillbilly

True Detective was so good because it was cohesive. There were the two main characters, and that was it. We didn't have to cut away to see Johnny fuckass doing something halfway across the state, or take some time to bounce over to Timmy B-Plot and see what was going on. We just followed the two guys. I don't remember the last time I saw a TV show that didn't juggle a half a dozen plots in a facile attempt to hook people with cliffhangers.

producers and writers are too scared to take on the challenge so they defer into fillershit with numerous ancillary characters and b-stories
TDS1 was great because it was from people with a vision (pizza/joji) and weren't afraid to go for it

Rust and Marty driving around Louisiana taking down the whole elite pedo cult would have been literal capeshit

>gotta save the world, if they don't it's disappointing
fuck off

requires writing 2 decent characters


Go watch season 2 OP, it’s much better

Season 2 is the exact opposite of it's complete filler that ineptly juggles stuff we don't care about to begin with, half of the season is recap and exposition, and the actual murder and case are nonsensical and barely matter.

a True Detective season starring them


Swap Elba with Leslie Jones and it's good.

>hurr durr the washed up ex-cops should have taken down the entire Illuminati conspiracy by themselves

They caught Dora Lange's murderer and finally found peace. That's enough.

No, because True Detective's inherently American.

Only Season 2 is actually good.

that's the point of an actor though, if he's good enough you'd love it, if DDL starred in True Detective it'd no doubt be excellent.

Good post
Much much better post

>that's the point of an actor though, if he's good enough you'd love it

Anyone else remember the rumors for the second season involving underground cults surrounding California's highway system? Then Nic ruining the second season because all of the sudden the occult was too pulp for him? It really seemed like the season 2 was his attempt to scrape all the S1 fanboys off his feet.

one of my personal biggest disappointments in TV ever

What often happens to people lat their age who uncover something like that is they never come across something like that again. The collaborators move shop and the detectives spend the rest of their lives dealing with what they went through.

t. retard

Your an ungrateful fucking bitch I hope you get fucking beat up today you sack of shit

>entire thread forgets that Rust was implied to have been working his way through the rich, inner circle "suiciding" everyone that took part but couldn't find the "King"

Fpbp as always.

where is that implied?


Do you remember where and how he got the tape user?

What's it like to be an utter disappointment in your father's eyes?

the case was never the point
re-watch it, it's made pretty apparent right from the start

>>never mind the cult of wealthy elites sacrificing people
Welcome to reality.

>I want my dad to get quqqed by an unironic soiboi that would raise another mans kids
What did he mean by this ?

early in the series Rust said he knew when he was hallucinating, but when he sees the tunnel he's scared, that shit was real.

There's nothing wrong with that really. It was designed to be an anthology series with different protags and a different case every season; the idea of tying them all together with a persistent antagonist of a vast, creepy cult conspiracy in the background of American society is actually great. You can maintain a consistent atmosphere/feel for the show over the years and the process of this cult background being fought by lots of different people all over the country over the course of several seasons of the show would really give that occult menace a feeling of immense size and power. Which in turn would make the cash-in of a final season dealing directly with that occult conspiracy and maybe bringing back characters from previous seasons highly satisfying for the audience.

What's wrong is making a second season so shitty that now none of that will ever happen.

so much more in line with what op sees as good

Rewritten??? Explain pls

it permeates my dreams and i can't enjoy drugs anymore

Relax, i got nothing against hillbillies

Christ you guys are a bunch of brainlets, rust was the murderer. He was starting to crack at the end of the season so he scammed marty into this farce involving rednecks. He and marty get found guilty a few years later and end up serving the rest of their lives in prison, that's a little insider tip you wont find anywhere else

this has to be bait

he stole it from tuttle's mansion, so?

>refuses to link to avoid giving a (you)
>doesn't sage
what did he mean by this?

So Marty's daughters absolutely got molested right?

I wish i could give you gold for this post kind stranger!

And then gets "suicided"

will was killed in a basketball game fight and all the adventures you see is him reliving his fond memories of his uncle and cousins in the afterlife

What you fail to realize, Ray, is that slurping cocks takes it's tole. But OP has a billion dollar gift card to 7-11 and he's getting slurpies several times a day.

Casper knew this.

How was errol connected to the cult?

I'm pretty sure he was a retarded weapon to distract law enforcement from the higher ups and also to find sacrificial children later by the actual cult. They just fed him one every once and a while to stagnate his desire for blood while up top they were taking from his stash, hence having several women and kids at once.

Or I'm wrong and none of that is accurate.

I think he was the patsy, the one who would kill the women and dump the bodies. And that the cult itself essentially died sometime in the early 2000's, but Errol was obsessed and continue because he knew nothing else

It’s Earl you fuckin yankee

should i check this show out? can yall give me a quick rundown what its aboot

wrap it up, fellas, thread is close

yeah I dont know. That image of the relationships says he is tuttles' grandson but I didn't find any other info on this.
rust interrogates a guy in 2002 that tries to negotiate giving up the yellow king and then commits suicide in prison, implying he was killed by the cult. Also tuttle died later and he was the leader at least in the region.
Anyway, does anyone know if the cult was centered around the carcosa beliefs or if that's just errol's ramblings?

it wasn't real in the literal sense. the entire point was that "carcosa" had such a dark and incomprehensible atmosphere that it made rust's synesthesia go haywire.

>It really seemed like the season 2 was his attempt to scrape all the S1 fanboys off his feet
Jokes on him, he scraped all the fans period off his feet

Carcosa is mentioend in Dorra Lang's diary, it's absolutely tied to the belief system of the cult. What the cult actually is isn't clear. My best guess is it's just window dressing for rich fuckers to be utterly sadistic and give some kind of meaning to what they see as a pointless existence. Errol, brought up and abused by the cult, fully believed in Carcosa and the Yellow King.

I think given that Reverend Childress kept the tape the group itself had mostly stopped killing, but they all kept evidence on hand to ensure that if they went down they'd bring the rest of the cult with them, forcing them to defend each other from discovery.

>Johnny fuckass
I'm too tired. This shouldn't have been as funny as it is.

The old nanny knew about carcosa, it seems they all called it carcosa

>I think given that Reverend Childress kept the tape the group itself had mostly stopped killing
that's not evidence of the group stopping the killing

did they release the tape and documents to the public?

I thought there was a large gap in the killings after 2002? they only recent started up again in 2012? I may be misremembering

>cult of wealthy elites sacrificing people get away with it
woah just like real life

yes but you could argue that was the only one they found, or rather, was presented to them(like the woman under the tree, they find a woman hanged near a bridge or something like that). Doesn't mean they're the only killings. Imo it's childress being a madman and going rogue trying to expose the cult in some sort of preaching. They wouldn't excommunicate him because he's a big part of the abductions. Of course I'm assuming he was somewhat important in the region but the other user said he was another victim from childhood, he could be both honestly.