What the fuck was kyle's problem?
What the fuck was kyle's problem?
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His little brother was being molested by a sexy older woman.
/ss/ is shit tier fetish because if are a guy it makes you a fag. Just like liking loli as a grill makes you a dyke
What if I like shota on loli?
Seemed like mutual consensual vanilla sex though
Still applies you are fag if male, dyke if female. or if you're one of those made up genders then you just need to neck yourself
Does it really still count as vanilla when one of them is in elementary school?
Kyle was 100% right.
They didn't have a hall pass bruh.
>guitar hero episode is on right now
>remembering the craze that shitty game caused
>remember that someone made an entire presentation out of playing a couple songs on that game back in high school
South Parks is like an archive of past trends.
>shitty game
You take that back right now.
Kyle is ugly and was jelly he wasn't getting any.
>that shitty game caused
Delet this
Tell me, when did the last guitar hero come out?
>Game is run into the ground by like a billion sequels in a few years+rock band
Really what permanently killed those games was the next console gen, nobody wanted to buy those controllers again
Ok, I can play this game too. When did the last Chrono Trigger come out? How about Mother? Banjo Kazooie? Psychonauts? When's that Half Life 3 coming out? Guess Half Life was a shitty game.
now sauce
Drawn Together. I forgot what episode or might have been the movie.
Boy and Girl from Quackers' Cereal Commercial. They also look kind of like the Cautious Twins.