B-but y-you guys told me that the Koreans didn't like black people...
B-but y-you guys told me that the Koreans didn't like black people
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Koreans are shit
Gooks are worst than nips and chinks.
koreans are not real asians, they're just dogs
Whoever told you that is a fucking idiot.
Korea's youth is full on aping American hip hop nig nog culture.
Asians like anyone but Asians.
Aren't there billions of yellow people?
You are what you eat I suppose
koreans in america don't like black people. koreans in korea are fine with them; I know off the top of my head there's this guy who shows up on Korean tv.
>i freeze
I never freeze.
t. Mad Wh*te Boiz
I'm Brazilian, and you? A turk dicklets and CUT?
100% full blooded American
Dont move the goal post. They said china will dislike blacks. Thats why they changed the China poster.
But after they put so much hierarchy, tribal behaviour and alt-right into it, i think it might find an ok-ish acceptance there.
So you are native or just a white invader because the only 100% americans are natives dumb snow nigger
he's with lupita now
>full blooded
top jej
Still dicklet and mutilated
Koreans are subhuman, they don't count as Asians. Asians are Chinks and Japs.
Koreans are actually a lot less likely to race mix than j*aps and ch*nks
I guess Killmonger's anti-colonialist message resonates with Koreans.
>100% full blooded American
You mean high blooded you fat fucker.
I was born here so Im american. If you don't like it you can fuck off back across the land bridge.
japs dont count either
Black Panther still needs at least $6 billion just to recoup the costs of the Korean premiere
Koreans are the worst though. They're culture is niggerfied by americans.
So wh*Tes?
>B-but y-you guys told me that the Koreans didn't like black people...
it's the biggest fear yellow feverfags have
Ever since their women stopped giving a fuck about their virgin white ass and started dating black men, they started being, like every white boi, a yellow feverfag.
You see, according to them, the biggest positive with having an asian gf is that "they never fuck niggers". That's their biggest fear. They know damn well, once asian women start burning the coal. It's all fucking lost to them. No more white women for them, no more asian women for them. And who the fuck wants black women anyway? Not even black guys want that shit.
They fear that.
People that post screeshoots from twitter/facebook/instagram should be instantly banned.
who fucking cares about that random korean.