I’ll start.
This is probably the most hotly contested one.
I’ll start.
This is probably the most hotly contested one.
Other urls found in this thread:
finnegans wake
Cast him Sup Forums
why do liberals hate catcher in the rye so much
Adaptations are trash. I want more original work.
confederacy of dunces
I don't even know who you'd cast at all
What would it even consist of? A teenager wandering the city? Shit book into a shit movie.
Blood Meridian
Blood Meridian
Pretty sure John Candy was the only one who could have done it
Philip Seymour Hoffman if he was still alive.
>American Literature
lol no thanks
This thread is only for novels you want adapted. You either have one or you don’t post in this thread.
True History of the Kelly Gang
Why would you even want any of your favorite novels adapted?
They're not going to make them any better.
It can be interesting to see a different take on it. It's also a very different experience with all the visuals and sound. I love both the lotr books and films and I'm very happy I can experience middle earth in more than one way.
I also have nothing to lose because even if the adaptation sucks I still have the novel.
Holden rape phoebe.
Zach Greekafnagas
It'd be awful, the story relies almost entirely upon Holden's inner monologuing, unless the story took place with him at a therapist while he recounted the whole story from his point of view.
i hate it when they adapet a good novel that i've read.especially in nowadays.some adaptations are good like stalker 2001 A Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove
it would really piss me off if one of my favorit novels be viewed onley from a financial perspective
One of Murakami's magical realism novels like Wind Up Bird Chronicle or Kafka at the Shore. Blood Meridian. Someone should do another Master and Commander (don't @me yes I know that's not the book series name), or another Flashman.
I always imagined Ignatius with a booming voice and being quite tall. Zach isn't very tall and has a weak annoying voice. He wouldn't have the authority needed for some scenes.
Because it had anti gay slurs in it and was not degenerate enough probably.
I like adaptations that aren't direct recreations of the source material. I like when a director takes the source and makes his own story with it, case in point, The Long Goodbye, by Robert Altman.
I am a liberal and dont hate it the fuck are you on about
The novel was basically written by the scraps left by Kubrick, it wasn't an adaptation. The book is closer to an adaptation of the screenplay than the other way around.
And I disagree with the rest, just thought I'd point this out.
>good adaptation
t. someone who's never read roadside picnic
>Kafka at the Shore.
I can't even imagine how that would work. The parallel stories between Nakata and Kafka would get old fast.
Also all the incest shit.
American literature is plain embarrassing.
That's true, but for the general delusion/clumsiness and weight, Galifanackas is the first thing to come to mind. There aren't a lot of fat actors, at least not in the mainstream. John Goodman and Jonah Hill have both slimmed down a ton, so it's what, Jack Black? Can't even think of anyone else.
I'd kek if he actually read one of these, not sure if they ever get translated.
I fee like it's high concept enough to work. It'd need some definite updating to remove some of that 70sness
fucking when?
You could always fake the fat on an actor that's thinner, like what they did in Darkest Hour.
so is stalker.they didn't stop at the story they added to it,i find that really difficult to pull of,but they did while still some what faithful to the the novel while being its own thing .
I always read this book in my head as a Monty Python skit idk why
clint eastwood as the old man
finn wolfhard as the kid
directed by terrence malick
>shits on Amerilit
>doesn’t post non-American entry to contribute to thread
Proper Victorian Adaption of The War of the Worlds as an allegory for WWI
I love Clint but Santiago was pretty explicitly a Cuban native.
it doesn't need to be set in cuba
its stuck in development hell
it's pretty shit
I thought they loved it?
kind of unnecessary at this point. so many famous works have already taken this as inspiration (matrix, ghost in the shell, etc.). it was just be redundant and uninspired
also this to a point. some good ideas but cringey dialogue and pacing issues kind of brought it down. not terrible but I wouldn't re-read
>Denis Villeneuve is adapting Dune
Can't fucking wait
By Wes Anderson
i remember reading this book where a teenager has to take care of his retarded friend then he goes back in time and meets his great grand mother or something and dates her. he would randomly warp to the present and back in time. i remember the time travel passage saying that is was a bright green flash and hot tears ran down his face.
how do i go about looking for a book if i dont know the title
>Elizabeth Debicki as Avril
>Liam Neeson as Himself
>Amber Heard as Madame Psychosis
>Channing Tatum as Orin
>Danny De Vito as Mario
>Jonah Hill as Pemulis
>John Cena as Don Gately
>Rooney Mara as Kate Gompert
>The Rock as Steeply
Don't know who should play Hal
>Jonah Hill as Ignatius
>Roseanne Bar as his mom
>the bird woman from Big Bang Theory as Minkoff
>Kevin Hart as Burma Jones
>Margot Robbie as the burlesque dancer with the bird
>Amy Schumer as the owner of the bar
>Tom Hanks as Officer Mancuso
>Finn as the kid who sells porn
>directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
He was in the play version and I think he is the only actor today who is capable of pulling it off.
>He was in the play version
Had no idea this existed. I wish I could have seen it.
I agree, he'd be great.
Unadaptable. Aronofsky could pull it off maybe
He doesn't know anything just wants to bring up liberals
Not a novel, but it's the only book I've read that I want to see a movie of. I think it'd be right up David Fincher's alley. Paul Giamatti as Tyler Durden? Who would play Mystery and Neil Strauss? If they don't make this movie soon then Tom Cruise and Courtney Love will get too old to play themselves.
Just looking at the shitty drawing and yellow paper puts a phantom smell in my nose..
It makes me sick. I can almost hear the uncharismatic monotonous droning voices reading random passages of it out loud.. with the spit accumulating in the corners of their mouth.
I'm glad I've never had to cross paths with that thing. Sometimes a crappy innercity education has it's upside
Holy shit, that's unbelievable
I honestly think the worst things to adapt are great books, they are great because they work excellently in their medium and utilise it to the best extent.
>I finally actually read one of the many books I was assigned throughout my education
What is it about this book that hooks fucking retards and makes them like it so much? Fucking dummies can't get through a single page of Shakespeare but god damn do they love them some Catcher
It's extremely relatable? Most people can relate to feeling like Holden at some point in their teenage years.
I was expecting pretentious tripe but ended up loving it desu.
cuz it's pretentious shit?
No idea how it would work without it looking campy as shit though.
The Recognitions is better tbqh.
Because it's a bad movie and has nothing to do with me being a liberal?
Purgatorio and Paradiso would be boring and pointless. Inferno has potential though.
Thread theme: youtube.com
We'll never get a Catcher in the Eye movie, Salinger hated Hollywood
>you now remember that friend that identified hard with Holden and thought himself over the stupid "phonys", but was a total tool like in the book
Everyone knew this guy, Holden is such a douche
that's divine comedy
In what way.
There was this book I read about a kid who the whole story was he was just running across country and he got into different shit like moving into a black neighborhood and living in a zoo lowkey I cant think of name and im on mobile dont feel like googling but that one
Only a god damned phony thinks this should be made.
It was a kids book also
>Everyone knew this guy,
user (You) were that guy. You'll get it when you're older.
Was it three kids, hiding out in a museum?
Crime and punishment (its been done but not well), dune (but good), blood meridian
Xavier Renegade Angel will be the closest thing to an adaptation
Maniac McGee
>Holden is such a douche
Oh man you totally misunderstood the book. Embarrassing.
Thank you lots
Also turns out it got a movie adapt but it sucks ima check it out now
Wasn't will farrel supposed to play him? I think the adaptation got canned, it woulda been his best role
vincent d'onofrio as judge holden
russell crowe as glanton
shiiieeet i loved that book
remember the part when he had to untie this gigantic knot that was all crusty
yeah i'd like to see this too
Hurry it up Darabont.
i love flashman, i've read all the books and he's my favorite literary character
but he's way too controversial
he rapes a woman in the first book and he talks down on minorities and women nonstop
don't get me wrong, an adaptation would be fucking great, but they'd never allow it
I loved Holden. Every word out of his mouth was comedy gold.
>jonah hill as ignatius
this would actually be great