Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing

>Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing.
is he right?

>past a certain age, a man without a wife's son can be a bad thing

>Past the age of six, a man without a girlfriend, a mistress, a six figure salary, and a retirement package can be a bad thing

What did he mean by this?

Is this our destiny?

how's the lawn, Marty?

>tfw approaching 30 and I have no prospect of finding a wife.
At least I don't have anyone to bother me about sitting around my house all day and leaving the toilet up, right?

>Past a certain age, a man mowing other mans lawn, can be a bad thing.

>past a certain age, a man without a lawn can be a bad thing
what did he mean by this?

No. The theme of this is they were both bad men, one was just honest about it and the other was not.

I just came to get your wife's lawn mower.

>past a certain age being a nocoiner is a bad thing

Why would you settle with a woman who got throatfucked every friday night in college when you could just fuck tinder whores? Don't be a cuck.

Rust can mow my lawn anytime. I fucking hate that shit.

>Implying I want a tinder whore and not someone to spend my life and raise a family with,

Just coming for my lawn, Marty

Dont speak to me or wifes mower ever again.

Found the repressed normie

>can be

He's noncomittal to his beliefs.

Last thing he wants are more wizards.

>How do you know what my lawn smells like?

>Easy Marty. I could break your lawnmower just as easily as your two thumbs.

i'm in tether atm, tell me a coin that will make me rich, we're all friends here.

Doesn't everyone just want to be accepted and loved?



great ending desu

Its not all its cracked up to be. Women are treacherous creatures.

Just fuck young girls and dont give a fuck

p.s. surrogate motherhood

I am aware, but there must be a few good ones out there.

Single parenthood is shit tier.

I just came to rawdog your wife over the kitchen counter, Marty

it's a dog eat dog world and I'm the fucking chinaman

In the world of business, men with families get promoted over men without families.
Not because your bosses recognize you have greater financial needs, but because they know you won't take any risks that could endanger your family's well-being.
In essence, your family are hostages if you are in middle management.

>I like fucking MY wife

What did he mean by this?

They talk about this at length in The Departed. It shows you aren't a fag, it shows some degree of responsibility and stability.

And it's true, family men go miles further in business even when the single guy shows way more aptitude and qualifications for the job.

>Has a great job.
>Somehow gets himself killed by a psycho hitman.
Yeah idk but he doesn't seem to be the guy who gives good advice.

>Single parenthood is shit tier

If You are about children being fucked up - thats in fatherless families
But I understand wanting full family

P.s governments should take away woman rights and legalize harems

>past a certain number, a thread becomes a bot thread

is he right? probably.


>those sneaky leonardos

>Having this much of a steotypical Incel outlook

the alternating pics and leo showing up made me kek

thats it goy, dont have kids
youre not a cuck now are you?