Just watched this and still in shock.
What was it all about Sup Forums?
Trailer: youtube.com
Just watched this and still in shock.
What was it all about Sup Forums?
Trailer: youtube.com
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its a very obvious and pretentious allegory for the bible.
That being said I still thought the movie was great
>for the bible.
Which part?
>muh critical biblical allegory
He was a Jew who hated christianity.
The part that the director didn't read, but kind of heard about
Woman is the only real regenerative force.
Man's creativity brings destruction.
All of it. Javier Bardem is God, Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer are Adam and Eve, their sons are Cain and Abel and everyone else are their descendants abusing Jenifer Lawerence and her house who are Mother Earth, hence the title.
I disagree. The *sun* is the only regenerative force, and *mankind* is arrogant in both his disregard and his well-intentioned reverence and desire to "help" the planet, when all it really wants is to be left alone to drink its yellow "tonic" in peace.
This story would have been far more taut and less a muddle with all the Biblical allegory laid aside completely.
Oh and the poem or whatever he writes is the bible/religion and mankind kind goes crazy over it.
>The *sun* is the only regenerative force
I don't remember the sun featuring in the film much.
then how the fuck can you see anything with no light fucking retard
It's the yellow drink
Take your superstitious crap to /x/ brainlet. It doesn't relate to the film.
It's represented by the yellow powder she mixes into both the plaster she's restoring the house with and the "restorative" she sneaks away to take whenever she's feeling faint.
>"I drink!"
Darren Aronofsky is a Kabbalist
Is this the canonical explanation for the sparkling mtn dew? I looked up the farthest reaches of the interwebs for an answer and came back with nothing.
what's superstitious about needing light to fucking see? Its literally how your eyes work moron
>let's be hippies and protect Gaia from being raped by evil, power-hungry men
Reminder that nature is evil and civilization can only exist when it tries to tame and supersede it
>It's represented by the yellow powder
That's one of the worst movie interpretations I've ever come across.
IQ < 75
Let's hear yours then.
I already gave a pagan interpretation.
>hurrr ur iQ is < 75
>doesn't know how eyes work
Your parents should supervise you better
It's an incredible well done film with the depth of a puddle
Yes. That's the "secret" Aronofsky said he'll "take to his grave." If I had to guess, I'd say the real reason he's so smugly secretive about it is that he knows he'd offend all the "critics" that kiss his ass with the merest suggestion that their well-meaning environmental consciousness is just another form of arrogance and vanity.
He needs to stop sniffing his own farts and so do they.
Man created woman though: check mate feminist
Which was? I'm afraid I don't know anything about paganism so I really can't tell.
Its message was good enough and allegory was fine if heavy handed. It was still the best directed film I've seen this year
(Though not the best movie)
typical aronofsky
I think it is the introduction of the earth mother archetype to the bible, intetesting movie.
Btw what does the yellow thing she drinks represent??????
Funny, it didn't seem to account for the yellow powder that features so prominently.
>He needs to stop sniffing his own farts and so do they.
If you must know, its Aronofsky's statement that we need to move away from Abrahamic religion and move to a more "mother earth" based religion. At one of the first major screenings, a major feminist figure handed out pamphlets featuring a new, improved version of the Lord's Prayer, extolling mother earth and divine femininity, rather than the tradition Judeo-Christian God.
The sun
If this was allegory for the bible what other movie has done it better than this?
Im not sure, why do you think it id the sun, also why does she discard it later?
That's the most disgusting thing i've ever read
The Tree of Life is a very good allegory for the book of Job
pls stop posting, you're embarrassing
t. some dude who knows nothing about christianity and is piecing it together using references from holiday movies -- "n stuff bro.. like it's the bibol"
Because of her very first actions in the film, where she stands framed between a smear of grey plaster and a smear of yellow.
The grey represents the lifeless "winter" that followed the previous great extinction, the yellow, the return of the sun and a rejuvinating "spring."
What's so wrong with this interpretation?
there's nothing worth knowing about christianity
It's ok... everybody knows now
That's all Jewish cosmogony though
Nothing. It's accurate, but it's also what muddles the film's entire message. It ceases to work as an allegory when your characters literally become the things they're only supposed to represent.
Who was Christ?
t. Kike
Go back to fucking your 3 year old girls
t. jewish messianist
I think I misunderstood your post. I thought you were making fun of me when you were really making fun of Aronofsky.
The fuck was that thing in THE toilet
brainlet: the film
I couldnʻt even finish it, I thought it was retarded.How hard is it to get some fucktards to leave your home..
Thereʻs only so much time I can waste watching JLaw ly walk around from room to room. If they wanted to hold my interest at least make it a full view so I could stare at her ass
Probably wasn't one. As was getting at it's about creation and the old testament.
The baby, which is yet another complication. It turns "mother" into both mankind's feminine representative and yet still the planet. It would have made far more allegorical sense had the child been the product of "the Artist" having a dalliance with one of the "guests."
Again, not the most tightly-constructed allegory.
What the fuck does that even mean?
t. brainlet
Oh fuck me, I completely forgot about the baby.
Europe's migrant crisis.
best interpretation yet
You're just going to call everything a brainlet indiscriminately.. nice
pretty embarrassing that aronofsky is going to die with his greatest work being some dogshit like the fountain
reply with shit referencing the wrestler and you should immediately gas yourself with helium
I refer to this wankery as "Jlaw's Head: the Motion Picture."
not everyone, just the brainlets, brainlet.
Still better than : "the Byeboll"
Totally dude bibal n shit, cause it has babby n shiiet
Jlaw suck and fucked her way into some jewish anti-christian propaganda. Post pics of her butthole, please.
You need a therapist to help with those anger issues